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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Dunno. But there'd be offers...and I'd be listening. Other clubs are ruthless. Invariably the same ones winning Premierships. We just keep waiting for the ship to come in.
  2. Hawthorn managed quite well in September
  3. 666 makes it harder ( not impossible ) to get numbers at the back to corral the opposition..Ie guard a zone. Now he who HAS the ball will win. Collingwood HAD. the ball...and won.
  4. We often draw that line way too late. It's curious how some players have had eternity to come on. .and others derided. We are far from really being that astute MR. Wish we were. You're right though if you suggest it's put up or shut up for Mr Petracca
  5. Team looks a bit better...hoping we play with something approaching interest. So far it's been somewhat lackluster . Not expecting any joy at Whiskasville. Geelong probably a 2 goal a QTR better side there. Am expecting a spirited fightback during junk time of the last QTR when game beyond doubt Cats by 40 Yes it's scathing. We have NO form going into this game at a venue eternally hostile. Loved to be proven wrong. Kudos to any when go down the highway. Go Dee's ( but not expecting much. maybe the noobs might inspire..)
  6. So do I. But they command respect
  7. Only half right Port crossed line several times. The AFL..ask...that's fine The limp effort of Dee players and any excuses by club...uh uh... very embarrassing
  8. Yep... Wife getting lippy....??
  9. Agree on both But is it really doing anyone any real favours by playing Jack if not properly fit/recovered ? Just asking.
  10. On that one sentence alone you are hereafter dubbed King of the Koolaid. If you can't see injury played its hand...then you see nothing at all Nice pix though
  11. Or could be a shot across the bow.....I.e.. a wake up to all and sundry...play, perform, put in...or push off !!
  12. Yes and no Some were hobbling...some unable or not keen on running...or possibly watchful of pushing 'injuries'into relapse. I don't talk to players..or coaches... hardly ever. You see they are all conflicted and infected with footy-speak,much like yourself. Some, myself among, watch...take note...and look to that little thing called a scoreboard. It's far more truthful.
  13. Might surprise you that I agree. No reason at all...but only if we play with that intent and intensity. Someone needs to flick the switch. I too want to see players banging down doors to play. Other things I like....marking....and goal kicking. Here's to 2019. Let's not die not knowing how it might go....with effort and effect.
  14. Just maybe we've gotten ahead of ourselves...maybe. Maybe 2020 is more probable than 2019...maybe I have never really thought that either Jones or Lewis would hold up our cup....but they may well help those who do . That's footy.
  15. Had to laugh at who DID mark it seconds later ????
  16. Two issues here which Crud Cornes conveniently makes one. 1) legality/illegality if blocking 2) p-weak flying of the flag He's a bozo . Jonas etc were in the wrong However...Gawn had no mates... disgusting.
  17. Look...we all know Cornes is a ........?
  18. I hope he isn't...in our best 22 later this season. No slight towards him.
  19. A serious problem re Jones is his forte is as an inside mid but he's a bit off the pace for that now. He's not really that good at much else. I say that as just being capable isn't sufficient these days.We have better players coming on. It seems Jones injuries over the years might have caught him.
  20. Big difference between shirking. .and just stuffing up.
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