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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. as opposed to referring to a black hole of the AFL may or may not have done.. So you have no idea as to what transpires...but happy to allude to a nothing to prove an argument. Look in the mirror id suggest
  2. An indication of the difference about this years preparation to me is when it started.. half way through last season. This bodes well. Im sure in many ways ..and please this is not meant as disrpectful of anypst players, the club must view our current status as something of a renaissance with a bit of the "out with the old..in with the new" . 5 salutory points there RR !! Each of those is a reason to be excited but whenb rought together in alliance the synergy resulting must be bringing dividends even now. Bails and Cuddles are thinking quite long term. Thats good. I sense this year will be a development year..but not so much is the typical lip-served footy parlance but in the way the whole club functions and strives towards delivering a demostrative and sustainable improvement. whilst not dismissing 09 Im really thinking -10 will surprise many in the footy world..but not us !! Success is built upon sound foundations and planning. I think we can see these now.. Agreed...BRING IT ON !! :0
  3. you have successfully validated my argument..how nice of you. My point about the AFL not getting invlved is a broad brush and encompases everything the AFL likes to think its involved in. The argument holds..( and thankyou again ). The AFL may or may not have done anything. But It does like to be seen to be doing things even when its not. Vlad and Boy Blunder often like to blow their litle trumpts so Iwould have thoguht the AFL would have made some sort of stance and associated statemtn. However it more so ever does this when it doesnt involve anything mirky or any real effort on its part. Its a master of cheap shots. In these instances where real leadwership is involved its often found hiding on a plane to somewhere else. You are indeed correct in the notion that the AFL is all about Appearance as to Substance.
  4. ok Einstein..please show the backfilp !! The AFL will do nothing as its in its nature. . The AFL wil probably cite its a commercial nature outside of the salary implications..as in REALITY it can be construed that way. But youre never one for seeing anothers valid point are you
  5. Here is the first of 3 installments Bails talks of how we are better set up going into this year than this time last year. Bailey on Dee's 09 pre-season Make no mistake... we're going into this season FAR better prepared
  6. again..the AFL ONLY did anything when it had no choice..otherwise it wil turn its back..thats the reality
  7. I think the lateral appraoch to this is to look at this on a classic footy level.. Maybe we need to tackle this on a year by year basis fo a the short term. if we can line up a tier 1 then all well and good otherwise a couple of decent co-sponsors must surely be another avenue of investigation as they say. In any shape an AFL DOES afford a level ot expsosure many other vehichles cant. People often simply eqaute total success with sale-ability. As long as the club is in the media it gets exposure. This is GOLD. Melbourne can provide good value for someone(s) if pesented in the right light. Got to think outside the square here !! With our own continuing success and the reinvigoration of the commercial world we will have businesses lining up in years to come. The only requisite is to still be there then. In the mean time take two.,. hell even three co sponsors and plaster them where ever the jumpers and shorts allow. A bit of a fire sale.. but it is far better than looking for the golden goose that may not be around at present.
  8. heres a reality...where ever a football club exists..at any level..there is "something" going on. The AFL knows this perfectly well..its only when forced to do something that the AFL ever will. Which again calls to question OUR fessing up..a pointless gesture in hindsight. Yes.. Casey was undoubtedly organsing 'things' but did so in a clever manner. It COULD be seen as just an opportunity to invest etc. By LAW you MUST be given any benefit of doubt even if that doubt in miniscule to the point of non existance.
  9. A reality is that anyone...footballers alike are perfectly entitlld to third party business. Only if soe proof that any or all were a party of some clandestine conspiracy ( and I suppose most conspiracies are cladestine by nature..lol ) that you have any cause for suggesting this is untoward etc. Otherwise its a simple case of of commercial renegging...and to be dealt with by the civil courts and nothing to do with the AFL.Undoubtedly theres a fine line between "feathering' and normal commercial opportunites.
  10. wonder if I get to buy one cheap !! hehe
  11. it does look suspiciosly like this huh!! lol.. interesting that this is the first (?) appearance of a real one..not just a mocked up image !!
  12. based on ?? Still listed on the team Melbourne website.
