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Everything posted by beelzebub
because its all part of Evil Vlads Master plan. Everything and everyone will be collateral damge where reequired in order to achieve his "world" domination. Such is the way for this determined sociopath.
I realise this was in teh context of al lthatyou wrote but id like to touch base on this notion about delaying til after the CBA. I now consier this a total and utter piece of BS. ( not your writings ..but the idea itself) In reality it wlays was too. Tom's package is going to be of an order that blasts through the normal ceiling of neogitations and so renderes any reference to needing to evalutate the CBA's outcome as if not moot, then totally irrelevant. i.e he'll get his 3, 4, 5 million ( whatever ) irregardless of whatevers agrred to by the AFLPA and the AFL. So installing this as some sort of date reference for further talks with whichever club(s) is in essence a crock of sh!t. Many here as we las myself see that theres no logical reason for delaying a descision any longer than is necessary. And its the notion of whats necessary that becomes the intrigue. Things have changed since the seasons start. what might have been considered well meaning and sensible in approach is now being viewed ( with due weight ) as unecessary stalling. The notion that only now have GWS clarified their bid is a lovely piee of spin that Im not buying. GWS will ( in its own interest of due dilligence in the recruitment of the best ) have sounded out Velocity ages ago. They will have been in cahoots in discussiion under the table. Velocity will have know al along what sort of ball park the numbers weer in. What we now see from them is a charade. Well done MFc for forcing things along. If Tom doesnt think he's participant to this game of ducks and drakes then then he's very much wrong. He, not his management can change it all very simply, if he wishes too. That he doesnt want to suggests some other motives. Its not about the money...and I dont believe for a moment he has/had no idea what been touted ; its about his direction. Either he does want to play for Melbourne as suggested by some ( in the know *wink* or otherwise ) and in which case it makes no real difference on the surface whther he signs now or later as the numbers are pretty well known and could certainly be agreed to in principle and nutted out later. What it would do is alow the club and the playing group to get on with things with a greater clarity and sense of purpose come planning. What purpsoe to stand rigidly and stubbornly to a timetable that from the oputside only seems to indicate a desire to go elsewhere. Whats really achieved by waiting til seasons end ? certainly nothing if to remain a Dee....and there in lays the real question.Is there some impediment not disclosed ?
ditto..same highlighted bit...ditto ...
For mine this is a very real concern. Scully supposedly lives in a vacuum but id go so far as to suggest thats not the norm. . Id be inclined to think more than one player is casting their gaze across al this and wondering wtf !! Given he is one of many..i.e Scully is one mid amongst a number compared to say the influence of ONE very decent Ruck you have to wonder how close to the wind the club currently sails in its appraisal of all players and how Scully truly fits into this mix. Lets just suppose Scully remains...and lets just suppose the final haggling results in a deal more likely closer to 4 mill, ( salary and benefits ) over 5 years... Does this represent the best value for that money ? Im firmly on the side of caution in this. Too many eggs..too few baskets.
well thankyou rpfc.. Yeah..I was OK.. You must be on the verge of insulting if you think a lad of Scully's caliber , disciplined and driven as he is , hasnt the where with-al to be able to sit down at times with his mentors/ mamangement and discuss this. Hes not a 5yp ffs. Hes not plaaniing and designing a 2 storey house here. All the constraints are pretty well set out.. You dont hink for a moment do you .. ( surely your not that simple ) that al lthis is a decision of the NOW ?? laughable. This will have been inaugurated last year. They will have sat down then and worked a strategy ( which they are playing along to ) all they are waiting on at present is the moment to hit the "GO" button. Dont be so gullible.
Something many are tempted to overlook. In teh context of teh MFC...not necessarily the open bidding frenzy that is now the AFL...what is his true value to Melbourne going forward. No man is an isalnd.. no Player is a team. In the context of the team, what is he worth. Pay that..no more. Agree with you there Thomo
Oh give me a break... you think he's training all day ?? There's plenty of 'personal' time for his own decision making and such. Blucher is smoke-screening. Id beleive him in a fit. You seriously buy that ?
Rather well put. Players are but humans and we're all succeptible to workplace influences and such. Id be very surpised if a few players arent actually shaking their heads some. It intrigues me that a reason given early for the Scully camp to defer deciding was to see how teh CBA panneed out and how that might advantage them etc. The reality is the numbers they are discussing ( Scully/Velocity) are so far beyond teh norm that there is in reality no impact either way from the CBA , if and when they can come to an agreement. So that is a non-issue in practical terms. So what is.? Despite any postulating the air surrounding all this has sullied ( npi ) and timetable needs to be revised. Interesting in that he can sign with Melbounre now, but he cant sign 'officially' with GWS until Oct ( unless he has already done so, last Oct ) . So what real motive is there for holding off. All parties pretty well know where the figures have fallen. So why wait ? Why indeed
my God...and the masses havent pilloried you yet ?? lol As such those observations are quite fair. i would complement them with saying he has above average astuteness within the game and is quite instrumental in linking and presenting etc. But that doesnt detract from what youve said. If the myriad of departments described above were of the elite order as is much of the rest of his game then hed be worth MORE than 5 million. but the reality is he is good, very good in fact but hasnt the polish I would have thought given all the hullabaloo etc. Most of the above categoryies of skill would I suggest improve ( well youd hope so ) but as a where he's at today its fairly accurate. Many will just not want to acknowledge that, after all he is the second coming It does concern me that any club, but for mine, OURS will be seduced into a very long contract and that like any player with an injury history could possibly be cruelled before time. Then what ?? We need to make a sound business decision and not a romantic one.
