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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. maybe a number of them.. like most clubs do
  2. Is it only on AW ?? <_< who listens to that thats likely to want to go out and join the Dees ??..strange demographic I would have thought !!
  3. In two minds on all this... Good to see the boys come out and blah blah blah.. It puts the club out there..some publicity etc. on the flip side Im sick of hearing that this is close.. or we hurt like you or this ..or that. Its time to stop talking about winning.. and do it !! The more often you walk out and suggest winnig is close and then get thrashed the more impotent is any message from them.
  4. A reality is ..3 of those games were at the G.. 2 were effectively home games not 1 !!
  5. There have been for some time various issues that confound me regarding this club. An unhealthy pre-occupaton with membership. This needs to be qualified.It will only be after a number of years of on field success and development of new pastures re ground roots following that we can ever hope to have decent membership numbers. To rely on this in any interim as a panacea for our ills is only to postpose the inevitable. Alternative streams are the only plausible avenue. Getting that happening will take vision and acumen. Little by little this has to be pursued. Some sort of healing within the corridors of the club and its older brigade and as a result too much high level networking has gone awry. Time to fix it. At the risk of being stone or burnt the headline " Meaningless Melbourne" unfortunately rings true. Im sorry folks this whole namby pamby MELBOURNEfc thing is just a designers w@nk. Its got the balls of a mouse and impact of a grain of sand in your socks.., irritating but overcomable. What does it mean. Might as well be some leather goods label. We have a sesquicentenial and we have pissy little logos'150; you need glasses to read standing in front of !! ffs. We have a club celebration and we let the BORG assimilate it as their own. Its been pointed out time and time again on here and in media that we have no Brand....and we dont. We used to be the DEMONS...used to be There is much that Gardner has done well and I certainly dont envy his shoes. But he does wear them. He's supposedly a guru re marketing etc.. but if our club is an example of it Im totally agog as to how he makes his money. The board has many talents and much experience amongst it..and Id agree that probably pound as people they are as good as any other lot of people but as a board they have no distinct pattern or course about them. Directors are being replaced etc with almost impunity. If this was any other marketplace other than footy this mob called Melbourne would have been swallowed , assett stripped and spat out ages ago. The greatest value this club has are its name and longevity.... and we hide behind one and give lip servie to the latter. The board either needs to get a wiggle on or leave their seats for others to fill. Youd think it was the Melbourne CLub....Not the Melbourne FOOTBALL Club. Ive seen more pasion and fire come out of the local Bowls cub than I have from the Mfc. Every so often a company makes a boo boo. Coke did with a number of its variants. So it quickly regroups and refocuses, repackages and rebuilds and it fiecely fights for what it considers to be theirs. No Brand or Sponsor is likely to get to widely excited about putting its sticker on a product that doesnt inspire people. The currentboard doesnt seem to inspire.
  6. On the surface..I agree 100%.... but will it be US ?? Some people will see an opportunity.. Some wil lnow push the barrow for a merged "Melbourne " team..and that opens up a spot for Tassie... Dont for a moment think that some arent already mulling over this !!
  7. I am fully conversant with the notion that we are in a mess. My comment was of the flavour that move 5 games there and we are dead as Melbourne. It is indeed an option. Its going to be PM's job to secure that ( monies) now...that what he's being paid to do.
  8. Well what does one say. This article was always lurkers somewhere waiting for its opportunity to surface. For me there are two essential elements for review. First is it matter of fact of tending to 'loudnes' and senasation. Secondly how does it stack up factually. To the first..its media. Its written by a head journo who quite frahnkly has been a bit quiet in scoring any goals this year. Its Melbourne ( the football mad city ) and its Melbourne , the lacklustre basket case ( as the football world would have us ).. Its an easy kickem while there down thig for the most. To the second. Strip away any mania over the situation and unfortunately there are no real lies amongst the text. There is nothing there that we all havent covered somewhere in these forums. Persoanlly I agree.. we are Brandless. Have thought this for a long while. The retreat to a bland Melbourne FC nomenclature does us no service. The enthusiasm to embrace further afield type scenarios such as China and team Melb whilst having merit have been given unhelpful priority ahead of nuts and bolts efforts to maintain any identity and relevance. I have no concern with such ideals but they must be secondary to the prime aim of exisitng in the first place. It concerns me that even a throwaway commnent by our Chairman would even entertain the notion of more games interstate. Do that and its the deathknell.. Im sure Paul MacNamee has coe into the job knowing all this... he's no bunny. I await with curiosity to the replies form the club.
  9. How are those ideas coming along RR ? Looking forward to your contribution as Im sure a fellow who critiques as well as yourself will have some sterling offerings of merit.
  10. Jacey.. its kinda funny.. ..and am sure it would apeal to quite a widespread selection of the followers. I also noticed the othr day it got some secondary press ..about how norty it is.. how sexist etc etc blah blah blah.. This all works to reinforce its original impact. ou certainly wouldnt want to base al lyour efforts around this sort of thing but as a fringe like whimsy it works for sure.. 9000 hits!! As you show..doesnt take much huh !!
  11. Interesting there Minister. Im wondering if in some way you might possibly consider further brick wall bashing and recontact the club..at a highter level.. and resuggest the occasion. We have a new Honcho..it might get some air this time. There are many things the club can do without spending much if anythong ( not in great scheme of things ) to get some exposure
  12. go buy some wood ..some nails.. some bolts.. get a saw and a drill.. build ya self a little bridge .. .. .. AND BLOODY WELL GET OVER IT !!
