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Posts posted by Doggo

  1. So Brock McLean is an outside midfielder??? And Aaron Davey is an inside midfielder????. Clubs plan and prepare for the fact that MFC players play in certain manner with certain strengths and weaknesses and they look to exploit that.

    At this stage what is important is that they actually win the ball often from a contest than use it effectively by hand or foot. This is the domain of both the inside and outside midfielder. The classification of midfielders according to attributes is very relevant. Foot skills being just one of them.

    I agree with this, although i do see where Freak is coming from. Good skills by foot are so important, and severely lacking at MFC for that matter, however, you are right. Not classifying players according to their strengths/attributes, as well as their weaknesses, is just being naive.

  2. Still no official update on the MFC site, but if this is true, i am pleased.

    As is the way with injuries, when one person goes down an opportunity arises and hopefully Valenti and McKenzie (and Spencer) can make the most of those oppotunities presented to them this year.

    I also look forward to seeing McKenzie in the flesh for the first time. Was very impressive against Coburg on the TV, although i'm not 100% sure he'll be getting much of a go unless injuries strike one or two of our 'inside' mids.

    Very happy for Valenti! Despite having some queries over him, i do rate him and i think he'll give his absolute all when he finally does get back in the red and blue.

  3. Bugger. Just when Meese was starting to show a little bit. Poor guy, i'm sure he'd be feeling right down in the dumps at the moment. I'm with Nasher in that i'm not sure that he was completely AFL-level just yet, but he was moving in the right direction and this injury could not have come at a worse time for him.

    And Aussie out for 6... :angry: !

    I was really looking forward to seeing him back out on the G, buzzing around with his enthusiasm and spark. He'll be right, like Nasher said, his career is hardly in the balance, but it is disappointing. #33, which he has only worn once for us in the NAB cup hasn't been too lucky for him...

  4. One win. Most likely next week against the eagles, although QB would be sweet. All losses under 10 goals, with a couple of close, 'honorable' losses thrown in. 2-9 at the half way mark would probably be a decent result for the club given 4 or less wins for the year is most likely.

  5. I don't want to be unduly harsh on any particular player.... buuuutt, how long do we persist with PJ? We were slaughtered for most of the match, and if you believe the AFL site, Dunn had more hitouts than either Meesen and PJ for nearly half the match. What's PJ done this season to justify his spot in the 22? I wouldn't want to jeopardise Spencer's development, but we'd be better off with one ruckman and using someone like Dunn or Newton to pinch hit.

    PJ wasn't our worst today. He spent a limited amount of time in the ruck and did ok while he was in there. The bigger issue for mine was Meesen, after playing almost a full match on the ball, managed only FIVE hitouts for the game. 5. Versus Blake's 29. Just not good enough to be heading our ruck division IMO.

  6. IN: McNamara, Newton

    OUT: Dunn, Bate

    Now, ideally i'd like to see Newton spend a couple more weeks at VFL level to consolidate his form, but i have a feeling DB asked him to go back and play a good game to re-gain his spot in the side. With Bate's continued poor form, and Juice getting 5 and B.O.G (personally TBH i thought Valenti should have got it), i think he's done what was asked of him and will probably get a call up.

    Dunn just went today and IMO does not attack the footy hard enough in marking contests. McNamara was very impressive with his run, size and mobility, drifting forward for a few shots on goal and taking some nice overhead marks. He also reads the play beautifully and is courageous in the air, unlike Dunn. Playing him down back, in the role Garland normally plays, could allow Martin to spend some more time up forward perhaps? He could also potentially play on the wing with his ability to run and carry the footy.

  7. If I see Dunn poo his pants once more when going for a mark or a hard ball I reckon I'll spew.

    Tell me about it. He's a real serial offender in that regards. To be honest, i hope he gets dropped and makes way for someone who's willing to put their body on the line unconditionally. I hate to make such permenant statements, but he won't make it in the AFL if he keeps squibbing marking contests. 'Nuff said.

  8. - Meesen was very good. Although I get frustrated with his continual need to handpass, he was in the right positions today.

    Disappointing players today:

    - Bate. I am sick of him. How many games is he going to get without being dropped? He is slow, he does not go nearly hard enough at the ball, and his disposal today was awful. A couple on the full and a behind from a shot he should have kicked. He takes short steps sometimes too. Needs a break at VFL level.

    - Maric. I was thoroughly disappointed. He got himself in good positions and got enough of the ball, but butchered it every time, bar one. Hopefully it was just an aberation, as we know how skillful a player he is.

