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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Of course he will. Collingwood wont make the mistake of going in under-lawyered !!! They aregue brilliantly. They show magical angles of view yet unknown that will prove ambiguity. And so Daisy will get off.. isnt that how it works......... for some !!
  2. Just a bit slow are you I can read fine, thanks for your input.
  3. can I really use my card at Buller.... beauty !!!
  4. I dont think Howe will be too overawed with his debut. . Gawn might take a little whiles longer to settle..
  5. beelzebub


    It is if the players lingering just below selection are indeed not that far off the pace.Also applies if the 'next picks" are up and comers who might be ok but for want of experience etc. Where we often fall down is often our 2nd and 3rd options are a level below and dont really maintain the quality in the mix, they dilute it. Depth is a necessity...its the notion of quality !!
  6. Yep..a bit miffed about that myself. Alas teh FD must have thought 'others' will do the harder work I had experssed earlier and elsewhere a wish to See the likes Of Howe, Gawn (as a possibility ) and either of Strauss or Blease come in as well as the auto's in ScullGrove so I cant complain. Please, lets just see a determined effort ( and second, and third) ...ALL NIGHT !! respect the jumper and the priveldge to wear it. Ought to give the Bummers a decent game.
  7. west coast....wtf ???
  8. It does doesnt it. Until you gave it that context I wasnt sure what is was that didnt seat quite right. Its funny how differing people see it all in different perspective. Ive asked my bros-in law ( all Collingwood ) as to their thoughts re Mickey Mouse. Strangely though happy with a cup ( who wouldnt be ) they arent convinced hes really as good as some pump him up. They point more to his assistants as the real reason for the Woodies rise. I asked , should we have a crack for Mick, Their reply... amongst a choice of ?? Heres where I uttered choices like Roos, Laidley,Eade ( possibly ) as well as a a couple of burgeoning likely type assisatants etc . None thought Mouse a good fit for Melbourne. I countered, what...you dont want us to have him, They said. you can have him but maybe Roos would be better for you in terms of where youre at.. I thought that interestiing Roos was very good at getting that something else ( not just more ) out of a bunch of talented blokess. Sydney was very talented ( as history proves ) just Rocket couldnt get them going enough.... Sound familiar ???
  9. if you dont want to be called a duck, stop walking talking a playing like a duck. We have...we're ducks !!!
  10. Any which way you look at this heh IS of the situation pertains to what really is an unacceptable level of injury. Its crippled us. I would like to think that teh club out of sheer curiosity , if not professional diligence would try to gain further understanding of this occurence. I dont think our list is particulalry longer than any other club, its just affecting players we'd rather have on the paddock. By all means look into it though.
  11. LOL... I kinda like all that. Theres a certainly reality about it in that essentially thats all it is..a team of 18 bods vs another team of 18bods. Something goes awry and any number of particular , player orientated excuses bubbles to the surface. Invariably its just the team played cr@p. Now there are varying reasons this might happen. But it is after all a team game. The old adage still applies, you can only play the team thats out there competing agsint you; and that works both ways. Im tired of al lthe excuses too...and we wont be alone. edit: Id qualify it as 18 bods plus others v 18 bods+others
  12. Strangely that was my very first gut reaction....both bits !!
  13. Violins and deckchairs some might say At least he has....I suppose.
  14. Grief is inconsiderate intruder in ones life. It cares not for who or where you are in your journey. Iit just visits without informing about any date it wishes to leave. Aussie will need to deal with it amongst those who understand. Football is a part of his life but not his life and he'll need to come to terms with a lot thats missing, a lot that once made sense and now doesnt. I wish him well, i wish him healing and eventually a hapiness realised in the memory of the ones he cherished and now mourns. Dont worrry about the football, just care for those that need it, yourself included. Lifes road will take you where youre meant to go. Good luck with that.
  15. because you re so wise there RR..oh so wise.. You throw up a load of dross dont you mate.. Hardly ever dare put an opinion that might be in the least contraversial or even particulalry original. Why do you bother ..really. Hardly ever ADD to any debate,,, you just sit there and take pot shots dont you..its tiring. Live a little ...actually come up with something.. Idare you.. What OUGHT the club do ?? lets see you create somethig for us to consider, instead of continually pouring scorn on all..
  16. Its getting very close nigh time they were !!
  17. shame they cant motivate themselves !!!
  18. Swarta says Stand Up Dees Everyone's laying in.... gee ..hope the poor boys dont get bruised from all the sledging !!
  19. and if the coach cant achieve what he's trying to ?? what then ? all roads lead to Rome as they say
  20. lol..he cant see you Thomo...he's waved his magic wand.... well some kinda wand
  21. Im still rather curious as to the notion he was playing with such a dodgy knee, if that was the case. Oh..hang on..incoming :: " All players have some injuriess...blah blah blah " Either he had an injury thats been incorrectly assessed...not good. or he was deemed fit to play. Theres an old adgae; Once you cross that line you give 100% shame Aarons injured Bigger shame he hasnt been giving 100% carry on !!
  22. Reads across like a 5th grade reader book doesnt it !! Johny had a good day but it rained, he got wet. Sally played withthe other children but they wouldnt share the ball, Sally cried. Billy forgot to tie his boot laces and feel over , everyone laughed at Billy, especially teh mean boys from the other side of town. Tommy worked dilligently onhis sand castle but nobody wanted to build it with him. Tommy got annoyed and kicked it down. Sammy forgot to turn up today. Ding Ding Play-time's over !!
  23. The only way you'l lbecome one...is to think and act like one. As with much in life it comes from comprehending where you are and planning to be where you want to be. If we DONT think like a top4 we'll never become one.
  24. re #15 ^ Well..you sort of can.. You can give him a bake, suggest you need to wear him not invite him to a cosy picninc
  25. That one year extension may prove to be one of the smartest things this club has done. In terms of timing: We'll have rid ourselves of most of the known cloggers at seasons end. One way or another most will have another season under their belts. The club will be loking to revitalise the FD after a thorough review. Baileys tenure times out., many other Football luminaries come into play. So at end of '11 we shuffle the deck, discard a few, buy a few, reload going into 12. I think the club knows what its going to do .
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