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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Now I know this is terribly wrong ...but !! The first thing that flew into my mind when hearing of its new sponsor was "The Kebab Kastle " ...let s all go play footy at the Kebab Kastle !! yeah yeah...all those waiting to smite...line up >>>>> Teams will be playing their Homus and A-whey games there now
  2. Ok..I'll play devil's advocate... :D Yep.. leading with the obvious I see .. It will in fact host 46 H & A games and obvious an amount of finals Also a soccer qualifier for the world cup I Rules game Sheffield Shield 20/20 games One dayers Ford ranger Cup matches There will undoubtedly be other events our 10 games are a smal slice of all that action Whether we front with 25000 or not they are still going to get paid. Yes they get more if more turn up but we arnt going to make or break them...are we? The MCC Operate a number of assetts. The G..The Sports Musueum. They Operate more than a handful of associated Sporting clubs and Interest groups. Now being brutally honest...why would you spoil that lovely scenario by taking back the prodicgal son haemoraging and on various drip systems ?? How do they benefit after costs?? Forget all the sentiment etc..this is 2008 and busines is business. We have no real allies . The AFL treats us like a doormat. I dont really see the upside from the MCC's viewpoint. Just seems like a mess to clean up to me.
  3. Gee...( with tongue firmly planted in cheek ) ..you'd reckon Admin would know where 'other sports' was !! lol As to the question..nupp..heard nada. Im wondering just what sort of relationship we ought to really expect after al this time and the differing roads we've travelled. The business goals are a little different these days. Personally, despite it seeming a great way to go , I place no real expectations in this ever amounting to much. You have to ask the basic question...whats in it for them ( MCC) ??????...nothing jumps to mind
  4. As I understand it ( again..correct me where I"m wrong..lol ) Our list must be lodged by end of business next friday. If Nathan is off our books by then then we CAN put another kid on....thats the whole point of this exercise really
  5. There are simply two aspects to any win by the MFC in all this.. 1) Carroll is gone 2) The cost of Carroll to the MFc in 09 is reduced. Both are good for us. Chop may get a run with the Saints or he may pull on a jumper for Upper Kumbucta West !! I really couldnt give a hoot. Melbourne just need to remain cool, stand their groud and have pens and paper at the ready, that and have a cab ready to get the guy away from us as quick as possible
  6. Im not sure which is the more predicatble; a comtemptably skewed royal screwing via Vlad and Co or the requisite venting towards it. It was always going to happen. It is as some suggest part of a 'greater plan' by his Empircial Self to force restructuring accoring to his vision. Falsehood #1 That this is a fair and equitably administered game. Its not Falsehood #2 That the AFL really wants the MFc to succeed ahead of any plans for expansion. They dont I confess I hate going to Sunday games. For one I cant often and two, its just not the same. So again it will be only half a dozen games for me in 09...at least I get to go to the Saints/ Melbourne game ( annual father daughter ear bashing) at a decent venue. We simply have to take out of this what we can. We can continue to whinge about everything..or we can actually play decent competitive footy and get on with it. What is..IS...Sh!t stinks and so be it. Lets get some decent drafts..lets get firing as a team and lets just get on with it and forget about the cr@p. Its not going to change the umpires decision..at least not for 09. Well one Sunday game definitely in the diary..is Nth come opening round, I prefer the slightly earlier start if a Sunday....see ya there Lets get on with it......the footy that is
  7. Carroll looking to do preseason with Saints Yes Folks it seems that weird mob over at Linton Ave are keen to be seen as the halfway house for all naughty lads !! if a deal can be worked out then Nathan gets a chance to show his stuff to StKilda with a view to a move. We can only hope . Come on footy dept's ...sharpen those pencils...do a deal. ( and free up a space on OUR list by clogging theirs !!..what a deal )
  8. I certainly concur with the main gist...and that last bit had definitely crossed my mind also !!
  9. shame they didnt want to sponsor a team !! lol
  10. Just looking at it a bit laterally. How much of this may be put down to being drafted in the "Sheedy" style..and dumped by Knights ? Sheedy was reknown for nurturing the harder to coach types. Possibly Knights just sees him as the 'to hard basket" and so shows him the door ? just a thought
  11. Yes..interesting subject in a fashion. I signed up online. I even took advantage of the monthly payments...as it suits me. THEN !! after this get a letter from Jimma urging to resign; then received my renewal invoice and then to cap it off they took it all out in one hit, contrary to instructions !! sort of 3 for Nil there MFC !! anyone else had similar joy ?? lol
  12. Youve summed up my thoughts on this well ( not that this was your particular intent Im sure..lol ) If we have been existing without the benefit of this kind of assessment then we ought to see serious dividends with it. In the words of Dr. Phil...lol....what were they thinking ?
