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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. toucheCan you fix it so !
  2. and they know it twice as well as most !!
  3. thumbs up from me Strangely it has everything the big rags don't, objectivity,balance and essentially no agenda. It's just informative as a critique. Nice work mate
  4. Your Honour, we are charged with Tanking by way of fumbling. If I may , I would enter into evidence exhibit #TWS-1 Your honour this elegantly crafted piece of inflated leather is notorious for not behaving itself. I would have it heard your honour that if this ball was bounced a 100 times there is no guarantee whatsoever that you would have a congruous and replicated result. Suffice to say it rather has a mind of its own when it comes to interacting with either the ground its used upon or the players that use it. I would put it to your learned self that fumbling is inevitable at times independent of skill and experience !!
  5. Eventually we'll stop our grumbling !
  6. I think theyre fumbling through this !!!
  7. Many of the great unwashed that will devour that vision wont stop to consider the editing or the very subjective , if not inflammatory, commentary. and thats exactly what the Hun etc want.
  8. Because Bailey was always a laughing clown ? , jumping up and down ?? he was the king of Stoney faces. Hardly proof of anything. It was a tense part of the game, finger biting stuff. No one was going to celebrate too prematurely I would think.
  9. I reckon Vlad will want to go out on a happier note and a more convivial juncture. Either late in season 13 or prior to 14. Just a guess ( obviously ) You may well be on the money DeeLuded that after this is put to bed a different 'system' may be announced. It would put the 'old ' issue further into the soil.
  10. Yep..thats your opinion ( as entitled ) Its not the Clubs. I'm with the club.
  11. Some of the most inventive ( and inaccurate ) commentary ever. just glosses over the notion we actually fought our way back and into the lead. I mean, obviously only incidental and of no importance
  12. I think everyone needs to remind themselves that the AFL , whilst not only the designers and instigators of this mess, are so because they simply arent quite as clever as many would make them out to be ( especially themselves..lol ) A lot of good things are done by the league. A lot of seemingly idiotic things are also managed by same said people. Often i feel its a case if you stand in one spot and throw enough seed far and wide eventually something will take and grow. When this happens they trumpet it for all to see. When the rest amounts to little it simple is forgotten/disregarded/ or re-invented as something else entirely. The AFL have all but painted themselves into a corner. There's very little manoeuvrability left now. All roads (bar one ) lead to the abyss. Only common sense will avert this happening. I think even they ( AFL ) are fully recognizant of this now. It took them a while and only after their preferred avenues of reaction were well and truly slammed in their face. if we were to draw this out as a flowchart ( too lazy to .lol ) you would find each and every occasion of choice would eventually lead back to a no-foul decision (after exhaustive investigation ) Its actually the only one whereby the AFL can put tanking to bed and close the door on it. Whilst the media is an interested onlooker its not actually party to the inquisition. It may not like a not guilty finding but it can go jump. The AFL wasnt very clever in allowing this to unfold. This is entirely their mess. Had they had clearer and more comprehensive thinkers they could have forseen such things occurring and tightened up the loose ends before it unravelled. They didnt. Vlad is not so silly to allow any reproach to this subject once finalised. His cohorts will not want this to arise again either lest their "interests' come under focus. Contrary to some media pundits i cant see this going beyond the next AFL meeting. the NAB season looms and Vlad and his imperial army will want THAT , and that alone as the shining beacon for all to see. To summise: This will finish soon - The AFL can not afford this to go to court , they lose control. The AFL will rule No foul / no penalty The AFL will tidy up any remaining abiguities. Tanking will be officially dead.
  13. indeed.. Simply lacking total innocence is no positive proof of guilt. And guilty, as proved, of what. Thats the eternal merry go round
  14. Its entirely possible for sure. Getting sponsorship money is hard enough these days. Getting companies to look too far down the road is next to impossible. When it does occur the lucky recipients can only clap and rejoice. Its not a norm any more. Ill play pretend here for a moment and cast the idea that this might actually work to our advantage. I'll leave aside the differing faction's take on all events other than so remind of what resulted. In a time of dire position the Club managed to actually sign good sponsors to good money. if we are to be brave and believe a dramatic on field improvement and generalised momentum of the club youd have to think we make a very good billboard for advertisers. we may see extensions or indeed competition. in the meantime, Webjet, Opel....thankyou
  15. If so Id like to refer to a particular tale of Black Sheep. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0779982/ No need to be a wolf in sheeps clothing here..lol Those Baaaaaaaaaaaaa -stards better be careful
  16. yes. its a moot point really. They had only signed for one previously as well...but they DID re-sign. I take that as a positive.
  17. I think the shot across the bow ( of the AFL ) has already taken place. We've said we will fight ANY charges or sanctions resulting from implied guilt. I read this as essentially a stance of no compromise. Not tokens accepted etc. We cant be a little bit guilty here, as you cant be a little bit pregnant or dead. You either are or you're not and I cant see the club , having gone all through this, now rescinding on its pledge. The AFL can make up its mind how it eventuates to a decision of no foul, no penalty , but that's the only one I think will be acceptable to the club
  18. Whether the intention or otherwise it certainly is panning out that way. lol
  19. My point is simply that there isnt really a down side to it. Theres as much upside potential as anything in the world but often what people take as negativity the Ad-world sees as only exposure. It would cost hundreds of thousands to get the page spreads and air time those companies have had as a result of the medias obsession with all of this. Both companies re-signed only last year. I really dont see a worry in this regard.
  20. Webjet and Opel will be laughing all the way to the bank. its product recognition and brand reinforcement to the nth power !! People see the logos and thats subliminal in many instances. They wont stop to evaluate whether the jumper was a worthy vehicle (npi ) etc , they'll just remember Webjet or Opel tis all good Nothing to see here....keep moving lol
  21. DC . I honestly reckon they just make a lot of it up and tie it in with that which anyone with half a brain could extract from this fiasco I knew quite a few journos columnists back in the day of working for pacpubs and i can tell you some are not adverse to a little bit of creativity when nothing else presents !! Anonymous sources=close to "x" =bullsh!t dept !!
  22. Those last five must have been hard work, hope the next 20,000 come a bit easier !!Lol
  23. Think you might be right buff
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