    - Bruce. Had a shocker, butchered a few kicks that were important. Should have kicked at least one, maybe two, goals in the first quarter. I am a big fan of his and will always stick up for him, but today wasn't his day.

    - McDonald. Poor game, muffed alot of kicks. Put his body on the line as always, but made a few crucial errors.

    I was also impressed with Stef Martin up forward. Like the look of that.

    Agree with most of that, although i thought Meesen was fairly comprehensively beaten today--> 5 hitouts to Blake's 29. I'd probably have him in my most disappointing players today. His need to handball at all costs comes from his disgraceful kicking skills.

    Miller was another who really disappointed me. When will he ever lead to dangerous areas and kick some goals!?! Expected much more from him.

  9. Am i the only person who thinks Meesen had a pretty dissappointing game today?

    He spent the majority of the time on the ground, in the ruck, yet only managed 5 hitouts (& 13 disposals) as our #1 ruck option (to Blake's 29 hitouts). 5 hitouts in almost a full game on the ball is just not acceptable.

    In significantly less game time, Johnson had 12 disposals and 7 hitouts. Not exactly flattering numbers either, but he spent a lot less time in the ruck, and was more competitive IMO. As well as being a lot tidier with his disposal and kicking a nice goal.

    I'm glad Meesen has shown something over the past few weeks, but today he was just completely ineffective.

  10. Yes. He's capable of a lot more than what he has shown in recent weeks, and today showed some good signs.

    I know he's had a poor year so far, but today he wasn't bad. Definitely not a stinker like recent weeks.

    Actually, i thought he played quite well. Maybe didn't do quite enough, but what he did was positive. His ball use was tidy, kicked a nice goal and was competitive in the ruck. He looked sharp in the first quarter, but never really managed to get totally into the game after that. Spent a lot of time on the bench, but still got as much of the ball, and more hitouts, than Meesen.

    I've been pleased with Meesen in that he hasn't been anywhere near as bad as we thought he might be (verging on a joke pre-season), but let's be honest, he hasn't been all that good. Not the answer to our #1 ruck woes, thats for sure. Our rucks were pretty comprhensively beaten by Blake today, but of the two i'd have thought PJ was the more competitive. (Meesen got just 5 hitouts, playing as our #1 ruck option today. He would have spent at least 70% game time on the ball. Blake had 29 for the Cats. Simply not good enough.)

    Shocking thread IMO. Some one always needs to find a scapegoat.

  11. Whilst many here have been dreading this Sunday's match against Geelong, I am actually really excited about the game and looking forward to seeing how we stack up against the benchmark of the competition. Obviously, a blowout is the most likely outcome, however i think we could probably finish within 30 points if we play close to our full ability. A loss is still a loss, but given our respective circumstances, i think this would be a great result for the club. This might sound Y_M'ish, but who knows, we could even beat them if they don't show us any respect and we come out fired up!

    I might put a couple of dollars (by that i mean no more than $2 :lol: ) on the Dee's at the juicy $13 odds.

    Anyway, here's some key matchups i think we'll see on Sunday...


    Martin v Hawkins - good size/weight matchup. Martin will have Hawkins for speed.

    Warnock v Mooney - 'Nock has been in great form and will most likely go to Mooney. Has played on him in the past and done really well.

    Rivers v S. Johnson - Rivers will have a huge role to play in nulifying Johnson's output, as well as helping his other backs out. Has the ability to hurt Johnson the other way, as Johnson is not known for his defensive pressure. On the other hand, Rivers will need to be as accountable as possible as SJ is more than capable of tearing us a new one all on his own.

    Bennell v Stokes

    Frawley v Chapman - from left field, but i think Frawls will have the speed and strength to go with Chapman at ground level, as well as the height to quell him overhead. IMO Chapman is probably the toughest matchup in that he's so good both overhead and at ground level. Garland would have been the perfect player to go to him. I'm not convinced any of our small defenders will be able to go with him in the air. Cheney might be a good matchup if he is selected.


    Meesen/Johnson v Blake/Mumford - the Cats rucks creamed the Lions makeshift rucks last week, and i believe the same will happen to us. PJ and Meese need to get on their bikes and use some of that around the ground ability they supposedly have.

    Bartram/Dunn v Ablett - Bartram most likely to start on the little champ but will need lots of help, rotating with Dunn. Hard-tag's in tandem, all day, i'd imagine.

    Moloney v Bartel - head to head. I don't think we'll tag Bartel as he's been nowehere near as influential as Ablett, and he does most of his best work as a midfielder pushing into defence. Beamer might even be able to snag a goal or two by following him down there.

