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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Now now Ned...none of that realism thanks.
  2. This pretty much the rub of it. Many a supporters pet player is going to be brutally disected. Many have an attachment for this player or that which whilst understandable may not have anything based upon true skil lor team relevance.. There are players who are weeek in week out found wanting ( especially of late ) but many a supporter wil lfind it hard to stomach the notionthat they are actually dispensible...and/or just not that good. Out view of our team is often a flawed one built upon romantic ideals. Take the Mills and Boon away and sometimes your left with a dodgy manuscript.
  3. beelzebub


    Im stupid...get real... your scenarios with al due respect are ful lof it.. and I dont mean reality. Sydney will not lose to the Lions on home turf. We are really up against it to beat Richmond. Its either Nth..or Sydney for 8th spot. but dream on if it makes you happy
  4. beelzebub


    Mate no disprespect.. we arent within a bulls roar. In case yo haven theard the Toiges smacked Sydney by 43 points. . Were next. Theyre playing accountable , methodical and progressive footy and getting better. We're doing NONE of the above...its horrible to think it but thats where we're at. Then we have GC...now we really OUGHT to win that one. .but im not game currently to put money on that. .And Port..well that opught to be a gift. try the ladder predicter.. We'll be lucky to finish 10th .. impossible to finish in 8
  5. I have...and for a long long time failed to understand how anyone let alone players at Melbourne can actually play at th etop level whilst seemingly mising what must surely be basic prerequisites and the most noticable of all teh ability to kick a ball decently. SOme need to quit being cute with the ball and just kick it properly..its not really that hard..it isnt
  6. Going to need to clean out our cupboard a bit me thinks.... Could be a busy trade week Square 1, back to it is !!
  7. beelzebub


    if we make it.................................................................................lol
  8. Sylvia would only be about 10cm too short.. 10 kilos too light and about 10 minutes too late to play an effective FF Thats not his position
  9. beelzebub


    and as if to add insult to injury teh Toiges are comfortably accounting for Sydney currently.. ...but hey those last two games look a cert....well the last one anyway....probably
  10. beelzebub


    I want success. Am just not prepared to relinquish a reasoned perspective to things.
  11. No brainer !!
  12. beelzebub


    Now do some of you FINALly get it ??????
  13. So....who fancies us against them laughable Toiges ???
  14. 2 weeks ago 186 points last week 76 points today 48 points make no mistake we're on the rise ... expect a win anytime in 2012..
  15. someone pack his bags
  16. Can someone tell me where Watts is playing at the mo.. ? cheers
  17. Hope we definitely go all out to retain Colin...playing like a gun !!
  18. we were always going to miss the finals.... some simply arent real;ists. Al wel and good to barrack and support at the game.. but with both eyes open and an element of truth added we were never in the hunt. anyhow.. Go Dees woohoo...less than 50 behind.. a cracker of a day
  19. Youd only start with a loose man in defence if you have already given up the game in your head. Youre effectively playing catch up footy without a scoer on the board but youve conceded youre going to lose and are hoping to minimise the damage. Its called SOFT...Its called GUTLESS. No matter what you HAVE to play a game as though you are playing to win.
  20. did we just wake up ??..did we think the game started at 2.10 ..lol
  21. true...still time for it to get very very VERY sad !!
  22. Whats what with Watts ?
  23. Interesting isnt it that Malthouse can not only spot our weaknesses but offer the fix. Shame hes not going anywhere next year !!
  24. Im not so sure Todd wil lbe patting anyone on the back...more like kicking some up the backside. Im not there ( fortunately , other duties ) bu tId hope for those that are that we come out a little bit re-jigged and with some verve and fervour . its liek were spiralling tinto the abyss...But why ?
  25. Hate to burst your bubble there.. but that Saints game towards the end of 09 was , lets say , very interesting. We couldnt afford to win another game...for "developments' sake. We came out the blocks like no tomorrow. Sainters were finals bound but were getting pantsed. Liam was on fire, kicking asisting etc. It all clicked.. !! Jurrah was 'rested' for quite long seesions..and somehow found himself sweeping the back flanks at times. After half time it was as though wed forgotten to swap ends....the setup was most strange... enough said..lol Nupp..never chucked a game...but managed some quite well
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