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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. wanna put money on Trapper ?? tell ya what...give it al to me..after he comes no where I wll give you half back.. all win-win :D
  2. A pretty fair summation there Pretty amazing that when you look at the club at the end of the H & A 07..and compare then to whomever will comprise the club at start of season 09, at all levels, then who ever is on both lists is very much in the minority.. Thats one mighty big change. Has any club undergone such a holistic transfusion in such a short time I wonder ?
  3. We may not see any announcements til after the finals. The scorps are well placed, despite their close loss today and probably focused on that..I would be.
  4. Cousins only suits a team with a window we've just got doors.. all closed !!
  5. Supporters - Hit the bottle !!
  6. 3 Word analysis for the team today Dont Come Monday !! :D Theres a few hours of my life Ill never get back..lol Can only hope they are saving ( whatever is left ) for next week !! <_<
  7. Can someone remind me exactly what we owe Adem and Jeff... ?? Reckon we're due for a refund personally !!
  8. can you bet on this ?? lol Id wager he will.. It will all be pure co incidence. His inclusion would be to strengthen the team etc..
  9. Isnt it just amazing you dont hear Collingwood or others shouting the reality from the mountaintops.. Might make them all look a little too precious !! same with them rascally Sqwakers !!
  10. battle gear ?? I think not.. Anzac day ..if you ask the survivors is about remembering your mates.. ..The last thing most ever want to see again is a battle...other than in shorts and stops
  11. Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that a certain AFL chairman is scratching his head currently wondering why no one wants to come and play footy in the office with us !! Then again ..why does Melbourne have so many CEO's.?? To be sure , to be sure ..to be sure !!!!!
  12. I thought the game we played years back against the Swannies was a good idea then..and stil ldo now. There's just a natural occurence that there ought to be something made of a Melbourne Sydney rivalry..it permeates everything else on this continent so why not package it al up and lets make a buck It might be a very good way of utilising the away-home game to our advantage. come in spinner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Does anyone seriously think we are making any real attempt to put our very best team on the paddock for the last couple of junk games ?? Despite any protest to the contrary and quite frankly dismissing even Bails rhetoric as masked spin..its al lgoing to be a semi stage managed show. Starring....x,y and z with cameos from him him and him etc. Why would Bails RISK any harm to up and coming newbies for absolutely no gain ? The arguments that any game time is good game time dont hold at this time of year..not unless your priming for the finals. We arent. The best preparation for next year is to have as many bods in good nick completeing a thorough preseason. Silly injuries in the junk games benefit us not one iota. For all I care get all the oldies..bandage them up and stick 'em full of painkiller jabs and let them run riot..let them lap up the applause for the last time and be done with it. Some will no doubt trot out.."We must win at all cost".."winning is a better thing than losing".."oh Im sick of this losing culture"..yadda yadda yadda. People..get some help..professional help is this is what you consider the panacea to our club's fortunes. I'll reiterate that I dont feel this club ought to be under any obligation to 'owe' some any swan songs..but if they can provide a purpose higher than of their own then let them have a kick. Whether Maric plays the last two will make no difference to his career. He's going to be very exciting indeed. In all reality I still feel that much of Deans thinking surrounds giving kids chances...seeing what they can learn at the big end of town and take that back as lessons learnt to the other comp..and work on it. The last game of the year ought to be fun to watch..might be a little devil may care about it
  14. oh we're probably saving him for the Tige's game !!
