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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Given the nature of much play I'd counter that they either are and also doing it poorly. Bombing... crowding..over contesting.. It's not accidental. It's by order. Theyre just clueless to implement a bad plan.
  2. Look...as such am or for it... Oh wait. You said.... successful clubs !!!
  3. Fair enough...but how do you excuse plainly poor football skills ? That's nothing imho ever to do with injury etc. You either can...or you can't. Seems plenty can't.
  4. I agree essentially. However.. apparently it's a no-no and this is why you get stuck in the quicksand. There's a legitimate dilemma though, as much as ol Jonesy's becoming a liability... who's bashing down the door or fit enough ? Catch 22
  5. Might the idea that REAL opposition play with fair dinkum intent ? Drills are just drills.
  6. Thanks for all the reports and commentaries folk.... Disappointing as they are
  7. Actually..you can. Hence the expression 'Hitting above your weight' It's a bit like an engine with nitro...only works for a limited period. Too long and all goes bang. I think we were very lucky at times and also that we over-achieved.
  8. This is it...chaos as a component..has a place. By definition you can't control chaos. And we try...and with inadequate provision. Any wonder really as to the results. Our game is flawed by design.
  9. More power to you....drink heavily ( from wakening )
  10. So ...up against Buddy...at the little ground he loves and knows backwards.....no real defence of note. This ought to go splendidly
  11. I'd suggest many read this through a number of times. I tend to agree 666 does or should be limited in effect. For whatever reason it's affecting us greatly, more than it should. I have a suspicion that our lack of two way often sees players caught in less than perfect position...and then that snowballs. We certainly are not masters of the new kick-in environment.. Others are . This is where the rabid fwd 50 chaos theory falls flat in a second....as the ball is simply kicked over it. Hardly rocket science is it. Our style... whatever needs to morph. There needn't be so many at the contest... someone has to guard the backdoors. And as another astute observer noted maybe lift some common sense from under age footy...and not have every one going for a mark. It's not a playground speccy contest after all. In the end teams play to instructions. Ours are flawed.
  12. That there might be commonality is hardly surprising. We been around , we fossils, since our last bit of silverware. It's been a long time. Far too long really given some opportunities and talent over this journey. So excuse us if we don't suffer fools or foolishness. We're a little over it. Those that suggest patience....how many lifetimes are you prescribing ? In my line of endeavours I always seek excellence. Failure isn't really an option as I'd be sued out of existence. So I take efforts to get things right. I adapt when circumstance dictates. I become that tree. Some of us have indeed been around that long we recognise poor institution. We can detect BS at great distance...and we can see when something or someone is set-up to inevitably fail through too dogmatic and insular application. I see nothing about us currently to get overly enthused. I did. But it evaporated.. If that's a common thread...so be it.
  13. It's the hook upon which we hang our hats and coats. Good ol' reliable Melbourne
  14. Actually...yes..we did somewhat fluke it. We struck gold for 5 mins....then everyone worked us out. I mean...it's really not that hard...we play a very simple game. Don't confuse the abilities and attributes of some with results. Some gifted players. Not many. You're welcome to whatever you believe. That's your choice. You're welcome to it It's not mine.
  15. I had faith in Roos/ Jackson. I could see progress. I have none in this lot to tell the truth... This is all about to unravel before our eyes imho. This is not MfCss . The very foundations from the rebuild...the reinstitution of basic footy values, the realisation you need skills and a game designed to protect and score...well.....melted in the snow. I can see the pseudo success of last year was an illusion. We essentially blind sided a number of teams and bullied out wins. We lucked out with some teams having off days. It looked good but it was a false dawn. We have a walking wounded list early into the season...and partly by design. We have a game plan that's laughable. We have tortoises crawling one direction whilst opposition run circles.... We have players devoid of basic skills. We have players devoid of essential fitness. You'd think this was suburban amateurs for God's sake.. We've had a whole off season to develop a strategy to take advantage of 666. We play ignorant dumb football. Some of our coaches should be on fraud charges. I'm a member. I've supported this club for 55 years. I've earnt the right to be cranky and critical. For a team all but universally touted as contenders to be 3 and zip is comical . But it's ok. .... actually...it's not. Our position is deplorable. There is undoubtedly more pain to come. Norm Smith uttered those famous words..'I am Melbourne' . I'd like to echo that sentiment. I will never follow another team but I find it very hard to get very excited about our current prospects or club makeup. These are my thoughts. Each to their own. Do I trust the current regime to deliver ? No, not one iota. Some good intent has been derailed. I might be wrong. I hope I am. Go Dee's.. sometime.... eventually maybe.
  16. Can't wait to see who's turn to drop a sitter !! Wonder if you can get money on this ?? Hmmm
  17. So as I see it..a hypothetical of course ... Things don't pan out so well..2019 finishes with us winning 6-7 games. Some disquiet over the next summer ..etc etc. 2020 improves a smidge.( or not ) Where does the club go then ?
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