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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. For some reason I thought it was today. Wasn't the commission next meeting today ?
  2. Funny how its all gone quiet out there in the real world !!
  3. CAC was a sort of infrequent regular here.. Schwabby , a couple of times. But they are the ones we KNOW
  4. Id be very surprised if someone form the club isnt tasked with keeping an eye on these boards, for any number of reasons. Hi !!!
  5. Would you not concede though that its as good a place as any to sow a seed ??
  6. I never said it was necessarily a grandiose conspiracy. I actually have said its more like a small band of disenchanted's , but that they have influenced others and/or shown others where opportunities lay to further whatever cause they had. One person acting alone is just that..2 or more in cahoots..done covertly, wel then that qualifies as a conspiracy for they are co-conspiring. The point being it all didnt happen accidently. There has been motive, intent and action. Sometimes forrests burn because someone wanted to toast.
  7. Oh right...Brothers are always on the same page ? That in itself really means nothing. Since Cain and Able, that , of being related, isnt a guarantee of kinship or shared goals !! Im not feeling the trust towards Sheahan., but in fairness thats just me.
  8. NSC . I'm not sure we're talking of the same thing. The how and why of the actual List managing over the years is one thing. The subject of my curiosity is how we suddenly come to be on the chopping block and how the fires of inquisition are constantly fueled and fanned. Some would have it its just a bunch of coincidental instances of combustion ( all lit under us btw) My view is there's been a loose if ad hoc association of likeminded's who have sought to bring pressure on the MFC for a variety of dividends Some think that in order for a conspiracy to have taken place that some sort of organisation exists with rules and by laws that meet on every other tuesday and that a voted on agenda is followed.. More often a conspiracy exists when 2 or more seek to follow a course of action thats covert.
  9. Actually Occams doesn't really suggest that at all. You might argue the simplest rationale IS a collusion as opposed to an assortment of supposedly disassociated happenings !
  10. 55 , please don't infer that I give much credence or acknowledgement of intelligence to those that seek unrest and eventual turnover at the club. The whole thing smacks of fools in suits thinking they can control gelignite. My thoughts to some of this fiasco is it was an idea that got out of hand. That occurred because more than a few sought to profit from the fallout. Only, there hasn't been any. Then it just went from a ridiculous miscalculation to a circus. None of this as happened by chance. THere has been intent and collusion. But I guess even the originators of this action couldn't have foreseen the gusto of the Inquisitors henchmen, nor the feral frenzy amongst one of he 4th estate. Nor I suspect did they allow for the guile and resilience of the present board. Whomever is responsible , they must be seriously irascible. The poor petulant sods !!
  11. seem to remember some bloke off trekking . Suffice to say it never appeared to some his priorities matched his position. Don't have to know someone often, actions and words my friend !
  12. Replaced by whom, and why ? For what ? I.e what will they bring to the party? What will be there shining skills and ability ? Detente is marvee, (when possible) ,, board spills aren't always blood letting events. It could be said the most able thing Paul managed was his succession.
  13. Which.... Or WHO ?
  14. 55 The whole point of much of this goes to he notion hat it's the very ones who have/had the noses , collectively or otherwise, out of joint that have themselves extenuated the debacle and sought to use it to their own gain. That being the displacing of the board. You can't put stuff on the tracks and then blame the train drivers. It seems to some of us that throes a group who are only interested in 'their' ideal of a Melbourne and how wonderful they'd sit in it. Many of us aren't buying that rubbish, not one iota. The tanking issue is a blind, it's simply being used to camouflage other aims.
  15. It's somewhat amusing to read the suggestion that if we were to have the temerity to defend ourselves then this must somehow result in bankruptcy. This view explains to me why anyone who would advocate such should never be let near the boardroom let alone the reins. It's naive, amateurish and ultimately detrimental to the club to allow such Lilly livered scaredy cat doctrines to exist. Don't ever enter the schoolyard let alone politics if you haven't the stomach or backbone for it. It's a straw argument to purport we go to court and go broke. This will never go to court nor was it going to. What needed to be understood by the inquisitors was our preparedness to do so, push come to shove. I.e we were/are willing to blow a mighty hole in the ivory tower lest you back off and F off !! It's. ploy, a gambit. But it's a reasonable and real one. It would seem others prefer the course of non confrontation. You might as well urn around bend over and after the raping hand everything over to the League as you must have no enthusiasm for anything that require risk or daring. These people want to plod along at the hem of SS Mediocrity. There is responsible governance and we trust and expect that from a fiscal standpoint but there's the ideal of Leadership. Governance might keep the engines in nick but its Leadership that steers. Sometimes you actually have to swing your boat around directly into the waves in order to stay afloat. It can get rough but any other course may simply capsize you, you're gone. I have spoken to very few people who believe we've taken he wrong path. Funnily enough no one really cares about tanking. It's almost a non issue. ( this from people of many clubs) what is important is how you play the game, the other game, the how you deal with he AFL game.. I had it put to me it's just like Bullies in the Schoolyard. Cowtow and you're theirs. Stand up and the dynamic changes. Yes sometimes you might get whacked, more often you won't. Bullies are cowards. The AFL is just the same. Stand up and show them you aren't mucking around , and more importantly remind them you know where the skeletons are and they'll 'negotiate' armistice. Collingwood do it, Carlton do it, Sydney do it. But some would have he MFC just roll. Have them seek terms even before a judgement. Honestly just how pathetically p!ssweek can some get. It's week and stupid. You're admitting a guilt that needn't be. You're guaranteeing a punishment. That's not Leadership, thats surrender, no that's abdication really. It would not only be a travesty it would be a derilection of position. Sometimes the only way through a minefield is THROUGH the minefield. You simply have to clear away what you can and brace for the rest. I'm not au fait as to who would /could have done a better job, or indeed if any exist. What I am happy enough with is the current board have one way or another got us up and going. We're actually in the black. We're prepared to push back against the oppressors who would have us as sacrificial offering to the deities . It's often said what happens off the field can reflect/effect what happens on he field. I hope so. We're now a team with spirit, prepared to take on all comers, and most poignantly , dare to win. I much prefer that to what we were .
  16. Thats some box of straws you have Hazy. I played for the Richmond little league, guess I'd better hand in my membership then !
  17. And yet strangely that's exactly what will happen MFC1 Afl 0 We entered the fight because it was not only just to do so but not to would have been reprehensible . Not only but also, as a vehicle to oust the objects and targets of this ploy by conspiracy; its failed. Some were hoping the AFL and certain media flogs would do their dirty work for them. They must be fuming !!
  18. How's your ticket going for the AGM Hazy? Got you little group ready ?
  19. Hmm.. On the tanking inquiry i reckon Nuts had...let me count.... Oh yeah 1 opinion. A number of posts , but just the one view.
  20. my asking was based upon the notion of Melbourne reserves. This could either be the Dees 2nds or when the allignments started , their 1sts if you see what i mean playing in a Zebbies gf could be seen as being our reserves etc thats all
  21. Just to clarify Dees magoos or includes alignment teams? Cheers
  22. Like it or not WY L has a valid point. In the old days we just said put up or shut up. If there's better, enlighten. no ones likely to berate you for that.
  23. might be the choccies lol
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