  13. agree wholeheartedly.. this is an absolute bonus for us. A win win win really think positively folks
  14. unable to attend ...other committments.. Trust some good feedback will appear here..and thanks in advance
  15. I seem to remember Scwabby saying at soe poi that THAT clash jumper was buried never to reappear. Not sure when it was..but I was there..lol. Most likely the clash jumper wil appear during NAB preseason. Cant see how or what difference any sponsor will have on design..as the parameters are far more reaching than a brand. time will tell.. patience
  16. Yep..the youth summit was put at the top of the WILL DO list at the summit as required for immediate action..and fair enough too as it only needed the idea to be turned into an organised day. Im sure many ideas will flow fro the day..Brainstorming is ALL good..you just take the more usable ideas and note the rest. If the summit is about youth then who better to voice an opinion !! If you can get alog to it I recommend any intersted member or supported to contact the clb abd put their hand up for it !! cheers
  17. Many ideas.. really..MANY ideas were proposed during the summit and I would suppose they have been looked at /are looking at. I know I sugggested soe and they were taken on board. But Rome isnt built ina day ...nor are relationships with possible suitors and sponsors. For the time being I have faih in the gusto and enthusiasm ofthe current board to flesh out any possibilities..and yet even so it will have to run the gauntlet of the AFLs' "protectionist" stance re its own revenue streams..After all the AFL says one thing and does another !! Id rather we didnt seem too desperate even if we are to some extent..After all who wants their name on a bunch of desperados ?? We offer tremendous exposure over a journey for an astute business wishing to get into the Oz market..just as LG did many years back. Id only be truly concerned if no logo was in place by the season proper. even a temp sponsor for NAB is ok by me..and in that vein if only a 1-2 year deal can be had in the interim..so be it.. In a years time folk will be clammering to get on our bandwagon
  18. Id have no objection to seeing TAB plastered on our jumper )...probably odds on a favourite followed by Lucky Shop and a short nose to....... lol It certainly changes the landscape in this matter doesnt it
  19. Id be very curious to get some feedback .. about how the players have taken to Casey..and how they feel now they have a home ? I think theres a huge pschological windfall in this..( let alone physical) ..just wondering what the players think. cheers
  20. I struggle to fathom some things.on Sportingbet.. they have ( for final 8 ) Freo at 2.10..and us at 6.50...wtf ??? Freo are going to struggle majorly in 09 whilst we have a modicum reality to lift a bit( or some ) Go figure !!
  21. This raises a curious aspect..but not necessarily in the vogue it was meant. Melbourne as a team and more precisely a following is much maligned as "passionless' . This really couldnt be further from the truth. We have the highest supporter membership translation in the league, passionless? We are starved of success and we voice it ..passionless ? We had to stop the 'vanishing" ( merger ) passionless ? we WANT the team to succeed ..we want a distinct identity and we want ..no demand respect. Passionless ? Weve been sold more than our share of pups over the years. We are edgy ..for sure. Its a little like finding that special person only to have them turn on you when you have just bared your soul..another disappointment..after another. The history of this club ( post 64 ) is littered with tantalising tastes of success and false dawns. Some of us have seen it all time and time again. There is a slumbering monster that is stirring. Its the Demon. Many want to jump aboard but have been burnt...many crave success but darent express it. Many are tired of the next you beaut saviour burning to an ember. So feelings are raw...sensitivities are up. Some may see some vehemtn discussion as bickering and in many respects it is but what it really is is preseason nerves - again !! That sense that the hopes will prove illusionary yet again. Stangely I feel there is a genuine change afoot. Do I dismiss the thoughts of others that they arent up with us on this ? NO. I understand where it all comes form. We are actually united in one common cause..the success of the Melbourne Football Club..we just take a myriad of varying paths and beliefs in taking the journey. Our passion can often bring our views to a head but we all just want one thing...to dare to dream we will hold that cup aloft again and take our rightful place in the minds of all football followers; we're Demons and bloody proud of it GO DEES !!!!!!!!
  22. I dont think its so much a case of not holding either/and-or Schwabb and Stynes to task. its more a case of many of us prepared to give them some leeway and rope in ordr to do therir work. In reality they havent been there al lthat long. From the moment Jimma took the reigns I wanted him accontable; go back reread my posts if not convinced. Having spoken to both Cameron and Jim I feel they need to be allowed a go..a chance to show their collective accumen and talents. If they and indeed we all end up floundering then im sure the knives will be out ..no that it could do much good then. We missed out on Mission...gee...must be only company around by some comments !! *sigh* We offer no short term return for a sponsor.. it needs a longer vision by a company to get on board and ride OUR coat-tails as we go places. Even if we ony snare a short 1-2 year deal ..we'll get there Im not fazed...just yet
  23. all hands off..the panic buttons..ffs. Its just one company Mfc were pitchig to and we dipped out ( npi ) They arent the only corp that Schwabby is courting. Have a little faith
  24. THe Mfc website like many are simply geared to show you a new "set' each time you refresh that page. It will do this via cookies.. nothig terrible new or dastardly ..jus normal inet tactics. Want to see it.. just refresh the page. sponsor will change.. spotlighted player will change etc.
  25. I was thinking just how much different it is all becoming. I dont think we should undestimate the value in having a HOME. Yes its our summer home..but its OURS !!..the seats are red and blue.. we arent nomads anymore trapsing from foreign turf to forlorne fileds.. Must make a huge difference psychologically. Its all starting !!
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