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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. R.I.P. Jim. A true gentleman , a selfless and inspiring individual. He will be sorely missed by his family, to whom I extend condolences , and by the populace in general. A great loss,a sad day. Thankyou Jim
  2. It very basically sends the message...."dont fall under the yellow line, as I can gaurantee when youd ever see daylight again !! " Nothing wrong with that in my book. Should be standard procedure anyway. An old adage goes along the lines that you really dont know what hunger is until you starve.. Time for a few players to get to know the meaning of hunger.
  3. Can almost hear Cam chuckling at this. A classic pollies answer....i.e.....well, we know
  4. or since when do you ever rush a back/spinal injury back to playing ?? You dont...its softly softly , carefully carefuuly or risk much worse Am inclined to side with those suggesting 2 months and have a sneaking suspicion a whiles longer before at full tilt. Colin= new 4-6....as they say !! and we all know what that invariably means
  5. You may well be correct. A lot will depend on the outcome of some games, the opponnents im not sure. Results of , Im thinking , at least half a dozen will swing on a kick . This will deliver varying ladder positions accordingly. The reality is its rather moot. Until we take that step up as a TEAM, not just a handful of indivduals then better sides will always best us..We're on a steep learning curve.....and we're only just moving off the start position.!!! The Honeymoon is over
  6. Im not going to read too much in the pre-season. Im not going to take away too much because of injuries a and events either. I think the club ( a sin playing group ) have a year of hard learning ahead. I just get the gut feeling thescoreboard wont particulalry be kind or reflective of anyimprovements we make, well not immediately. Theres going tobe a hardening up of some, and others will be pushed aside or cast aside. Some wiil step up and emerge as the new face of Melbourne. What I will predict is we will finish as a team very different to how we start, but just cant see the ladder being any kinder than about 12th this year. 2013, thats another thing as we will come from a different starting position as a playing group. This year there are still those who DONT get it. Brace for pain, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Neither as it happens do I ( think he particularly does ) . Adelaide kneejerk a brilliant footy mind right out the door, own goal me thinks. There is probably nothing that Matt wouldnt have thought or said that any half way decent and experienced recruiter and observer of the game wouldnt. He gets taken oiut of context and the PC idiots have a fiield day. Hewould probably have more footy knowledge on the end of his little finger than most supposed commentators would amass in a lifetime.
  8. it was a a nothing match and thats what yuoo take from it....nothing !! We'll know soon enough how we're really travelling...when REAL footy starts.
  9. You know hwta, as enlightening, or reinforcing of known facets as it might be it does nothing and goes nowhere to explaiining the , for mine, bizarre tact taken by Jurrah and Mckinnon upon returning. . There was obviously a duty to self but there was also a very large duty to the MFC which seems to have gone by the board. This was a exercise in Spin. Eddie everywhere saw an inside run and took it with glee. This smacks of self serving history rewriting to me. Im disappointed on many fronts. No one made him have a beer after all. Rudeboys colours have lowered bythis affair in my view.. Jurrah is very much the man belwteen a rock and a hard place , but we are all the keepers of our deeds. thats life
  10. Lets put is succintly...... Eddie talks a lot of sh!t when it comes to fidelity. He himslef seems to get alwfullyconfused as to what hat hes wearing but then it really doiesnt mater cos hes alwats Eddie. He is when all comes down to brass tacks a journalistic hyhena. He has done many good things both for the Filth and footy in general. Thats the good Eddie. the bad Eddie just cant ignore the smell of blood.. What irks me ( and many others ) is his self rightessnessand duplicity of standards. he seems totally oblivious to his own hyprocrisy Had he been born 2050 years ago Im sure hed not onlyhave run withthe Romans but interviewed JC on the day and sold the story to the Juruselam Times. !!! The irony of much is he is oft quoted as suggestiing some pull their heads in or have a good hard look at themsleves when really its he who ought to. The man has no scruples.
  11. Given that Rudeboy himself visits these boards Id be interested to know what on earth they were either thinking...or playing at ? Why would you p!ss off the very people youre hoping and expecting to stand by Liam ? Who's agenda is being played out here .....I wonder
  12. why do I get a horrible notion it could all get very Animal Farm like. You just know this will all end in tears
  13. oh dear...oh my...the old MFCfccff or whatever it is is already setting in for some. Bloody hell , its NAB nothingness. All anyone is really trying to dois get their machinery happening and working out the problems, or indeed finding out what some are as they will only appear in REAL match conditions, not mock drills etc.. Hawthorn are the goods. Will probably start fav for the flag this year. Us.. ?? still a creation in the making. Anyone who suggests there's no distraction is kidding themselves. We are learning as we go. . Strange to win the contested possession count and lose a game but thats another lesson learnt. Its not always what youhave,but how you use it. Hawthorn obviously had a better run with 'uncontested " possessions and I have no doubt Neeld will be at work with his coaches to remedy this. There is a big difference now at MFC..whre theres failure and something lacking...these will be addressed and in no short measure. Neeld will have been ajudicating the efforts and dedication to roles. He wont be judging by the scoreboard ( yet ) Also keep in mind.. Neeld KNOWS we are still shy 2-3 players and these wont appear on our list anytine this year. . This is a work in progress. Dont paninc
  14. no ones convicted of anything... anything and everything is alledged !! Still a person of interest will be asked to remain nearby.
  15. Then maybe...just maybe...thats where he ought to be.
  16. Theres definitely a case where someone has to sit down and sort something out. This cant go on...and on.. sorry...it cant.
  17. WhaT...you think only one person can present reason ?? Granted he has an inside running ....but I think theres more than one way to source info
  18. I concur...this is not a happy day for anyone
  19. personally I couldnt really care less in respect to Liams journey ,continuing or othewise at the MFC... I wdo fervently hope he can make head or tails out of what has to be messy messy ,messy. its got to be sh!t. No winners here really, and it probably wont finish at the next break ( so to speak) Poor bloke glad its not me
  20. No..this is what is.. youre either in transit and you keep your nose clean. or you have some other reason for being there. . youve suggested he was simply in transit.. I think we both know thats rubbish
  21. You know...ive managed to transit many an airport without getting arrested . its not that hard
  22. this is the very distinction that some are suggesting. We await further info... yet no matter what, the problem for us ( as a club ) is as I put before , you cant really serve two masters. i.e You cant really put 100% in if your mind's divided. Thats just a fact. Some may poo=poo it and dance around it, but we have seen its taking a toill.
  23. thats a good and relevent heads up there DC...cheers.Ive really got a gut feeling poor ol Liam is very much a victim of circumstance ( all bad) Hes not going to have an easy gig with all this. But clay can turn to sh!t !! such is life
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