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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. It's fair enough to suggest not everyone sees the same thing. I too think in the overall scheme of things he's more hindrance than help in our quest for a flag.
  2. It's about needs
  3. I think he's worth less to us next year ( end ) The time ideally is now. The thing about fearing losing out / missing out is logic often gets diluted.
  4. Fear is the greatest motivation in buying/selling. Some will fear missing out irregardless.
  5. Probably just as far away from Lyon as possible... Brisbane is the furthest !!
  6. Thanks Dom. Good luck at Arden.
  7. The common element of our trading..."what do we need more" Sound thinking.
  8. Someone is going to get a pleasant surprise at the draft...welcome to the Dees ......
  9. Any of us could have said that. The man's no Einstein....just reading the public vibe surely. That's his job.
  10. Had a similar thought. Whilst none of us appreciate their shenanigans Freo, in their own fashion are just shopping with what they have( and will have ) . From their standpoint they're trying to maximize their bang for buck. Good for them. That's beholden upon them to do so for that club. It's actually up to us and others to negotiate better deals. No one gets a free ride. This is pure market forces at work. Trading ain't finished yet. Have some faith people.
  11. Maybe a counter-ploy by Dee sympathisers !! Seriously...the whole thing is weird.
  12. Was a time you had to take a bite out of a Wagon Wheel. Now can cram the tiny bugger in ya gob in one go !!
  13. Anyone checked his board bag.....for a Dockers Guernsey ?
  14. Aggghhhhhh Will someone think of the Children......... Need more biscuits !!
  15. Royals should have a biscuity bottom...layer of jam.. marshmallow on top all coated in chocolate. If not it is an imposter.
  16. Not at all OD. By all accounts this should be slam dunk , cut dried, cough up or its no go. Yet neither side acting that way. Quite honestly one of the most bizarre acts at the circus I can recall. Show's not over yet though. The bearded lady , sword swallower and snake wrangler to come. So far it's like we've gone to the show bought a Hoadley's bag and there's no Bertie Beetles. Worse some kid we've never met is taunting us with them on the madmouse. All makes Twin Peaks look normal !!
  17. nearly right.... do that and use them as a straw to suck Port !!!! yummmmm
  18. what makes you think We are ?
  19. thanks , but you may have jumped the shark on that last bit
  20. there's still the stench of theatrical pantomime about all of this. Pompous public postering.... private accord ( or agreement to do it) perhaps. Possibly too much to hope for.( sorry...got a good deal on 'P's" ) Seems to much like erractic overture
  21. point taken . Plan C it is.....make it so Dees ( all clubs were cleared by AFL to trade next seasons 1st Rounders...apparently.. Seems like on the fly revisionism to me...but hey that's Gil )
  22. what did he say ?
  23. bet you that page STILL had more manure and delusion than our 264 !!
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