  15. Its quite possible ( pure speculation ) that Bailey has given Maric a few games ..to see where he's at. With nothing really to gain from the rest of the season maybe Bails is leaving Maric to get on with his schooling with no real pressure. Makes sense to me.. but possibly the jury is out on the merits of that !! :D
  16. our very recent history on 3yr contracts is that we give 2 year contracts
  17. Probably one of the rare things on this site that most agree to..that is.. Jeff has probably played out any real usefulness to the team. Has he any trade value.?? well its moot as he is , or will be out of contract there is no trading Jeff. Might he have some life beyond the MFC ? personally Id be very surprised if yes. That Rats has even opened his mouth at this juncture amazes me but on a relative 'cheapy' contract they may see something of a use for him that doesnt apply to us. I suppose..ditto for Ooze..but I cant really see much opportunity for Adem at the top level..possibly a few years left at VFL if that interests him. Jeff is only playing this week out of expedience..nothing more to read into it really
  18. Mousey..theres absolutely nothing wrong at all with extracting and enjoying the game ..to whatever level the spectator or participant wishes...nothing. And each to there own to a point come the value you place upon that. That you stil savour the exploits of Mr Air..great.. I stil fondly remember watching #2 dazzle the world on the wing and if anyone ever deserved a Brownlow..or a GR medallion etc on sheer artistry, skill and devotion to the club..it was one Robert Flower. Yes he from what we know now apparently shhoed away many offers but stuck with the Dees. Thankyou Robert.. ..also thankyou to the likes of anyone who played with heart for the Red and Blue. That they did was testament to their choice to pursue a carreer in footy and apply themselves to it.. They also would have reaped what they considered a fair reward. That is their life-decision. Its theirs as indeed are all of ours, ours !! Strangely and I dont use this so much as argument..simply to suggest theres always another position on things.. I have heard Neeta often experss his gratitude to eh club..that he often felt that he would beholdig to them for the opportinites and the chance to grow a she has..into a marvellous bloke..Again..always more than one way to come at many things. I dont begrudge the Yzes..The Whites..the whomevers of this sporting world there due but its a two way street . Its not National service.. they havent come to the game under protest.. They do so because they have teh chance through their own abilites to do something invariably most of us never will.. experience a passion at its ultimate level. hey provide..the club provides.. theres a balance. .( well in the main ) When one ceases to serve the other it comes to an end. We may as spectators sometimes more the loss of a player as though they were part of our lives but in reality we're only there to watch . The club is there to exist and prevail. Its a competition after all. The goal isnt to just make it..its to win. To prosper. Theres an agreement between clubs and players ..mutally agrred to...when its usefullness or time ends..it ends..Thats it. Theresno real ongoing debt by either party other than what ever one wants to GIVE to the other..What some of us is that the Club owes nothing...what is there to owe , for how long ? how would it be measured..how or whom would ajudicate ? Theres nothing. Each thanks the other for being part of it..and life goes on.
  19. You must under some delusion that these people give up their armand left foot or something..Its a life choice.. They get to play a game they love..at the highest level for increasingly large remunerations. Due and sufficient reward in itself I would have thought. Other than a thanks ..what exactly should we all do..name our first borns after players. Its just football ffs !!
  20. we owe them nothing..its a business..its not a suburban footy club. They have been paid for services rendered ( and not ) end of story
  21. what..... no taxis and a cut lunch ??
  22. left ..right...ffs they can use their middle foot for all I care.. as long as they can play !! are you a sales rep for Ned Flanders there BA ??
  23. Its irrelevant what we can or cant pay him.. its what he is worth.. And its what he is worth in the context of where we are today..and what his likely contribution or requirement is going to be. He's not worth 'any ' amount of money..he's no Ablett.. In fact he'd probably struggle to get a game with that particular team which puts it even more in context. Still..I barrack for a team..and couldnt really care who it is that makes it to that composition. Am more concerned with the overall performance..not an individuals Green like anyone is expendable under the right conditions..simple as that
  24. it certainly is.. but in Orwellian fashion...its more compromised for some !! Teams in the field who may have a shot..or a window open in the next couple of years ..and who dont have a lots of early pix this year..and unlikely to have even that next year and after ,may look very favourable on a ready made who will last 2-3 years !! In that manner someone like Brad is far more valuable to some teams than others..possibly even us !!
  25. strangely..he didnt coach there !!
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