  13. are other fan sites having this problem? or a we just special <_<
  14. Pure conjecture, but I wonder how much of this "stalling" is really centred on a miscommunication. Or ppl hearing but not listening !! It quite possible that MFC did indeed ( as reported by all accounts ) suggest a 30 year involvement. Its equally probable that it really meant it in 10 year increments as it understands the Casey Scorps does with dealing with Casey. Just as likely that certain things WERNT spelt out by both parties and along the way elements were assumed to be (a) when they were really meant as (b ). Everyone continues along their happy paths all thinking what 'they ' are thinking until someone points out that (a) is not (b ). Suddenly there is a problem. Not one off deals, not one even of intent but suddenly of legal commitment as opposed to ideal intent. I've seen similar things happen in other dealings where the idea was OK..but suddenly the detail was misinterpreted.. Hell. anyone who's bought and/or sold a house etc will know what is said is not always on the contract. Im just thinking this is all about things assumed..that simply were misinterpretations. Be suprised if it wasn't all sorted soon.
  15. Pretty fair appraisal there ...and appropriate weight given to the fitness issues governign any real expactations of "good form" There ISNT teh mind boggling chasm between the very good and so-so in the games line ups( teams) . You just have to be a bit off the boil and you're done. An injection of some "health' and capable youth wil llift us dramtically. Clearing the "wood" out will have similar dividends
  16. Mate..i'd buy you an ice cream or a beer..or both.!! lol How this is so often overlooked amuses me. Its about concentrating/directing efforts for a better and discernable return
  17. LOL...oh yeah..Carlton have been very hamstrung at the trade table !! Youre kidding yourself and others with this. Carlton have a long history of wanting, go after, and getting many things. Emphasis.."long while'' When two or three parties meet to do deals..they do whatever they can and will to best their situations. These deals come down to the moment on whats good or bad at that time Little sway will be given to the past..its al labou t NOW . Carlton KNOW this..and play at the table in this manner. Yes..its hurt Carlton hasnt it..they missed out on Stevens, on Judd..on Warnock..( to name only three recent ).oops...they didnt !! WC..are well named !! and Freo's footy brain is in one !!
  18. This is the thing...why telegraph to all and sundry what we are going to do?? Doesnt benefit us at all. Leaving it til late means we can extract all the relevant info still unearthed etc.
  19. No ?? ...they dont fund my pergola either ..I understand that. Good luck that a club has someone in position to do so..Im not Thats right...we just use all the time honoured successful methods huh ?? Been a roaring success to date ?? All avenues have their associated risks and returns. This ( doggies ) seems quite well thought through. Why does it already concern me if Predergast cant look outside of the room he's in !! For or futres sake he bettern really know what he's on about. I do agre you have to play these alternatives with gusto , that is you have to immerse yourself in them to gain the best returns. But I dont agree you dismiss them either. Im both pleased to hear we finally use databases for all this...but absolutely gobsmacked we hadnt developed such a primary and powerful tool in the past. Have we realy been that stupid !!
  20. The key to the whole thing is it had to be a win/win and a working thing for both parties. If it isnt working for us then we'd be mugs to continue pushing the barrow, if it is working then as much a mug not to have continigencies to enable its continuance ! Either way...commiting in spirit to 30 is fine..committing on paper however is foolhardy. 10 x 10 x 10 is only sensible and practical way to safeguard efforts and potentials for all parties. This is very much the point many fail to connect with...its a value, not a cost. Again you hit it onthe head...many despite many postings by some of us to highlight this either just dont get it or are incapable of such This has become the permanent urban myth abouth Melbourne isnt it. That is..that we really HAVE a home. This is surely the whole point, we dont !! We are unique in the league in that we did grow out of that ground ( the G ) as opposed a neighbourhood etc. But it ceased to really be home after our last Cup when the Tiges moved in. Its all gone down hill since that point in time really
  21. Doggies Island Delight I think you have to admire the proactive nature of this type of talent spotting and nurturing. Its thinking and acting clever. We could learn a thing or two here. We dont seem to do very much at all re academies and the developmental rookies etc. I appreciate its possibly a function of available funds but you also have to spend a little to make a few. This exercise doesnt seem to have cost the Woofers a packet. Hope the MFC powers that be are taking note.
  22. And from a Blues persepctive whats wrong with that ? They play hardball..and often win. Many lampoon them at best and cuastically berate them othewise but hell, this is the big world and you better play these things tough. Its not for the nicey nicey as they get dragged in the mud. Sound familiar ??
  23. Well..if I was supercilious I might think he's saying this just for me ..lol Demon's talks back on track Now this is better on a number of fronts. Firstly its going forward albietly a little slower than most would like and secondly its Schwab doing the talking, as it ought to be
  24. I have always thought this quite ironic and greatly hypocritical of Kennett. A case of do as I say not as I do !!
  25. Exactly !! <_< I await with anticipation fruitful things at MFC.
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