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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Im with you. I am telling myself it will all blow over ( again ) . Im telling myself the AFL will "royal comission " it and give a suitable white wash finish as well. Im telling myself we have done nothign many other clubs havent.. So why us ?I dont want to be the sacrificial lamb........again I cant see how going us cant undo others, but Ive been wrong before. Love to know whos actually behind the stirring
  2. The AFL can not damn us, nor anyone else essentially without damning themselves. Any pot shots at us or others will actually return to shoot themselves in the feet. I do however hope our legal beagles are warming up in the wings. Theres one big BIG bun fight about to happen.
  3. This is what came to my mind also. I initially struggled with why this was even necessary as surely you have the money , how and on whom you spend it within a cap is somewhat arbitrary. I failed to see the signifcance of this Dinner for a 'Cloke" . Its does scream pauper again doesnt it.I seemingly mistaken thought any extra money was an issue regarding non player payments. This is one bloody weird club at times
  4. Definitely. A full and speedy recovery Barty, but none quicker than you need as we want you fit as a fiddle and roaring to go.
  5. History has shown him to have been rather ineffectual and otherwise focussed.He did a sterling job and continues to do so
  6. This has always been about agendas. Ive my suspicion there are some harbouring some very bitter resentment towards the club and I dont for one minute think it all coming from outside. When they find this thorn in our side,the one thats working internally, this vile disloyal bucket of excrement they should be sacked, marched out of the building and have their card marked never to return. Their identity should be made known so all of Melbourne can pillory them suitably. Theres no place for treason.
  7. an interesting take on thngs, not without some curry
  8. We're obviously tanking !!
  9. it can never be deleted...its been on the web.Gardner obviously showed as much gumption in answerign NB's question as he did running our club. NB warned him of its nature and it could well be argued theres a natural progression to its publishing. Would you defend Gardner ?
  10. its a shame he just didnt keep walking on that trek .
  11. All aboard the Revisionist's Express. Gardners your driver and Mclean the conductor. Plenty of other passengers around it seems. In order to board this train you need to have a ticket, and the fare is that you want history rewritten to cover up for the individuals lacklustre performances and general mediocrity.
  12. I have a problem with the notion of "Tanking". We all joke about this but what some will have it as Tanking is really legitimate list and player management.. To me 'real' tanking would be if the coach and or players actually played ont he day to LOSE. What many confuse as tankig is simply a club acknowledgiing their season is over and there are more important prioroties than actually getting 4 points from any game. So what may result from players being convalesced early and /or seeking some blooding of newbies is that you have a less competitive team than had you chosen whats refered to as the best 22. These 22 may not even be available but on occasions some of these players might have been had they not been trotted off for operations or some other form of care instead of playing out a few non essential games. Who actually has the right or power to deternine where any player should play ? Certainly not anyone outside of the club in question and yet its these very people that ask the question !!! And you knwo what...even if a team does want to go out to lose...who cares. If theres a bigger picture in play, what does it matter. Each to their own. Why should we care what any other team does or them us.
  13. What a pompous sanctimonial hypocrite. He obviously had no idea of what he was doing or more importantly was supposed to do. Well rid of
  14. pretty much.. If we go down...everyone goes down
  15. Lynch goes to the argument that some should either stick to playing the game instead of commenting on it !! As he cant the former, he shouldnt the latter.
  16. he could have, should have, but didnt. He's on the " them " list now
  17. He is in a fashion. Hes asking people some inane questions which will come to nought. Its the media riding this donkey.
  18. Vlads the boss...he'll want it gone before he graces or shores once more
  19. well.. in all fairness. That was a funny game. We were leading at qtr time. But hey LJ did need the rest ....and the half time all change ends message must have been missed by the many ...and ...and... we lost.
  20. blow over .....yes.Quickly...maybe not. Whens Vlad back ?... might be over then though
  21. EOS just cant come quick enough to put this year behind us and move on in whatever way it will.. Just too much sh!t going on and being fanned from ppl who once swore Red and Blue ran in their veins. Now we no its just Judas-juice. Still more rats to surpface me thinks. Some sh!t to hit the fan yet.
  22. If nothing else by the time the (bull) dust settles on all this we'll know who are our friends and who are our foes. A few surprises already.
  23. are you suggesting there are indeed conspirators at large ?Theres nothing accidnetal or coinciddental about any of this but just who are the collaborators and what of their motive I'm still not sure.
  24. and its not looked upon too kindly either.
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