that or he's a great fan of Mary Tyler Moore
certainly did ...youre incapable of your own creations so you seek to covet others. ?? Ive never stated 'for certain " he has. Ive only mantained this certainly isnt as its being presented. Now.. back to your ability to state he hasnt...How do you support that. Dont say,just because he says so as thats unsubstatiated. It only goes to what he says. The same person who suggests he knows nothing of the deals before his management.. really... who honestly is going to beleive that ? you probably Now...see if you can find your own words.
as they say...they're all innocent in prison
rpfc and co...you can not say with certainty that anyone , in this instance Scully has not signed anything. You have no evidence to support such a statement. What you can say is that you "believe' he has not signed anything...and that is your perogative. But dont overtate actualities please. About the only thing that holds up to scrutiny by all reports is that recently the MFc has mnade an offer of 3 million ovver 5 years to Velocity. . Seems somewhat unbeleivable that even through common courtesy the club wouldnt not have mentioned this figure to the individual concerned as well... We also can take it that GWS have a 5 mil over 5 year offer on the table. But we , well ceertainly I dotn take it as read that this has only just manifested itself as I trust neither Velocity nor GWS. But there is no reason for the MFC to be misrepresenting itself here. This reminds me somewhat of playig a hand of Misere in 500. Only some things are known...all else is summised.
checked the mirror lately ?
Whether Tom is indeed , how shall we say, misrepresnting the truth of the situation or not I totally find it incredulous and somewhat insulting to the intelligence that hed have no interest or knowledge of any deals,especially those that involve him. Thats ridiculous. party A is offering 'an' amoutn and party B is suggesting a larger amount and yet you show the world a poker face of indifference. If these amounts were commonplace then maybe such indifference might carry a modicum of weight. But Scully is about to set a record for a player of his age an experience. Were talking telephone numbers people. No ONE lives in a vacuum . He doesnt . So wen he suggest he has no knowledge of these amounts...are we to continue to wear the line that he's completely truthful ?? There's chinks in that armor . Believability starts to take a hit. Someone much better at words than I once suggested : " I think he doth protest too much !! " All things have context, all words have weight and all pieces of a puzzle are but glimpses of a bigger picture. Its just startiing to come into focus
I would respectively suggest to all and any naysayers we dont KNOW any more at all. What we are witnessing is somethig of a reasonably well choreographed song and dance show. What we know is evidence of something happening. Who here can without doubt suggest it happened at time 'x' time 'y' or another datre ?. This is a puppet show , but not all participants are aware of the puppeteers. Only as of his signing one way or another will the real truth just start to peer out . Even then it might be a while before all facts are flushed out. I truly dont see how events of the past few days vindicate one party more than than another.... theyre just more pieces to a puzzle.
I had heard some of it stemmed from the Preachers's penchant for 'his little click " of players. Somne others found it like a brick wall to penetrate and became somewhat disenchanted that hard training and consistent efforts in the magoos werent properly rewarded.and conversely poor performances in the firsts often went unpunished for some . But that can often happen so maybe there was more to it.
add in Viney as a further sweetener possibly. It bemuses me just how much curry is given to the notion we're dead without this kid ( Scully ).. last time i looked 18 players took to the field and yes its better when a few are guns to inpsire others but it cant ever be about just one. Id be getting a little tired of it all if I were any of the other more than decent Melbourne players ( young ). I sincerely hope the guy decides to join the ride that is the Dees to enjoy over the coming journey but its not all over red rover if he goes. I think the Melbourne offer is decent..and reasonable ..all things considered. If some 3rd party ex gratia funds just happen to fall into his lap then all well and good but surely we have to stop short of prostrating before this kid. On this note of 'extras' I fervently hope Scully isnt the only beneficiary of such 'genorisity' and that other young Dees are rewarded too.
yep they could look at it and even know it... but they cant restrain it. As you suggest if its not Stamped with MFC...then its just happily coincidental...of course
Jaded...what you say holds water...but so to does the view that Velocity would use the Dees offer to leverage a better one out of GWS...it does unfortunately cut two ways !!
cut your losses ?? Martin Blakes article is actually interesting reading. I too would consider this a risky .." all eggs in one basket" type of scenario Almost the proverbial ...bird in the hand worth two in the bush.!!! esp when we have no contril over whether that one-bird really stays or not. All negotiations and bartering etc carry intrinsically limitations. Some realistic perpsective must be maintained by the club.
as the Devils advocate I would ask ...Is Scully beyond any human conditions ? And if so why ?
He didnt try , he DID. Rip..well done
whether you sources are good or bad if you go into the public domain and shout for al lto hear and read "X" and its provable as either Libellous or Slander then the Utterer/Author is up for it irregardless. You will note many are guarded and careful in crafting their comments. Invariably the paper/radio/tv for which these work would cop the fallout ( and pay the damages) so often these 'identities' are cautioned by legal depts. It is still interesting that so much is bandied about.