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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. It concerns me a little that whatever overtraining he immersed himself into to GET fit hasn't set him up for continuing soft tissue niggles. GC players in the main seem quite fit I'd say .
  2. That and they play a very different structure /style of defense. Other than that ?
  3. Be nice to have this game over and done Thursday. After a day of suitable mourning we can have the whole weekend to ourselves.
  4. for those that don't subscribe.......... ( nail on head again ) Titus O'Reily extract from . https://www.titusoreily.com/afl/the-monday-knee-jerk-reaction-afl-round-three Melbourne (112) v Essendon (130) A lot of people said to me that Melbourne were a sure thing in this game, but I’ve learnt the Demons can ruin my life in ways previously thought impossible. This wasn’t even that innovative for them, although starting the season 0-3 after making a Prelim is certainly a new approach to making me wish I’d never been born. Melbourne ran out through a banner filled with abusive tweets and going by the reaction online to this performance, they have enough to now cover every banner until the end of time. All credit to Essendon, after looking like a team who hadn’t trained for years in the first two rounds, they were full of energy and responded to Melbourne’s strong second quarter by booting eight unanswered goals in 21 minutes. That’s quite a worrying amount of goals to give up in such a short period of time and can only really be achieved by an entire team switching off. I’d say it was time for some soul searching at Demonland, but this club has done more soul searching over the past decade than every new age retreat combined. Melbourne’s problem was their inability to stick to any sort of structure. I watched the vegan protest that shut down Melbourne’s CBD this morning and must admit, I was jealous of their ability to hold their structure under pressure. Perhaps those vegans would like a harder challenge than ending meat eating, and help the Dees’ learn some discipline. Nothing gets easier for either team next week, with Melbourne travelling to Sydney for their fourth loss and Essendon taking on Premiership favourites Brisbane at the MCG. Love the "some soul searching at Demonland" ....and I don't think he's expecting us to win this week either. Here's a man who knows our pain...well he is one of us.... ( actually...I think he IS one of us !! )
  5. I really cant share your faith. Our style is now, thanks to various reason , now very yesterday. Last season we bamboozled and blustered our way to wins until we were ceremoniously torn a new one. We havent really looked like winning since. OUr defence is....well....non existent. It may well get better ( npi) with May in maybe 3-4 weeks ( and as to long term...should we be concerned with soft tissue occurrences here ?: ) Lever is still some ways off. Omac has gone backwards..Hibberd non effectual . Jetta..no idea( why off the pace). Our game style down back is fundamentally bad. How we defend isnt going to work against anyone who actually HAS the ball. We dont run hard enough both ways ..even the mids.. Its great when your going ok, to only head in the one direction , but our style of play seemingly leaves a lot of players out of poisition when oppositions counter swiftly. 666 doesnt help at all. That said it ought not be affecting us as badly as it is...but again...we're out of position ..or unbalanced in play. We've got far too many scrum types. Eager to get in at the ball, but it just leaves us with our dacks down the minute the opposition pounce on a wayward ball and spread. Last season's 14th place-getter won 8 games, as the year before that, 7 the year before. I see that as a monumental task just at the moment.Wed need to win more than half our games to even nudge the 8 Bottom 4...well maybe a bit of gloomy over-prediction....maybe bottom 8 ...all but definitely. We got somewhere last year by , in many games simply outscoring the opposition. Games werent that much won sometimes by our brilliance, or game style etc...just that we hit the scoreboard very effective . We cant hit the side of a barn currently. Percentage will play a big part on how we end up . If it was a case of we were just a little bit off our game...just needing to click..well, things might not seem that gloomy. But unless you are on another planet then even the most die hearted of supporters should concede we're in more than a spot of bother. Our race in 2019 might soon be over before its hardly started. We have too many of one type and not enough of another. We've recruited for the wrong game effectively.
  6. That suggests panic..etc. I'm not panicked one iota. I just accept currently we're absolutely putrid. Your colourful vid does though represent quite well our current game plan. Was that your intent ?
  7. Your faith in a season that's better than bottom four is based on what exactly ?
  8. Here in lays the problem though. Our recruiting has been focused on players that suit the FDs shopping list. If this is the type of players they seek , as the ones they have drafted, to suit the game plan then in my view unless the game style changes they'll continue to seek the same. If you don't change the direction of the ship...it's irrelevant who's on board as you're still going to end up in the same place/predicament.
  9. oh... i agree Could get very ugly quite quickly if they get a hold of us. We seem to be persevering with something that plainly isnt working .Sydney must be drooling...
  10. Thats sheer frustration Id say. I have a sense his foot isnt anywhere near the ideal and he's become quite limited by such.
  11. Do we even have a Defensive structure ? Seriously...looks like a dog's breakfast at best. Wouldn't surprise me if we didn't just walk up before games and hand opposition free tokens for goals !! We're just that good. This is , and has to be as much about coaching as players.. surely.
  12. Every team "manages" lists.. We just didn't manage to manage it very well and as have been for many a thing, were scapegoated by the usual suspects. It should have been a non event but we make very handy cannon fodder.
  13. A tale of two cities also. Melbourne.. seemingly on the cusp of achievement, GC rebuilding and redesigning it's game. Dew would be looking 2-3 years before repeat finals action and such. Melbourne thought it just needed icing the cake. Seems the cakes stale and tasteless and the icing a bit thin . Im just sitting over here watching. Have no real expectations of May now. Just hope he can play a bit.
  14. It might be a little premature to call this one but it certainly doesn't have the feel about that I was hoping for. Was hoping for someone of very good ability, very good stewardship and raring to go. At the very least I thought he'd be on the paddock. So far....not so good
  15. It's effectively the same ppl on the ground playing to the same instructions from those off the ground. Even when we can see the obvious, the same rubbish prevails. I don't see any reason to suspect any real difference in results. And that disappoints me. Doesn't surprise me.
  16. And maybe give the coach his due
  17. Yep Warning ..."carnage ahead " oMac will be rendered irrelevant
  18. Same surface both teams...just saying
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