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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. could it be your just incapable of reading ?? could it ?? If you read my post throuroughly...and if youre intelligent enough to understand than you would understand he could have his cake and eat it too. That would be just desserts ( pi ) as recognition of his stautus. Could it be that Sylvia and Morton arent in his position ?? could it An analogy... a black hole was discovered and understood not by what you could see or understand..but by what you couldnt. I,e the absence of something allowed its understanding. A process of elimination. Im not nervous at all. In many respects I couldnt care less. He's only one. No one player is a lonely saviour . With or without him we will ( eventually ) get much better. Arguably nicer with him but if he goes then so be it. but could it be that what sounds like a duck ..is a duck...could it ??
  2. Yep...and in pracctically any business the parties would want to nut out the way forward long before the due date. Its just common sense, let alone common respect. Leaving it to the last moment just invites speculation.
  3. Actually i disagree wit this logic. Its the very nature of the compromise which wil raise the stakes. With limited access to kids , in order to develop in the normal practice, then the market of ready mades becomes even more juicy. Morton ought to attract a Tambling like reward.
  4. The more I ponder this situation the more something isnt quite right. I fullyunderstand the position many take , that he is fully in his rights to haggle for hsi best outcome. No problem with that. However. We are dealing with a specific industry where there are also limited employers, limited pemutations and outcomes. We should also visit the notion that as much does Melbourne owe Scully due consideration to his view, that Scully/Velocity also should respect the position of Melbourne. Personally I dont see this much. Supoosedly the wanting await the outcome of dispersions is the key to any continuance of contract negotiations between the parties. On the surface this has much merit. But as with much in life there can be some very simple solutions to complex problems. Often though these are driven by the motives of those concerned. I put it to intersted readers that if, IF the real desire of Scully was to remain a Demon and that the only hurdle was an amount on a forward contract then this is very simply overcome. It can be done in a number of ways.. As mentioned before , both parties could sign a heads of agreement with it outlining concerns and mutually agreed upon conditions subject to further realisations of amounts forthcoming.. or Scully/Velocity could sign a years extension with say a notional agreement to pay an amount agrreable , say a decent proportion of an approximation of his forward market value . This might be in th eorder of say 500,000. This is say a non refundable deposit against the actual contract to be determined once all lnumbers are understood. The only expectaion ought to be a get out of jail for MFC should Scully fulfill health /fitness etc. Bit like putting a deposit on a house ( in unconditional sale...etc ) In this manner any specualtion as to destination and allegiance is laid to rest. Scully has money in the bank and room to manouvre. Melbourne can plan, and everyone else can have a beer . This is not hard. And yet its not beinig done. So you have to ask why?? I do
  5. This where its misconstrued. Its a team game..If all are not pulling there weight itslike driving with your hand brake on.. It doesnt require 22 to take their feet off teh pedals.. just some...and then by any number of degrees. Doesnt require efforts completely bereft as you put it. If some ease up by 3-5 % a further 5-6 by 5-10% its all compounds. Then frustration sets in as some think ...wtf ?? why bother if no one else will.. Anyone whos played sport with some degree of real comptetiveness can vouch they can tell when team mates drop off !!
  6. Ah yes...if only Football was a game conducted on paper with quills we'd have this comp licked !! Knowing and writing is one thing.. Doing seems and entirely different order of things. Actually out og that article are a few things that , well me beig me, cause a littel cause for worry. Now I know its only words but theyve been chosen for cause etc. Where he speaks of 'matching it" with any team. To me this is semi-defeatist. Youdont want to match it..you want to beat any team on the day. To me it speaks of where this FD sets the bar..They want to match it..to be competitive..and this possibly only. I bet Collingwood and Hawthorn , Geelong etc dont hink in terms of matching.. they think in terms of Besting . Its good that they all have roles.. lovely isnt it.. FFS All players have roles..theres nothing new here...hello !! It sounds though they they seem so ensconced in the role playing that they myt be inadvertently suffocated by the terms of it.. Good players rise above such medicrity , great players rip the script apart. So hows footy to be scored.. Melbourne 5 paragraphs 9 words 39 v Other etc ?? More concentration on the Sherrin..and less on writing me thinks .
  7. He should be on the list becasue hes really come on and taken the next step..... he's tripped !!
  8. Cale has it alll before him...if he gets his act together. But hes not where Id hoped for ater 50 games. He's slipped back a bit for mine. Still, he can make ammends for sure. Hes not on my 'have to keep " list.
