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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. List clogger, NQR or hirsuitly challenged..... take your pick. Has Dunn his dash i suspect.
  2. This need not constrain a trade . it might be pointed out to him his career may well get a kick on at a club with greater opportunities. At the Dees his are somewhat limited
  3. Welcome and not a bad start there R2G. For many its an impatient desire for some success. For others its a lack of understanding of the process. For some its a sort of afl-low -esteem syndrome whereby its to be assume that surely some other club;s NQR's are automatically better than our own. We know Rome wasnt built in a day...but some cant wait. Having said that weve all sat through repeated illusions dressed up new-beginnings. I sense youve looked at our warehouse of young talent and can see that there is indeed a group of players we need to persevere with . I also feel that while these wil lbe kept the FD might , if possible attempt to garner some value for those that simply wont be here ( mfc) for the long haul. Its opportunistic rather than shortsightedly naive.
  4. Many I supect fall into a trap where by any admonishments of a player are misconstrued as hate. FOr many , myself included its just disappointment.
  5. You can actually want to do something...but dont actually do it. As an aside.. anyone whos read Rich Dad Porr dad will be familar with Kyosake treatise on this phenonema. Theyre paired...but different. So as Determination and application, the want...and the do. How exactly has Cale been nobbled by luck or lack of ?
  6. for me its just the idiotic moustache, but whatever works, same end.
  7. hear hear !! aptly put
  8. quite possibly.. The other reality is we simply didnt have the money to spend then. We do now. Unfortunate timing in a manner. . Thats life.
  9. lets say the nexus of qualites in order to play footy ( well) ar elike a three legged stool. There s talent, determination and application. So far hes got one !!. A lot of work needed on the others.
  10. This is actually the crux of the matter. Hardness, not just of body but of mind and to date have seen neither from Cale. Im not sure hes up to it. Happy to be proven wrong..ecstatic even.
  11. chalk one extra on the COULD list. There are a handful of players I expect to improve in quantum leaps as a result of a little 'whispering" Bennel is one. 2012 will be very interesting on so many fronts.
  12. Again..still find it intriguing that BoM have that Red hazing.., must protend the future So whats the hold up..if already done ? Its near on trade week.. footy gets its leg up on exposure all over again...then draft.. Seems odd.
  13. I wasnt aware the ABC latenight show was into sponsorships.... but there you go !!
  14. A rule of thumb ( in hindsight ) sugests what ever you want to get, double the offering to do the deal. And whatever you think we'll get in return , halve it. Keep in mind folks..deals are done when there are advantages to both parties...not one being scammed ( well not anymore )
  15. Billy..im just as perplexed as to how some blokes finished as high as they did.. Imn many respects this says a lot about the Melbourne of season 2011. It will be a different 2012 if for no other reason than those in charge are different.. Anyone is welcome to read into that what they like.
  16. I must confess Im curious as to the wheres and why's if not the WHO that is to be our FoJ sponsor, our new joint major benefactor.. Im bemused every time I see a BoM ad and remeber that strange red tinge on its sites homepage, most odd. Anyway much of this is purely our speculative guessowrk . Whilst watching a late night show I saw an ad for some Chinese mob called Chanhong. Never heard of them before. They as it seems are the second largest manufacturer of Tellies in China, much of it exported. We havent seen this brand probably as much wil lhave been badged I imagine. But they are now spruiking in their own right. This reminded me of when LG came onto the Aussie scene. Paractically no one had heard of them before. I had slightly as I was buyiing Hifi ( I retailed) and they were an OEM mob for other brands before they also burst upon the scene. LG is a household name now. We helped. Kapsersky is a household name now, we helped. Im trying to figure out why we havent seen the new co sponsor yet. if they are an exisitng company youd think theyd be here right now. Why wait. if however its all part of a greater roll out of a brand then the timing etc becomes more particular. Probably nothing but funny if history repeated itsself. Whomever it is they will be spending big bikkies.
  17. Now now Billy. I thought i explained myself perfectly well. Someone will always win the Bluey. What it represents as a winner, is in essence is a place in the MFC's history. Beamer was most deserved of this. His Charlie points are testament to it also. But in the context of our club players of the ilk of Brad and Col ought to have been battling it out right there at the top. They werent. in reality they were irrelevent to any real achievements thoughout the year. Awards and indeed any appraisal outside of the club is going to be more of a repflection of where these players stand in the greater light of the general playing community. Where do Melbourne players rank in this greater judgement ? Hardly to be seen is the answer. I would rather that Melbourne players looked to being amongst the competitions best as their litmus. They do that and Club awards would follow in course. Again, just in case youre tempted ( and I know you are ) to put a spin where its not warranted, the Bluey is a great award. To be cherished by all that have won and wil win it. But it is a club award and isnt as impartial as a competition wide award. thats simply a fact. None of this shoud distract ftom the reality that Col has yet to deliver.
  18. With all due respect to the Bluey and I certainly dont mean to dilute its importance you have to see it in context. Someone willl aways win it. Its a closed shop affair. Whom ever is deemed the best at the club gets teh points and accunulates his award etc. This only really serves to compare one to another within our own ranks and doesnt in any real shape or form hold them to an unadulterated and less forgiving ajudication. its the likes of A-A_, or the Brownlow, or other inustry awards that will see our players in some less 'rosey' light. In all reality to have only placed 10th and 11th repsectfully for Col and Brad is damning. Col could indeed aspire and place in the Brownlow, he is that good ( mainly in the potential) but so rarely puts much back to back, or indeed as 4 of 4 but should he ever, then gee-wizz what a player. But we've all visited this subject time and time again , so what does that in itself tell you ? Simply that he hasnt go tthere yet and its bloody well time he did. Good luck kid.
  19. To be honest id happily trade him, he just so underwhelms. But we now hav our own "football-whisperer" on board and maybe, just maybe Neeld can get this guy to lift to his potentitla. Who knows if he remains its , as others suggest, make or break. For mine I hope he does something, I really do as currently hes as exciting as blacmange.
  20. Looking forward to Col Sylvia ver 3.01 Should he ever get his head in the right spot for long enough he might just become the player we all would love him to be. More the point he might just surprise himself, Quite the pivotal year approaching.
  21. its going to be very interesting ...but you just know someone's going to cry (here on DL) when a Demon is put up in exchange. B)
  22. I think an aspect that is different for the MFC come this trade week is its attitude. We wil go hunting as opposed to be a reactionary to anothers poaching. We couldnt do much about that certain other someone but when its out in the open as is essentially the tenet of trade week then its a different ball game. Its Wabbit season !!!!
  23. Yeah..lol. I read that too. Look I'll give the guy a couple of freebies and just a tad of slack. Must infuriate somewhat to see everything being thrown at the FD now and he didnt get it. But the real question is even if he did would he stil lbe the man ? I dont think so. Im glad weve moved on. Dean needs to too..thats all..and good luck to him ( but more to us ..)
  24. Youre very good at taking things out of context.. and the trend continues. Strangely the elements you ascribe as being important ( and they are) are all things whcih are PART of actually playing the game. These will have in all relaity already been noted or not as the spies do their job. Some of the qualities you seek may well show themsleves ininterviews and I didnt say they were useless.. but its the ability to play footy that was Barry's priority. Did you perchance LISTEn to it ?
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