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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. yep...didnnt leave this deal guessing as to what might have been. Cam only imagine how a bloke might feel or respond to the personal appeal of Jimma. Im hoping he'll respect every minute of wearing that number.
  2. Well.given we dont have a 12 anymore our picks thus far are 36, 54, 72, 90 so 68 becomes our third highest !! In answer ...Id use it.
  3. Strangely enough a lot of the public buy into media articles...who'd da thunk . The business world are the same public , just wearig their workday busiensss suits. Funny that. Not everyone is silly enough to base an opinion on Russell or Dehnam but they are a minor ripple in the great pond of sports journalism. Much is life goes to opinion , percptions and loaded barrows pushed and sledom the fac or reality of a matter. Real Estate and Shares would be prime examples.. The whole cosmetics industry is based on perception, if fact almost nothing would be sold. We all have opinions.. We all act upon them.
  4. Still most likely to find himslef on the Goldcoast next tseason. expect MFC to do something today nlow we've landed our big fish, all or any of the littel deals will now flow through. Id guess ( yes pure guess) around 68.
  5. How strange , many miss th p oint. The fortunes of any club often rest upon the idea of how they are seen . This manifests itslef in memberships, im attendences and merchandise sales. It even goes as far as how its treated by the AFL itself. Its not how the likes of a RR or a 44hg16 or even myslef sees us its how the uncommitted or the might-bes do. Its about how the public in general and even the business world sees us. This i believe is about to change. To paraphrase .... This sort of topic is an ideal barrow for those who might wish to renew an interest or promote perceptions, possibly positive ones. The glass isnt half empty to all.
  6. 11 Stynes guernsey offer help snares Clark
  7. I wasnt sugesting you were. Why you do is known only to yourself. I was actually concurring with the notion that the idea of overs is subjective.
  8. HT we're probably 1-2 blokes away from a top 4 calibre midfield. But its not just the the manpower its the skills, the structure and methods which are as important. I think different ideas and coaching will also manifest dividends. One bloke is coming so we arent that far away maybe.
  9. do you honestly consider that after al lthe improvement soff andf on the fiield together with another more preseason and better fitness monitoring that we'll only be a 1-2 win better team as compared this year ?? Personally I see 11 wins at worst after all we'll probably get to play the Dwarves twice .They will be give-me's
  10. Overs !! An interesting comment bandied around that infers there are often a myriad of choices or degrees of choice. The Swans were accused of paying Overs for Mumford. Would htey be disappointed, would they consider they got diddled ? I dount it . They evaluated both the market and their needs adn found a best fit. It costs what it costs. So too is this instance with the Dees and an absolute need , nto just a requirement but a need for a meaningful presence in the goal square. Aisle 4 at the local Woolies does thave them surprisingly. I looked on the tree in my back yard, uh-uh none there. Could wait and see if Santa will bring one but I guess his track record of late what with the sox and jox doesnt bode well there. So you look at what you CAN get and seek a deal. On any given day the market price is what the price is. Its not comparable to similar if either none exists or you dont have the foot in a door to an alternative opportunity.. Its very much akin to a house auction . ( yes aware this was broached elsewhere ) but cutting to the quick the essential element of a happy outcome to an auction is.: Did the buyer get what they wanted, was he /she happy to pay the price. If both answers are yes then like a house the right or wrong of the actual purchase price only has relevance to the value as determined later.. i.e Hindsight. As that s never available at the time you can only go on whatever criteria you are working with at the time. Right now , we needed a proven KP-Forward with bomus utility skills. This player need to be sufficient enough along his career path to a ready to go , he needs to be yet young enough to have considerable upside in terms of seasons left to run. It all comes down to ..How much, have we got it, does he fit the bill. As I see it its YES, YES and YES. Overs ?? No, It is what it is.
  11. Rather warm fuzzy and positive there Rpfc On a serious note i didnt for a minute think Scully's departure hurt us at all, but then I have my views on that and theyre not shared universally. I do concur that the picks have forward value and that as such a time element as you describe enters the mix. I think the window wasnt open before but for many and varying reasons. What Clarks arival does is open it, not so much reopen it. I think we were all sold a pup in recent years, albeit a pup we were willing to buy, that it was all about to start ( at last) . It wasnt. We can see that now in hindsight. The problem was essentially the wrong , design, frame , sash and glazing were in place. The error was found in time and new materials ordered, and now delivered. To continue the analogy , a little building is still required but its more finessing now than a total renovation. We're so used to false dawns now that when the sun does actually rise we dont trust it. Theres a whole different feeling about things this time. We will probably know only when we see the lads run on a field and play. There of course is the danger that we all feed into and proffer the same illusion and by so grant it a faux legitimacy. There does seem to be a particular difference currently in that much of our past efforts have revolved around the idea of tilling some field , sowing some seed and hoping the weather is kind to us and that things will grow in due course as all fair drops ought to. What I see now is a different approach. Instead of 'we need a tree so lets nurture a seedling' we have gone and got a young sappling . Instead of a semi barren soil oversewn and composted with generic fertiliser we now have a purpose built green house and ground staff to spare ( all but). Were not using anecdoctal methods but the appliance of science. In other words were getting professional about it, amateur hour has passed. Thats what I see as different, thats what I see suggesting a different outcome in the making. Time will judge.
