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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. That's admirable.. Mine's empty...drank it to steel myself against the inevitable tide.. Going to be an interesting game.
  2. Well not pretenders..as such.... it'll just mean we've evolved this style as far as it can go. We'll have found our ceiling. We just need to be clever in our football...not so Neanderthal
  3. This strategy ... this chaos style is, to me ,very reminiscent of "whack the gopher". I.e it's manic . And you have to just keep keeping at it. Nearly impossible to keep it up all game...and if you do...the toll is very high. I actually believe what we're seeing at the start of this season is the price paid for our 'good' run at the back end of last season. We need to learn and master tempo...or we'll fry ourselves.
  4. The stationary player is the get and give transition. Ideally he has it for next to no time and passes it to an outside runner. We often lack this very runner.
  5. Excellent post @Mazer Rackham Keep in mind that the AwFuL don't actually want people to be able to find the rules, the real ones, as then there exists a metric to judge by. All about keeping the sporting proletariat confused. I'm sure a lot is just made up on the fly... according to the vibe of the game and the the whimsy of over participant umpires.
  6. Maybe...need a team that runs both ways all day to do this
  7. Bizarre is one word... there's others....
  8. Some silly frees ( port's fault ) cost them.... otherwise
  9. Here's the thing for me ...Allir was ALWAYS going to play well and be instrumental coming off the HB line. . Preuss not only kept him honest...provided a target...but hey kicked goals and chopped out for Max. win win WIN !! It's a no brainer...
  10. Is this..."my enemy's enemy is my ally " ?? lol
  11. Someone needs to check the Ess drink bottles... actually check Brisbane's too !!!
  12. The context of both is surely opportunity. Should have been around 25 against Ess. We managed to do ok in a final against a team that we had struggled against. Horses...courses.
  13. Might we kick more...if there were more there capable of kicking them, of making efforts to do so rather than focusing on defence.
  14. Here in lays a problem to me. Much of this approach...this over emphasis of 'defensive' pressure in our FORWARD arc is a bit arze about to me, always has been. It seems to assume the priority in our attack zone is to defend. No, the priority is to attack. The priority is to create opportunities to score. Preuss does this. Small defending forwards don't. Always thought this a tactical anachronism.
  15. Just makes you wonder why we waited til round 4 .....
  16. Not to detract from your post, which I thought very considered and on the money, but this particular extract resonates highly for mine. Kind of a sliding doors approach but a very poignant reminder that footy is a fickle master and you need to bring your best efforts all day, and have an ounce of two of luck. Very happy with the win and some aspects of playing style but it can so easily go the other way. Better teams, or even the Swannies on a better more accurate day will deliver pain. Still a long way I think to go. Happy to have broken the duck. Again, excellent post.
  17. A hearty congratulations to the team and coaching. I really didn't see that coming. Well done. However one win does not a winter footy season make. Let's back it up. Go Dees
  18. Try applying probabilities to the ongoing games. Yeah I know...could change. Some might to play the simple game of 'if we won enough could we still make it " The reality is about the likelihood of such outcomes, not the choice of outcomes. Currently chances are around Buckley's. Another couple of losses you can then add Nunn to that
  19. The enquiry to be called Misson Impossible
  20. Hang on....this almost supposes that a player doesn't understand Footy 101 until they're on a list ( AFL ) for a number of years. What Oscar did, and as a consequence dragged the Snowman into , we're cardinal sins of football....the kind of stuff drummed into you from junior footy !!
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