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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. i tend to agree. Taking the train a a short stroll is the go I reckon. HB btw
  2. How easily we forget at times that Chunk is but 24.
  3. There's a subtle difference between the run and carry as espoused by DB and the speed and movement of the 'Spread' as deployed by the more assertive and capable sides. In the former it was the End , in the latter it's only a means to an end !!!
  4. Yes the fluff is of a far better type this year. And all of it really counts for 2/3 of 3/4 of sfa. Only when jumpers are donned and the line of competition crossed will we know truly where the players rank. Having said that there does seem the fleeting glimpses of some sort of satisfaction as to how certain "disappointments" are now travelling. I'll just wait and see.
  5. Yep.. Cheers Now take that list and compare it to the current one . Whilst doing so have an eye to the post about the Rams !! I think there's only 26 the same ( might be wrong was a quick count )
  6. Anyone got handy access to the Dees list as of end of h&a 2011 ?
  7. Strangely, Onbious..... Or on-bias is freudianly closer to the reality than you intended !!
  8. Now i know i'll be lampooned but as they say "after the lovings done" what the hello would you have in common to talk about. Im one of those who just happens to think the brain is still the sexiest part of a woman. Maybe just me. And yes Red.all a bit sad really
  9. In another salute to Gerry A combination of a few of my favourite things; so again I say Mr Anderson, " thankyou very much ...uh huh !! "
  10. Yes, I too used to wish I was a Spaceman I can remember when I was 4 being given an XL-5 rocket toy. Bit lame by today it had a parachute you would fold up and it would fit inside. You threw it as high as you could and it would come sailing back down. Hours of fun.
  11. That was the subtle point..yes.. But not just your's. There's a bit of a habit on these boards to misspell many a player's name. Whilst David's thinking may well be auguste, he is no Rodin. He might well have the dance moves but he is not MTV's Roden either. Our Rodan is not Kaiju but he might prove more than a match for some with his on-field abilities !!
  12. I can see a plan amongst all this. ( Whether its actually there or just my thinkings is another point ). IMHO Neeld is operating a duo-strategem blueprint for Melbourne continual growth and success. First up theres some instant improvement and results. This will show itself as a more poised and competent as well as competitive team taking to the field. Hes accomplishing this by not only plugging some of the gaping holes but by manning the bridge with better, experienced thinkers who are less likely to allow capitulations and overuns. The same "older' blokes will also provide to the second arrow , that being the passing on of knowledge and a culture.This is the longer term benefit. Players like Rodan and Byrnes bring the experience only years bring. Dawes and even the likes of Gillies bring a qaulity ethos too as theyve been exposed to winning cultures.. It all bodes well for mine.
  13. im not sure I know where to start ....meh!!
  14. Yeah...that Roden is a bit of a worry.......... But quite happy we drafted a bloke called RODAN !!
  15. Actually he's by far the greater crock !!
  16. I'm not sure if it all will every come to light but there's definitely more to all this than meets the eyes. Some people with persuasion and influence have got this thing moving when it really ought to have stalled at the line. I keep coming back to the question ....why ? And I keep coming back to the idea its not about Melbourne per se..its all about someone's (s) grudge. If this was really about tanking it would go across teams, but it hasnt. So this is about payback. At some point the motive and the instigators must be outed and dealt with.
  17. yes I do..lol
  18. we might well look back one day and consider him (TV) one of the greatest recruitments of our history B) Edit: TV
  19. to keep it going Ex-Cat brings new ideas to Demons Seems Byrnes , like a few other older recruits is proving his worth already. So much is often punted about the game being so much between the ears that its important when players of the ilk of Byrnes come into a line up and are able to impart their history, experience and ideas into a group. Yes its more of the summer ( no footy ) feel good mushy stuff but I can only imagine this is the very thing Neeld ( and FD ) was hoping for in grabbing the likes of Rodan and Byrnes and say Dawes. Injecting bonefide successful experience into the team. A bit like blood doping in a fashion , but the mental (psyche) side.
  20. Great stuff Jack You must do a whole book one day. Put me down for a dozen !! Look fwd to next instalment.
  21. No... Obvious Watts doing !!
  22. Ka ching !!
  23. Pre Season Guide "This is unlikely to be this year (2013) but it may happen sooner than many observers expect as the club prepares with urgency and tries to fast-track the progress of its youngsters." and Hogan Happy on the long road. "I just look at what I would be doing if I did not have this opportunity," and on a brighter and happier note we have these articles. yes Martha, "Positive Press " ; who would have imagined !! I think I like this Ryan a lot more than that other ..." ( insert expletive of choice) " Both readings are reasonable and circumspect. Both highlight we're doing a lot of the right things and that it will just take a bit of time to click. It does raise the prospect however that that "time" mightn't be as long as some might suggest. I fully expect us to be up and running in 13, just how fast and how far..we all have views but its interesting to note that not all in teh 4th estate are doomsdayers regarding us. A nice change
  24. most likely
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