  12. Well..theres a number of ways of looking at all of this but this season amazingly were effectively only 3 games out of the 8. There were games in which we were insipid....and then there was the Geelong game !!! A correction of ability if only attributed to a more hardened and 'winning" approach as apposed to the 'loss containment " approach ought not be that far a journey. I would have thought simply making the 8 was a minimal aim. But this ought to be taken care of as we'll be the hardest team to play.... so they say B)
  13. Not sure whats in everyones water but I missed out....dang !!
  14. This is exactly my thoughts.. Petterd has played a bit tall. but hes just on 6' really. Hes very agile , very good below knees etc. This is a role id like to see explored.
  15. I dont think weve been seen as useless more like perennial disappointments. Possibly competive in a GF is your litmus but I think you miss the tent of the OP. How is it likely we will be viewed different ly going into season 2012 ? It wouldnt be a stretch nor unkind to suggest we were very much viewed as a club who had grand ideals but no idea of how to move any aspirations into a reality. Theres been so much positive work accomplished that only a particularly one eyed and dismissive commentator could not realise this is a different beast emerging from one of recent decades. Perceptions ought not be casr aside so easily. Its perceptions that get people interested ( or not ) Its perceptions that suade folk to part with their money for memberships, its perceptions that mould how followers consider their teams chances to fair well. Its perceptions that get bums on seats. Perceptions are what we are in the main all about. Little in life is real as we know it...its how we perceive it to be. Recent events, this weekend's included wil undoubtedly make some sit up and take notice. That bumbling bunch have smartened up thier act. There's a little bit of can do attitude and ability starting to show itself. I for one wil lbe intrigued to see how the view of the sports media shifts in the lead up to 2012.
  16. The club is getting its ducks all lined up. Theres possibly one larger void to fill but that may not occur this year. Rome wasnt built in a day. There would have been more than one interested party at Melbourne following the trials and tribulations of trade week. Some would fidget nervously as news unfolded about an audacious move by the Dees only to be seemingly thwarted. They would have their heart rates tested and breathing returned to normal only to shocked by news of the impossible. Demons get their man. At a number of Melburnian addresses this morning a group of young men have broken out into sweats now realising their tenuous grip on the fickle merrygo round that is AFL football is slipping by the minute. Melbourne only have to make 3 changes to satisfy compliance but now the need to retain some has all but diminished the temptation to let a few more go and take on board yet more speculatives becomes clearer as an option. Time just ran out for a few
  17. In light of remarks recently of the ilk as spewed by sycophants such as Denham or not so long ago by the Imperial Leader himself much is , or had been made of Melbourne as a listless, stand for nothing mob treading water whilst waiting for a bus that never comes. To be honest, some was more than a bit deserved. False start after false start heralded in , well, heralded in nothing. The club had attempted over the years to rebuild and recast itself in some image akin to a competitiive football side. Occasionally we resembled one without ever becoming one. Ive followed this team all my life, as I have no doubt has anyone reading this. Soome of us have done it for quite a while. In my case 47 years. Strangely and the irony isnt lost on me the same period since our last piece of major Silverware. I swear it isnt my fault. ( hope not) The last time I saw anything that resembled a transformation into something potent were the Swooper years, now long gone. I cant remember ever witnessing such a wholesale change of identity as that which weve just seen. From a spark lit as Stynes came to oversee our recovery to flames fanned by a major overhaul of not only who this club is but what it stands for. A football dept that not so long ago stood impotent to affect change to an almost unrecognisable version of self has just landed a coup in this trade week. Its not so much the player himself thats coming that bodes well in my mind ( though I have hopes too) but its the actuality of the event. We did somethiing. We havent been able todo much for more years than I can remember. We were not thought of in glowing terms by the football fraternity nor its public. So, in repeating the topic, how are we now percieved ? Or how will we be. The National drafts loom and after all teams finalise lists the media as well as the football following public will discuss ( ad nauseum) the potentials for all teams in this coming season. I wonder if our desire to open a window will now be heard with belief. I also wonder now after all the change how we will stand in the great pecking order of things football. I sense weve fiinally come to play for keeps.
  18. correct !!! couldnt remember his last name ..
  19. oh...and by the way...Thanks TOM !!!! :)
  20. Hows it looking for a Banana smoothis now Red ??
  21. fairs enuff
  22. woohoo.. Happy to wait for official announcement Times, they are a changin'
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