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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. the point of difference was we are used to a mid season break . Which i suppose is by any other name a bye. . But many might have thought there were still byes ona rolling basis as was the case in 2011 and there arent. Only weekend with a break is the mid season one. The timing of this with regard to weather and climate is probably not ideal.
  2. The HUN oct 19 With the introduction of Greater Western Sydney, the 2011 season will be played over 23 weeks with the Grand Final scheduled for Saturday, September 29 at the MCG. Each team will have one week off during the season, with the rest coming from Rounds 11-13 which will each feature six matches, and six teams with a bye."
  3. maybe... memory murky.. I thought ive seen some before the ND.. but things change I suspect...my bad if not so now. mea culpa..
  4. its not easy being a BB...lol
  5. ?? My understanding is there are no byes per se. The home and away season is 22 games over 23 weeks. There WILL be a mid season split round which I suppose infers a bye of sorts. There are to be no byes in the sense as per this season where an inbalance of teams required a team to sit out. No longer needed.
  6. its often before the draft to see whos actually worth drafting SOmetimes delistees...and occasionally smoklies
  7. Well its nearly that time of year when our boys return from a short break all bubbling with enthisiam and back slapping, pranking and general optimism towards the impendiing season. All is well in the world, we havent lost a game and the calling out and egging on at training gets boisterous verging on awkward. At this point of precedings it often occurs that a few likely types are invited down to train a little with the lads and essentially show us what they've got. Sometimes we have a good look and possibly pick them up, more often we( like most clubs) don't. So .....anyone on the radar ?
  8. Dees fury at Kennett claim We're not happy Jan..
  9. This attempt at lucidity and relevance was totally uncalled for !! and no, i dont believe perrmission been recieved yet. Might go close to the wire. Hell its the AFL , theyre probably still on hols !!
  10. Feeling all warm and fuzzy now Red ??
  11. A lot will depend who else we maintain on the paddock. He was able to be targeted often through our dilution of stock to go. Given a few players staying upright and fit long enough to impact a game Aaron might not remain the prime focus. Its probably a hope more than anything else tttt.
  12. Grudge...?? hmm...Id just say thankyou B)
  13. His will be upright.........as opposed to whomever he collides with
  14. Has been touted for most of the week now. Probably happen now., ...probably........maybe
  15. Red...itll have to be Geelong as there are no byes, maybe we can just skip town !!
  16. This is supposed to be the elite sporting competition of the nation, a professional entity, not a social outing for some of the boys. Many times through year we can make our presence known and all warm and fuzzy etc. My sole issue is with timing and relevance during the home and away. Thats all
  17. I understand your argument. I disagree there is abject necessity. Will be interesting readin glooking at books come next seasons end. We'll just agree to disagree...we're quite capable of that ..lol
  18. I would disagree that they 'dictate' anything. This is a decision , therefore a choice. Theyre going, so be it. I think its a bad idea. Preseason, in the Silly cup; fine. Not during the season proper.
  19. We dont run down to Casey every day..Honestly, its not a big ask, nor is it really anything of an impost. My point is imply playing Darwin does more harm than good and as such is detrimental. Others, you , dont agree. Fine. So much is made to enhance the opportunity and ability to win. This seems to fly in the face of that.
  20. yep..just a stroll in the park to Arizona huh
  21. Sorry I just dont buy into the Casey base as being any real hardship on anyone. Its a small drive , millions do it daily ( a small drive ) I dont see Casey as any ofrm of sacrifice at all. Many teams ( of many codes ) in the modern era have accessed training facilites not necessaily in their back yard..i,.e a smal trip somewhere. . There hardly an argument to be had that it impacts on fitness, or any of valid criteria. If some diddums has to get out of bed a little earlier to earn his massive moula, so be it.Weve all been over this time and time again..its a furphy A gruelling sap sucking body wrenching game in Darwin , at the wrong time of year is a far far different beast. This not only has ramifications on the individual , but also the team and its possible outocme for the year... all for some bullion. You make sacrifices you have to make.. I question whether this is such a one.
  22. Im not quite there with your analogy of Casey lol. I simply dont like the Darwin deal. id be interested to know how many of the players actually rate it as a great idea. They after all are the ones doing the work
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