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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Sorry Red...pie in the sky stuff. His dealings with GWS will be limited. to.. "here open the bag..enough ?? OK !! " Omeara on-trading will be totally withn GWS's domain and not for some kid to interject. Fanciful at best..
  2. yes....cant but ask , was he there that day for the purposes of Radio, or to observe?
  3. I didnt see the show.. but its entirely possible that you could announce ( on a particualr day ) that the proces is drawing to a close but the revelation will be made at another time. I would presume it is very reasonable to sugest it all comes down to finals results. If an established senior coach ( of worthy merit ) it would practically have to. Unless taken form the 2nd tier currently.
  4. Well ..heres news for you..if you repeat , repost something from another source then you in effect takea a responsibility for it where you post it. Youre getting a little rattled arent you. I didnt say there were a lot of facts.. just some. You did quite a good job of relaying some of them actually. .There are facts as you suggest relating to offers by both clubs. There is also the fact that Tom has preferred and been allowed to defer a decision to a date of his own making. . Theres the fact there was a window of opportunity for GWS to offer and sign last October This without the need to publicise it with the AFLs blessiing ( should it have taken place) . Fact , Stynes was sufficently suspicious of what was transpsiring he suggested people were effectively being forced to lie. Fact. Sylvangi adnmitted Scullys' mamagement had been approached last year. Fact.. GWS had approached players throughout this year despite it being off limits. Fact it continured to do so despite it being publicised. How can they?, its agaisnt the spirit of the instruction. Fact AFL did/does nothing. Why not ? Also fact both sides of fence suggest inside sources admitting to definite knowledge. The fact is the suggestion , not the contents.Its a subtelty not understood by some. Clearly both sides cant be right. The observation is how anyone lineates these occurences. I see a pattern. You might not, or yours might be different (Probably) People Lie. Tom says hes not. Im not sure his management could make that claim. That or its spiining too fast for the eye to see. Interesting isnt it.
  5. it does indeed. Im taken to task.. so will others. BF is such a font of absolute gospel after all I am after all doing as you suggest...discussing it. And qustioning its verocity. Its seems michievious at best , the originating post ( on BF ) and scurrelous rubbish at worst. In reposting it you wil lhave to assume responsibility also.. I and others have put our case..based on observations. It points in one direction. Still all will eventually come to a head I guess. There are actually certain facts.. What there isnt is a public announcement. Soon
  6. So you posted something you didnt think had any weight to it,what , just for the hell of it ?? Dont see a lot of sense personally posting something you dont believe in yourself. each to tehir own
  7. May I ask... If you didnt buy into it, why did you post it ? curious.
  8. "turn this into....." This HAS been one long Soap Opera !!!
  9. Congrats Peeps...weve already blitzed August's effort ..all in only 8 days. Good work all now back to the waffle
  10. and Ive got absolutely no real problem with that as far as it goes. His life..his job.. his income. No problem. Its all the rest Ive issue with. But..... its nearly there....we can soon get on with a more unified approach to supporting Melbourne add. I wont be grieving personally.. I actually see it as a fresh chance to get value out of the pick.. Thats Pick 1 two goes ago. I think in essence we were totally dudded but we might come out of this ok in the end.
  11. I suddenly have visions of a Monty Python Skit a al People's Liberation Front of Judea In actuality this whole thing belongs to the reverberations of Cleese and Co.. lol
  12. what...not another Scully thread.. thought we werent doing that
  13. Mary Mary not quite so care-y How does your footy team grow From slight of hand and pillaged fields and brown bagged kids in a row
  14. But whom ? Its an ideal ..for sure. what are you looking for ( player type) ..and possibly from where ? just curious, dont mind the idea at all...all depends. Completely agree. Many just wont see it currently for the grieving, but we wil be far stronger as a club afterwards. Some see it as fracturing. .I prefer galvanising. Those that HAVE signed are making a statement and a foundation upon which to go forward. Probably like everyone else Id just rather it all over so we can all get on with things without distraction..
  15. Gold Genuinely one of the funniest quips to ever grace these boards....... Hilarious..., but unfortunately its the truth of what we all expect.
  16. Strangely didnt perturb Chris did it ? just to add.: Theres an error many make. ( myself included at times..yes..even I ) is that we look at all of this from a Melbourne/Victorian perspective. Yet all this charade and song /dance routine is really for Sydney's benefit, the great unwashed as it were. They for teh most part thanks to a particularly partisan media wont be living and breathing AFL. They're being fed a story to suit that audiance. Sheeds is very much aware of who his targets are...both players and public
  17. Whilst theres not much to argue in all of that, as its quite right, how much weight might anyone give the acrimony and animosity between the MCC and the AFL. The former certainly doesnt like being ridden roughshot by the Vlad and Clowns. The AFL would be cermonioulsy screwed if unable to utilise the MCG in a manner it wanted. Whilst the MCC wouldnt probably effect any favouritism for us theyd more than likely be at loggerheads with anyone who sought to unfairly disadvantage us ( mfc ) esp as we are part of the MCC The MCC is very much about tradition.
  18. you read the article ?? refers to Davis.. and hardly see that as news as hes already told everyone where hes going. Further proof much of any GWS posturing is all bunkum. GWS apporached Davis ages ago..a done deal. all hush hush except it wasnt..lol. Ward was obviouisly openly courted before an amazing " by chance" decision to move north. Scully wont be announced til afer hes performed the farce of looking over the facilities.... and checking the brown bags in his new locker. Honestly..Ive seen better acting on day time telly.
  19. bottomless pit sums it up !!
  20. If you are asuading that I beleive that various media are being drip fed a [censored] and bull story , that theyve been manipulated long and hard ?? yep
  21. Not so much adamant but let's say 'believing' he's well and truly gone. Based on the thinking there could and should be nothing to have prevented him signing, if not a time ago then certainly when offers were on the table. The onle real logic backing a delay is to facilitate a move north. That's the most probable outcome , i.e. He's gone
  22. I agree..if Ward is worth 800 large ( or at least they will pay that..lol ) then youd think young Toms a monty for a clear Mill per....and possibly some thing special in those Sydney versions of the brown paper bag. There will be 3rd party deals ( all ratified in this instance by teh AFL ) galore. As GK quite correctly in this instance summises theyve ( gws) havent got quite all theyd hoped so that just leaves lots and lots of lollies for someone(s) If as purported a prior offer was 5 mill over 5 , toud have to think theyve upped the ante again ?? No ? I think so. GWS need this to happen. But then I seeriously question the voracity of any reality that this is the final offer.. I reckon that was months ago !! maybe its a public sweetener...as a thankyou.
  23. still more intrigue.. Supposedly GWS have made their final pitch...and yet hes still to go and have a look ?? All a bit arse-about surely...lol. Wouldnt you inreality make your final pitch when hes actually there .?? Why is there so litle believable from anywhere. GWS keep tripping up on themselves. I dont believe Sheeds for one moment...but then ..have I ever. Davis blew the whistle on the nature of the fun and games and how little is what it appears. More Tomfoolery is all I see
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