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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Youd have to be f'n joking surely. If thats even remotely true then thats deplorable, inexcusable.Amateur hour Be interested to know just how regular such a thing as , if indeed.
  2. Some dont need lessons, not for the golf, just for what goes with it.
  3. dont bother....some just arent interested in the realities of either what is.. or the processes and compensationsEveryone wants to trade those you cant or rookie someone when there wont be any !!
  4. well beamer wasnt included in tonights team list !!
  5. I have no reason to doubt , nor beleive as such . I would actually find it odd in a sense . Beamer must really be out of favour at AAMIMust be a lot more to this than gets let our the door ( STS )
  6. look four post above yours (#94 ) ..theres a link to the "Insider" segment
  7. how was that out of context.?Its put up that players earn money for their services. Someone else thought he had earnt the moula, another suggests hes no longer fair value. Perfect context.
  8. thanks 7-UP .. Interesting viewing
  9. yep Fremantle 9.8 (62) Melbourne 13.15 (93) Subiaco Oval 33,125 Sunday, 6 June
  10. Why ? Hes OOC. Not currently in the best 22, struggling with form and application of the Neeld game. Theres no auto spot there Im afraid. Thats just a reality.We need to get it straight.. Everyone has to EARN their spot ...Everyone If he wans to leave then Im sure we can help failitate that to everyones mutual benefit
  11. depends what industry youre in whether salary packaging still benefits the recipient. My wife still benefits...all legit.
  12. No I think it gives him a nudge if he gets overly optimistic perhaps
  13. In all reality anyone claiming to be the patient type must surely allow through next season before declaring a disaster.
  14. If we were leaking at the seams as we once did, if we were perilously situated financially as we uded to be, if we couldnt gaze out the window and see a future for the MFC id sort of at least understand the motive for all this angst. But other than ladder position and the rebuilding of a competitive list I see nothing but optimism to be had. We're debt free ,we have resources and we're about to start getting somewhere. There are some seriously angry and pessimistic bastards around. Life must be very tortuous for them. Glad im not one of them
  15. you know , just for a second i thought you were serious . Love your satire .
  16. With all due respect that you can not see it ( or wil not ) is about you, not the team and whats currently happening to itA train thats been derailed first has to be put back on the tracks, the tracks fixed and then you move on. What would be embarassing is if we werent attempting to right our wrongs, that we simply carried on regardless and directionless.
  17. Well we simply will have to pull up a chair and watch this one . There are fewclubs, indeed individuals who can tilt at this windmill. There are stimes i want to shoot his bastard for his digs at us but then again as much as we loather to admit hes also done some decent work. He will not fear the AFL, if anything it is the other way around. if Eddie gets it into his head that he wants , ne demands a reaasoning as to how Carlton manage this whilst others go begging then he will pursue it. So he should, so all should. its plain and simply a crooked set up. How this 'ambassadorial' role manages to fall outside of Judds package whilst many other similalrly styled ideas were nixed begs further explanation and /or rectification Its time the brown-baggers came unstuck
  18. Im not worried about the club if its only these stats thats worrying some. Those of you that play golf might get this. There may be other parallels but ill use golf here. Its possible to play golf without a lesson. Very few will get beyond the novice following this path. The odd few are naturals. Occasionally someone's a prodigy. Its rare. You invariably need lessons and as you progress the nature of those lessons becomes more and more specific.. Anyone;'s whos walked a golf course can tell you theres hundreds of diferent swings out there. ....and very FEW of them any real good !! lol But there are a lot of 'workable' swings which we hacks either yearn to better or compensate for. Most of us compensate. In doiing this we acknowledge we effectively limit our potential because we have a self imposed/accepted ceilinig. We arent doign it quite right but the ball does invariably leave the Tee and sometimes remains on the fairway and we make plodding progress around the course. We return to the clubhouse with a score. Its ok, nothing fancy or record threatening but weve survived another round. We did Ok and thats about it, thats all its ever going to be UNLESS.... UNLESS you relearn how to hit the ball properly and how to set up your game to best advantage. if you decide on this path 9 times out of 10 the first thing a decent golf professional will start to do is 'deconstruct" your swing. Inveitably its full of errors. You go back to basics. Its hard. Youve done it wrong for so long its like its prt of you, its what you do..but its wrong. You have to learn how to swing a club again. Those first couplel of thousand balls you smack in practice will go everywhere, even places you thought it impossible to hit a golf ball, places you couldnt hit for a bet !!. But they fly and the fly indeterminably for ages.....UNTIL UNTIL you click again. Until the new swing becomes the familiar way, until it becomes part of you , just lik the old bad way used to be. Now , however you have real potential for growth as you can hit the ball further, ( more often than not ) it starts to actually go where you want it to, not just directed it to. The positioning becomes more advantageous. . Strangely enough you end up hitting it less and less each game. You do come to a wal leventually , the limit of your abiulity but when you look back to where you came from you hardly recognise yourself. Strangely your playing partners have th esame difficulty !!! lol But all this takes work and understanding and at least for social golf a little bit of ability. The lesson here was you nearly always go backwards,( sidewards, all over the place really ) until you start to go forwardfs again. When you do start going forwards though the improvement builds on itself because al lthe fundamentals are now essentially correct. This Is the Melbourne Footbal Club. We hacked wins here and there for years with no real consistency to it nor the ability to go beyond a certain level for quite simply we were doing a whole lot wrong. Neeld and his FD are re-teaching the players the game. it will take time. There will be "going backwards" . Weve seen this already. As the lessons are learnt and practiced and the new skills honed w will start to move forward and in a real, meaningful and perpetual manner. We can not succeed to the ultimat prize without the tools and understanding to do so. Im not worried, in fact im quite excited. Go Dees
  19. Eddie is quite right to ask how the hell Carlscum will afford Cloke. Everyone wants to know how they get away with dodgy "ambassadorial " roles. Previously that dog was left to sleep, but now Eddie is [censored] off. This will be fun In the meantime everyones looking over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  20. isnt it nice that the media has a new focus !!
  21. hell thats been me for the last...oh dont know... a long long time lolActually it all Ive really been looking forward too this year. I knew the season proper would be painful. ..But theyre grwoing pains as such. Things are getting better its just theres little outward manifestation of this. That I hope will show in season 2013. This season been embryonic. I wont particulalry cruel any of the previous treade/draftings of the last say half dozen years but i seriously question whether the club had a good plan to work to. If you design a strategy ( thats rubbish ) an follow it then you are at least true to its cause if flawed in its makeup. This is what I sense happened. They though X and sought X. We now realise that X was at least 75% wrong and we actually need Y. Y? because we do Given 5 mins to work with ( figurately ) Neeld and Co showed more insight and relevance to our needs , let alone ability to achieve, than the FD had for quite some while. Given theyve had a good yea rto plan ths next phase of taent attack and armed with what by all accounts is a fair dinkum wallet I fervently hope there will be some clever and impacting enlistments come this EOS silly circus. Its like we were just mucking around before, and now we're serious.
  22. There was a temperal disturbance in the farce Captain !!
  23. shhh shhh.. People dont want to hear that. They want juicy morsels of psuedo currupt activity that obviously highlight the shadey natures of less desirable types.Might have found it difficult anyway to get the folding stuff out of a bank to support his desk habit. Without a fix he'd probbly go into with-drawer !!!
  24. its a bit Meatloaf...... 2 out of 3Yes its an Idea, Yes We wont like it, No , its not logical
  25. thanks. I like a good laugh in the morning.
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