  13. When your sailing well ..all things are easy. When you're becalmed you need to start pulling out all the ideas to get going. Considering we're still stagnant at around 25000 or so members then I dont think this club is really in any position to create any negativity. To be fobbed off without any token effort at bringing the kid into the fold is quite frankly cutting off your nose to spite the face. As the restaurant analogies mention...people will always react more to the POOR things than the good ones. Positive reactions are often more subtle.. but llifelong loyalties are built on the small things.
  14. more the case of where_is_he _now_jacka ???
  15. Probably when given the all clear by the medicos.. possibly requiring independent eval as well. Hed have to be available for selection. Arguably posibbly open to some abuse I concede.. but it would make for a longer time out than present.. If the normal judgement was that his injury would have him out for 6 weeks. then possibly start it from then.
  16. Am a little surpised he only got 7.. but given he got a 1/4 off for a guilty plea the original penalty ws closer to 9 or so. Not a lot of point comparing to other sports as the game is played to AFL rules and penalties. They are there in the books. The Tribunal had a particular course to take and has set penalties for x points of transgression. The hierachy could augment the 7 weeks but has chosen not to. I would prefer it if this wasnt sensationally called a "king hit" ..it isnt.. It was a very good hook to the jaw..Short of hitting a wall or concrete after this is not a life threatening hit.. It WILL hurt...a lot !! What I feel ought to be happening here is the penalty should only start when he's deemed fit to play..otherwise its really no penalty at all.
  17. There is one thing.. He is a pretty good mark.. say what you like and we all do..lol. BUt he can mark. We do have a problem spotting up someone coming out of defence.. what with our love-in with handballing into danger. Sylvia running off a half back flank as linkup does ( for me ) has merit
  18. He's only stating a reality sucks doesnt it.. I honestly expect to see a lot more blue than red come Sunday...that just is !! crowd prediction.. 37,854..or 5 !!
  19. In all fairness Rhino we're probably forced to give yo some benefit of doubt for I dont recall in all the years ever seeing one iota of an idea leave your fingertips to keyboard in regard to promoting this club. There may have been ...just dont recall any. I know you probably have many as youre not a man without resources. So please.. educate us . You cant seriously expect me to beleive a large company of such kind as sponsors football teams wouldnt jump at the chance of some sick-kid being looked after in some manner by a footy club.. and especially a sponsor.. that media is gold ..NO;..Platinum!! I have no knowledge of whether youve been in business for your self..or on the spending end of advertising and promotional monies but you will always go where good press can be had ..and avoid like the proverbial any bad. One bad thing can undo a very large amount of good in a single stroke. As others allude ( as well as myself.. ooh..sorry..self promotion !! lol ..cant have any of that here ..its Melbourne ) what this really comes down to is a Tale of Two Directions. One is to grasp such things as positives and make of it what yo will.. almost callously it might seem to take advantage..but in this instance all parties win.. OR To treat it as some sort of impost..some sort of too hard basket...or in a nutshell a wasted opportunity. I honestly hope it really was nothing more than possibly mis-communications all round but given other anecdotal testimony it seems unlikley. Its very easy to chuck a few players at a hospital for a photo opportunity..takes a little more guile to see an opportunity handed on a plate for what it is.
  20. quite possibly if the club had said.. 'sorry.. that days whatever is all tied up...but please accpet our junior supporters pack. .autographyed etc". well thats a differnt thing. and we'd be saluting the clever efforts of our club.. strangely.....we're not !!!
  21. Decisions of this magnitude arent made over such minor things. Hell it takes 3-4 trangressions of drink driving to get TAC to even budge ..you think a spoonsor is too concerned over a "nice thing done to a kid " ?? Actually..and this is just the point some hewre would have made.. This is another OPPORTUNITY to sell sosmething..its called GOODWILL. a chance to make th esponsor feel all warnm and fuzzy! Well it is if the club had any idea of how to go about it !! Such a chance can be WIn Win Win.. ..instead what do we have..a disappointed kid.. a less than bemused family..and a frum yet again questioning the attributes in the Business Acumen dept of our great and illustious club Good onya MFc another goal kicked.. sorry.. the goalie calls it another rushed behind
  22. Not really suggesting there is that much we can do. Its is something to be aware of and possibly the club may need to add weight to any of its concerns or arguments to the AFL regarding the 17-18 teams to reflect such. Lets not give them any more than we have to give whilst screaming and fighting !! Let the other 15 clubs be magnificent in their gestures. For me think Melbourne..all others are a very distant 2nd
  23. we can only hope.. never undervalue the 'little' things
  24. Quite the supersillious mon0-dimensional view of this If I must say. Sponsors dont hand over their 1000's just so some kid of theirs can do the G-Jiggy!!ffs.. They do so for commercial reasons.. any thing esle is just a lil perk of sorts. If the club were to turn around and say to them how much benefit the club and hence it sponsors would get from a simple deed of goodwill there really is no counternance. Oh sorry..was that the sound Toyotoa pulling its Camries from Crowsville I hear ??
  25. Well for one..I'll wait and see what happens instead of conjecture. Two.. theres a difference between acknowldging his efforts and value over the years as compared to the shadow that inhabits the forward line at present. edit: as an after thought.. He may well do something akin to that which I and others expressed..and that is the act of a truly courageous man.
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