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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. VIBE Voracious Indictment Beyond Equivocation potent stuff for sure......... FFA !!!
  2. Those that suppose we will entertain any penalty or for that matter suggest the AFL by such will impose a penalty after sustaining a charge seem to be overlooking the reality that in order for the AFL to do so it will expose themselves to no end of litigation from any 3rd party who deems hard done by by such events. And lets not trivialise what those amounts may add to. Were talking 6 zero numbers and then some. The barest modicum of logic ought to deem that no such outcome can come. The only recourse the AFL actually has is to not just close the door on this issue but slam it tight for all eternity lest the monster reappears. But they ( Vlad & Co ) cant simply whitewash this nor sweep it under the green grass of the G. No they have to appear diligent lest someone else takes them to task for not being earnest. This is an elaborate hoax worthy of George Roy Hill. roll the Joplin !!!
  3. Because the idiot who started this has left the building!! ( and NO longer works for them )
  4. yeah ....wot ee sed !!
  5. Not so much Humbug.. But this is all driving towards a conclusion/verdict which is all but immovable. i.e No case to answer. if they decide anything differently the biggest can of mutant snakes will unleash. This is way beyond worms. !! The AFL needs to protect itself, thats THEIR motive in all of this..We simply ride the train , but this will be Flinders St , all change , this train's going nowhere. It cant. Thats not naive , thats actually comprehending the full extent of this fiasco. The outcome is already set. The path to it is still being raked !!
  6. Hear Hear to the OP. I also agree with WYL as to our sleeping supporter numbers. AA lot of people have just become numb over the years. So much rhetoric, so little results..ho hum.. and the next year, and the next. Many havent so much given up on us just cant be bothered . I empathise. Everything about this New Melbourne seems radically different from the haphazard approach of the bumbling versions before. We have a well thought out and resources business structure and the FD now resembles a professionally run sporting outfit. The 'workers' for want of a better category are now players who actually seem capable of doing the job, not some bunch of skinny nose bleeding apprentices on a permanent bus around the roundabouts. Before you can play like a fair dinkum AFL club ( let alone a power club ) you have to be a fair dinkum outfit, from top to toe. This is where we're at, now its time to play. Go Dees !!
  7. No ones quaking in their boots, thats the whole point. This has become the the AFL's Christmas pantomime. " The Grinch and the Demon " This is all theatrical. All the players are sticking to the script. The AFL does this, the MFC does that, AFL goons threaten this, MFC retorts with appropriate brough haha !! f-f to the Final Act, and the predictable scene with the AFL seemingly annoyed yet as were a relenting parent benevolent with their ajudication. The Demons and Grinch skip away ( friends now ) off into footballs susnset. Its either Theatre or high farce ,one not preventing the other I suppose, so probably both !! Final scene ( imagery ) is a cut away panning shot of the Demon and Grinch winking knowingly to each other and grinning as the camera fades !! THE - END FINIS Auf Wiedesehen & Goodbye
  8. I very much tend to agree. Though for some reason a notion came into mind that if this were a movie, it might this one (of a certain franchise ) Episode IV: A New Hope
  9. aka as Dud -Dads ( jokes )
  10. This idea has me a bit curious, not to your assertion but that all the way along it does indeed seemed to have been leaking. We even had word about this latest chapter, the "evidence is presented" before it became public. We learnt of the "techniques" of the inquisition even some of its targets etc not only before it was p-k but that it even should be. The Heraldry of the AFL ought to be a Sieve and Sceptre !!
  11. I do like the Nuts reasoning above, as surely must be the only reason it didn't broaden to other clubs. This is damage control and a planned egress from the calamity.
  12. I think this may very well be the case. Though Im not even convinced they will even hang an individual out to dry but need to seem as though they intend to. this strikes me as a controlled manouvre by the AFL as part of its "PUBLIC" presentation of its findings.. its effectively propaganda on behalf of the AFL. It as some suggest needs to show something for all the effort but its all SHOW. Melbourne will review the so called evidence and proffer its explanations( and most likely with e a veiled warning ) . AFL will take this under advisement and then will probably drop the whole thing after deliberating and deciding that the Dees answers are/were plausible. case closed...thats my take
  13. I'm stocking up on bananas then !!!
  14. Very crafty of Vlad, I'm impressed. Not only had to clean up Andersens mess but had to find a way to wipe the slate. All this and seen to be seemingly placating the freaks in the media. Actually using them against themselves. Yes Merry Christmas indeed ,,
  15. yep, but your word smithing beats mine
  16. I still see this as a process in the journey to a non-finding. That and the AFL finds that Cuddles tells really lame dad-jokes
  17. i wasn't knocking him lol. More power to the lad ( and more weight eventually )
  18. speaking of BaRRY This must surely be the definition of " OPTIMISM " Barry taking on Tapscott.. good luck with that son !!! lol
  19. The sky is falling , the worlds ending !!!!!!! The AFL is coming..... Get a grip folks
  20. I wouldnt want to be caught in a dark alley with some of the people here..
  21. what utter garbage... the Law is there to serve both parties. Its particularly there to serve the transgressed. its because people think like this that institutions get away with murder. take the bastards on !! take anyone on. you either fight...or youre nothing !!
  22. and that would stop someone hijacking the nic for here ?
  23. If this was actually the case, which I personally doubt, then why wasnt the club brought before the the AFL commission when they had the opportunity ? More [censored] stirring !!
  24. No..what we cant afford to do , nor ever do , is roll over like some pup as you suggest. What a [censored] weak attitude , honestly.
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