  9. Gotch question Cale in the game after Wet Toast.. he commended him for his improvement this past game..
  10. you apology accepted
  11. you also trade when you feel you might not quite get what youve anticipated...or when something even more interesting ( to you ) might ccme on the market. Morton's not a little boy. But he certainly doesnt impose himself on a game like he ought to be by now. Hes over the magic 50 mark and he seems to float in and out liek the tide at times. He needs to watch a lot of Flower vids to seee how to immerse yourself into and effect a game. Morton plays too outside most the time. We have an almost ( well once thought of ) abundance of mid talent.. But is it really just a lot of middle of the road talent ?? Where do we fit in all the likes of Trengove , Scully ( we'll assume ) Tapscott. Grimes, Moloney, Gysberts, Jones, Blease ( though concede intitally a flanker probably ) Jordie...let alone the likes of Bail..or evenEvans later on...Im not even worrying over Sylvia and Green or Davey here.. Right now if I had to pick one out of Bail and Morton...id keep Bail Mortons position is overcomable.. He hasnt made himself any where hear indispensable , yet ( if ever )
  12. This the crux. Again it'll be a skewed compromised draft. Teams might get antsy Am not advocarting an "open for business" sign to be erected ( just yet ) but certainly if 'your' ppl want to have lunch with someone who knows 'our' ppl ...well........ we're listening
  13. At what point WOULD uou consider him tradable ?
  14. I too loved being entertained by some better Melbourne teams..or at least performances. I dont see Fev as any great bonus fo rus. Hes a pleasant enough diversion for the Scorps and in some ways he might actually show the kids a thing or two and thats where I think we leave his benefit. I probably wouldnt mind a Jacko or Crackers in our team right now.. They certainly beleived in what they might achieve and imposed themselves on games ( at the very least ) our memories for sure..lol Fev's not quite the 'individual' we seek
  15. I can feel the frustration ..believe me... but I think thats a bit harsh Might a suggest something similar.. We dont know were Winners...we dont believe that yet
  16. Is it a beat up ?? really.. There has to be an element within the whole murky business of AFL and in particular our position ( MFC ) today that suggests to many an observer that where once we seemed lovingly united , all gathering around to sing Kum By Yah's and toast marshmallows such was the new Melbourne emmeshed , that cracks are appearing. The jackels that are this estate ( at times ) smell this from afar. is it to long a bow to think that other teams , always on the look out for ready mades, might look curiously at the stocks of Melbourne and wonder what pickings exist ? I dont think so
  17. Death by dsegrees is still death.. If you catch my drift. We give up by degrees...its still giving up.. To release the strain is to give them the game. were probably arguing a similar view here. In dealing with it at the coal face then I agree ..The root of the cause need sidentifying..and either eradicating or modifying..which ever is appropriate.. However..standing on the outside... its a duck.. A duck that gave up the game. Davey might not see it that way and if so is playing words far too cute. The result is one team turned it on...the other turned it up He might not like that and hes now got the perfect opportunity to do sdomething about it. But its a bit rich for him to go 'cliche' when at least one of his team mates knows a Mallard when he sees it !!
  18. and with any luck he cant play any muscial instrument what soever
  19. Thats definitely a component of it. And this goes to my worry of a 'malaise of comfort' in that if they feel theres no dog chasing them they wont run quite so hard. Cruelled by injury this team stands to carry a few straglers if not careful.You can be still running... but youve given up the chase. !!
  20. dare I say it your leaning towards the facetious... There's turning it up..i.e just stopping.. and theres taking your foot off and not believing in the cause..i.,e. giving up the idea of really competing. Its like doing it without your heart being in something.. Youre not applying yourself to the max. Thats exactly what we saw..
  21. ok..it was ovious the ref was "Morton was dropped after the West Coast game and told to work on elements of his game. But last week he was taken to task by Casey coach Brad Gotch over his motivation."
  22. was a tad obvious to anyone had read the OP and linked article obviously...not obvious enough ..lol
  23. Is he really that good...or is this what was puported very early on adn weve gone with it on the back of some good performances , though more cameo than consistently ongoing ? Itrs a question. He can play footy, he is very talented, in the sense that he has all the qualities , yet Ive never seen him impact or moderately influence a game yet. Hes not a munchkin but doesnt play anywhere near his size. He reminds me a little at times of our great RF but its only in glimpses. Hes had 3 times the games that Bail has yet Bail imposes himself ( very stealthily ) on games..Cale doesnt I just dont think we get the full return from this bloke.. So I suppose as some ask...why ??
  24. any which way...its a cop out !! we would agree ?
  25. do you split hairs as a job ?? pretty good at it Cale a vicitm.... now were getting inventive ... bloody hell...were good with excuses at Melbourne
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