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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Anderson had a brilliant imagination. A resusable rocket....hell NASA were still playing with Satrun V's lol A multiuse versatile container lifting plane,let alone it was VTOL. (The kestrel/ harrier was still but a prototype) .... brilliant stuff. Who didnt imagine themselves as a Thunderbird !! , going down that elaborate crew slide ..lol
  2. None of this actually goes to the point. These 'blokes' are AFL footballers . This is a high profile sport in Melb. They are educated in the means and hows ( sic) of avoiding unecessary trouble as part of their AFL players personal development.. its part of their work -code. This was the G the most recognisable stadium in the country on one of the most publicised days of the year at an event reknown for actings-up. They were located in a vacinity also of repute for just such shenanigans. You dont go to 13 for a quiet arvo. So this displays either intent or dumb-[censored] intelligence. There are NO real days off during your AFL career, not if you want to play at the elite level, not any more. What other people do or did is irrelevant, are they Melbourne players also ? wow sh!t stinks...theres news
  3. You just want to go smack a few of these lazy sods. There was no context of tanking but they just couldnt help themselves I m sure when Misson ( read club ) suggests the these interim days are their own that it isnt meant to suggest open slather. Time for some serious inner reflection on the part of some. If they learn anad adapt..so be it.. Should they not, well there simply isnt a place in the new Melbourne for idiots.
  4. it is essentially the crux, id agree. What did they expect...a quiet afternoons partaking of ale and cricket ?? ffs. You go to 13 for one reason... its party time
  5. Ingeniokinetic. I have no doubt what you suggest as being the case isnt far from what happened. None of which actually goes to the thinking ( or lack there of ) and decision making as it panned out. Its not a case of some of us suggesting wowserism to be the law of the day, far from it. Want a beer or three, yeah why not. As with everything theres a time and a place. Even if attending the G as many subscribe the idea of bay 13 is so full of UXB's that it beggars belief that the lads even contemplated it. It was dumb..simply that. Showed extreme poor judgement not only for themselves but for the club they represent. Like it or not whilst they accept the paychecks they will ALWAYS be representatives of the MFC and ought to consider that before embarking on such folly. The club is attempting to instill a better culture and part of that goes to all manner of things, not just the 100 mins on a field. The club has called for a 'please' explain'..and rightly too.
  6. Neeld will deal with it on his terms at his timing. most lijely when club returns on the 2nd. They are after all the tail. It no longer wags the dog.
  7. And we move on
  8. boxers yes, knickers no.... Too much ??
  9. it somewhat surprises me you condone poor decisions , a lack of judgement and bogan behaviour.Each to their own I suppose
  10. they are more than welcome to hand back their monies and go find a regular job.
  11. 5 4 3 2 1 One minute silence please for the creator of many many hours of F A B fun !!! Thanks Gerry.
  12. that'd be it lolAlso, never would have started had he been here !!
  13. My eldest son ( step son..) noticed that my recently acquired Ute had an Essendon sticker on the back tray. Since removed..lol He felt it only fitting then to replace it in kind and so I got an Essendon coffee cup for xmas. its now game on for round 2 !!
  14. Well somewhat ironically my wife received ( from me ) an iPad mini. It works pretty well . Does what it was hoped to and probably not an iota more.. This compared to a 7 " Android we got ages ago and it literally was doa...coulndt be bothered going through the rigamarole in returning as by the time we did it was cost neutral to chuck it..lol Seem to be making some poor decision here. ( read cheap ) I must fess i only got the kogan in order to dabble and sample the likes of an Android tab. i feel that a REAL one ought to work a treat. I would like to borrow a friends for a few days just to see. Unfortunately they nearly all have iPads..lol might just wait a few months and se what comes out and whats chucked out on sales cheers all
  15. This to me goes to the heart of the matter. The agendas; who's and why. We could get all Max and start concerning ourselves with the When and What but we'd probably end up under a cone of silence and in white jackets. Seriously though. There's been a complete orchestration to all of this. Some , rather clever, folk have ensnared to the help , wittingly or otherwise, of the 4th estate as well as any grumbling ex Melbourne person they could buy a beer for. Add to this pyre the ego of Anderson. It just seems that at any juncture where it ( the inquisition ) was about to fall over sure enough some revelation or leak appeared. There's been collusion and scullduggery without doubt. This whole affair has been white-anted.
  16. So that would be the litmus...getting charged ?? Not making a public spectacle of yourself ?? Again nice trolling. I have made no mention of it being the HUNS doing. You 're attempting that straw. Give up. We can see through you . What the HUN has done is neglect to properly identify the allegiance of the players !! The court of public opinion has made it decision upon the stupidity of the boys actions. irrelevant to the paper. You yourself acknowledge that where they sat opened them up to day long ribbing and attempts to get under their skin. Guess what ..IT DID !! who'd da thought ?? Well any one with a modicum of common sense might have foreseen that one There seems a dearth of comprehension by some as to the reality that these "paid employees of the club " actually have a certain responsibility to that club in the manner they carry themselves in public ESPECIALLY maybe the very place they call their home the "G" This again goes to decision making. They failed. No one disputes a right to a few days off. This isn't about having time off. It's about making a d!ck of yourself in public and bringing shame and notoriety upon yourself and your club.
  17. as a troll you're really not very good.
  18. you're a joke..seriously. We can see what transpired. As to what lead up to it, another thing and somewhat irrelvant. They got [censored] and ejected. They made the news and front page. Which bit of this escapes you. Being 23 yo is an excuse for ??? Answer ....nothing. btw..I dont wear knickers.
  19. are you an idiot ?? they are at all times, like it or not ( as takers of a very large paycheck ) representing not only themselves but the MFC. They have a duty of respect to that job to uphold. Nice trolling btw
  20. Irrespective of take or view, it will be interesting to see how the club views it and reaction.
  21. its as simple as... One bloke has a dedication to doing his utmost to be the best he can an also has ability to pick and choose where and when might be opportune to watch in public. nothing to do with whether he has interest in cricket of not as the result to the "silly fellow's outing" was all about where and how ( npi ) they did it. they could have easily sat in the members had they wished. but NO...they yobbed it !! some have sense not to put themselves in harms way..others dont.
  22. youd be guessing and the point was entirely relevant . Decision making and timing etc
  23. Seems theres always dumb and dumber. Those involved should incur punishment . Extra trsining as well as suspension from round one. Frawley just flunked his leadership application . Some see this as storm in teacup stuff . I dont. It goes to the very fabric of what the Darwin experience was all about. Teamwork and respect. Epic fail for some here. Very poor decision making at its most public. Clever people dont put themselves and othrrs into this predicament . I hope and expect club to make an early example . Its not over reacting to expect professional standards to be maintained . Lets turn an unfortunate situation into an opportunity . Draw the line. Lets there be NO misunderstanding from here on.
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