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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. because you did yourself you sanctimonios buffoon.Dont deflect now Rhino . Wheres your argument gone ? You have none. You pontificate and deride others but god forbid someone call you to task. Many can see through it. Bailey had 4 years though in fairness the first two were to list manage. Some of us thought he managed that well but it just turns out he was crap and couldnt win anyway. The second 2 Years he infected the team so badly that his successor has to go to drastic lengths in order to establish any reference of ability and attitude of his charges. Baileys successor has to all but start again. Neeld has to undo Baileys efforts and still manage Some demonstrative turnaround inside 2 years to be seen by many as being the "goods". But you seem to think its all his doing that we're rubbish. No. Hes simply identifying the rubbish to make it easier to get rid of. We will only get to understand the benefits of this process during the latter half of 2013 id suggest by which time the new talent is starting to work in together with general cohesiveness and ability of all to play their roles week in week out. Its well possible that by then the momentum has swung back in ohr favour having eradicated the hangover effects of the "Bailey Years ". Those that engaged Neeld new the mess we were in and understood it would take at least 2 seasons to get back on track. Its amazing, and yet not, how many fail to grasp this and bemoan no instant pancea.
  2. Nice try.. Im not arguing your case at all. That he would be accountable for any non-imrovement is a statement of the bleeding obviousYour stance which you are evading now in argument , is that he is soley responsible for the quality of play currently exhibited. i.e Its his fault ....( and he better bloody do something ..brrr brr etc ) You seem to have little idea of process
  3. ODwasnt having a go at you simply asking the question, who are we to appease. ? Us , i.e members and followers of this great ( sometimes..lol ) club ...OR.. the others. Im quite chuffed that the MFC has enough cohunas to ignore any other influnces to its decision other than what it considers best for the MFC. I realise thats scandalus as there are so many in the media whose opinions and views ought to be sought and valued
  4. I would think also that 3 years also facilitates some staggering of contracts of upper echilon employees of the club. 3 years is a very common commercial time slice.
  5. does it really matter what the Media cares for or not ?Its whats good for the Club Who are we trying to appease ?
  6. and carlton wasting lots of money and coming to nought is a problem because ?
  7. typos aside...mine had content..Your responses are lacking , and Im shallow ?? ffs mate you have to do better than that. You like to drift o-t when anyone puts up arguments. Try addressing the substance of the matter. You rightly criticise Bailey for accomplishing nothing in 4 years other than retarding our list and nobbling development. Another coach comes along , one who realises and appreciated what he had ( or more the point hadnt ) at his disposal and starts the clearout and player ajudication required and he's on notice ? Bailey allowed our lot to roam, to play fast and loose, to play unaccountable footy. This worked as flat track bullies but came to screaming halts against legitimate oppositions. Neeld is instilling new accountability into the playing style, hes apportioning more responsibility to players to observe specific roles and yes they are found wanting. Thats the whole point. To see who can and who cant. The 'cants' will be moved on and the list supplemented with more of those who can, or might look like they can. And so the list progresses. You berate Bailey for only 8.5 wins and seem to suggest by comparison Neelds results to date are even more lamentable. This surely shows to many that you really havent a clue as you simply cant seem to grasp what is actually happening. if there is no discernable improvement this time next year there would then, and then only be cause for worry and big 'please explain' asked of Neeld. Its like a builder going in to fix a dodgy's reno. You often have to tear down the rubbish to get back to something you can work with before you actually look like youre making progress. Is that beyond you ?
  8. I tell you what you whinger .Lets comeback to this next year after we have actally taken some real steps forward....or no , before you call it. Cant beleive this tripe. You like to profer reason. You suppose a higher intellect; well youre exhibiting pleb like logic ( thats an oxymoron for others, even you might get it ) If that youre argument ot berate. Well what IF things actually get better. That wont serve your what passs for an argument wlil it. What IF with better players and better fitness we actually start playing a beter and moreconfident brand of footy ? Its only an IF I grant you. Same as you ..an IF As you would suggest , hes contracted for 3 years. Hes going nowhere. This is his first year where hes in cntrol . Even you would agree hes inherited a basketcase of a list with some exceptions. He is entitled to make efforsd to weed out and build . By all means lets look at things in a realistic light this time next year but in the mean time just go away and join the other pathetic whingers..
  9. respectability is the best ?? rubbish We like any team with the right combination we can play finals To suggest or accept otherwise is quite frankly soft. Some decent draftin and games into players can see us back up there in 14. 5 years of waffle ..........dont accept it
  10. Im almost waiting for the inevitable poll: Did CS deserve another contract, should it have been for 3 years.....yadda yadda yadda is it that hard for some to simply say...Well done mate, keep it up.
  11. Im prepared to defer a real opinion on where we sit to those that put up the big bikkies. Whilst Webjet has yet to announce anything Opel has. They only came on board for a year ( with an option ) They exercised thir otion. To me thats a ringing endorsement of th eclub and those in charge. I understand CS is a major player in all of this so kudos to him I say ( and the rest of those involved ) Sometimes I think were a bloody feral mob who are very quick to rain on anyone who veers slightly off a path. Seldom is there any fanfare for a job well done. All jokes and desks aside I can only assume C Sis doing a better than ok job as the club seems to be on a much better footing than before he came on board. Yes Jimma rallied the masses but the club continues to operate responsibly and profitably. The board think so too and I can only think they know a lot more than most of us.
  12. His dept is off field...and its ticking over ok me tinks on field.... umm...dont go there
  13. Congrats Scwabby. May you continue overseeing the reins with continued gusto and passion. Im sure they're be a rejuvenated focus on things Business given the FD is coming along nicely As they say...if it aint broke...dont fix it We aint broke !!
  14. Clever *wink*
  15. What if pigs DO fly ?? "................" .......^^^.... Insert head-shake or face-palm of choice
  16. Theres always next year....after another solid preseason lol
  17. Ive been backing Watts for a while now. Im probably like many waiting for him to truly emerge. Was very impressed with NicNat this round. Loved his Dont argue. Classic. He IS imposing himself on games. I Dont see it yet in Jack. Ask me again in ayear.
  18. Ok. My understanding is should any player leave your club or join then the League will apply a vlue to that loss/gain and when the dust settles ascribe a compensatory pick. Two questions: When are these picks used ? I.e. The current draft or next years ? I understand also they arent bankable. Other question: If a club has an overall benefit due to FA movements are they docked ? OR is it only applicable to teams that lose out ? cheers
  19. Should we have a balance requiring compensating iwonder how the powers that be will value him ? Late 1st or mid 2nd ?
  20. now if we can just get the middle working and stop giving the other team the ball we're set !!
  21. The mysts are clearing....... I see I see a new coach at Carlton I see a former charge of this coach joinibg him. Will make a cuppa later and see if the tealeaves agree !! Lol
  22. I concur. We must seek good footballers who can be athletic not good athletes that can play football. Such a chasm of difference !!
  23. Well cross fingers and toes; the architect of the crows is aboard our bus now
  24. only two ?? Can someone put that in writing !! Lol
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