    McLean v Selwood - was tempted to have Dunn to do a tag, but i figure he'll be needing as much rest as possible when he's rotating off Ablett. Hence, McLean and Selwood will probably go head-to-head. Selwood isn't overly quick and does a lot of hard inside work- this will suit Brock. Sylvia may also spend some time on Selwood while he's in the middle. Junior, or even Bruce, might also be a run-with option if Selwood starts to dominate.

    Davey v Rooke - I think Rooke will try and intimidate Flash. We've all seen Davey brain fades and concentration losses when physically challenged in the past. The Cats will know this. Whilst he may not have the pace to go with him, he will try hurt him bigtime in close and get his mind off the game. Wojcinski is another option they have for Flash, who can match him for pace.

    Forward: (assuming Newton and Jetta don't play)

    Robbo v Taylor - The young defender will have a big task playing on what i imagine will be a very hungry Robbo.

    Miller v Scarlett - Miller needs to stand up and kick goals if we're to be competitive. He'll have a huge task playing on one of the elite backmen in the league in Scarlett.

    Bate v Milburn/Rooke - Hopefully Bate puts together a good game with less focus on him given Robbo's inclusion. Is skating on thin ice atm is Mr Bate. Milburn is a very good defender, and will not make it easy for him.

    Maric v D.Johnson/Mackie

    Obviously there'll be a lot of re-jigging and changing over the day, but i believe this is how they'll start. IMO the most important matchups for us will be: the tag put on Ablett, Rivers v S.Johnson, and Frawley v Chapman. If we can nulify these 3, it'll go a long a way towards winning... sorry, scratch that... towards being competitive, in this match. Miller holding his own against Scarlett and actually kicking a few goals will help too.

    Thoughts? Comments?

  12. Jones (getting better, may take on chapman)

    No chance IMO. Just because they look similar (size, hairstyle :lol: ) doesn't mean he's a good matchup. Remember, Chappy plays predominantly forward, with short bursts in the middle. Hioverhead ability is outstanding for his height- he plays a lot taller than he is. No chance Jones will go to him.

  13. I/C (from): Neville Jetta, Paul Johnson, Jamie Bennell, Michael Newton, Cale Morton, Kyle Cheney, Nathan Jones

    Just had a good long think about it and i reckon the three to miss will be Newton, Jetta and Cheney.

    Initially i had Cheney in over Bennell, but i gotta agree with most here and say he's been one of our brightest youngsters so far this year and would be very stiff to miss. A spell to give his body and bit of a break probably wouldn't hurt though.

  14. Great news about Jack playing 1sts this weekend, and even better news that we'll be able to watch him on TV. I'm very excited in seeing how much bigger and stronger he looks compared to the U18 footage (apparently he has gained 6kg since arriving at MFC).

    Hope Buckley can play a full match in the ressies this week (after his first game back there last week) and start pushing at Casey for a spot in the MFC side. We're sorely lacking pace and he could be a very handy inclusion.

    Bail named on HBF for the ressies? (as well as bench in the 1's)? My understanding was that his performance last week was excellent in the ressies (named BOG), would be pretty disappointed if he couldn't crack the Casey firsts side.

  15. My I/C would be, Johnson, Jones, Morton and Cheney.

    The two WA boys ca have a spell together. Cheney deserves another crack and his hard nose, no frills style will suit against the Cats.


    Also great to see Robbo back!

    And how funny do the team sheets DB submits look!?? Obviously I know they don't line up that way, but every week i get a little kick out of how he's gonna line them up on paper next.

    Beamer in the BP, Rivers wing, Dunn CHF, Petterd in the guts, Sylvia FF with the taller Miller and Bate in the pockets?? I love how he does it... it's like he's taking the [censored]! Brilliant.

  16. That was the goalkicking list

    Read before typing.

    The bests provided above, which Tmac is not included in, i'm assuming are written up by the media, rather than internally. German's assesment of Tom's game: "Tom McNamara – Tom played at half-back and was in our top four players. He restricted his opponent and also got his hands on the ball. He read the ball really well in the windy conditions."

  17. How often have the players mentioned REGULARLY played in Defence as was the question.

    Once again you know better than the match committee for the B&F last year.

    For hells sake when are these experts going to apply for the match committee jobs.

    You not only denegrate a loyal player of the club but you denegrate the whole match committee of 2008.

    Goodes and Pavlich have played fair portions of their career in defence. Pavlich was an AA backmen once upon a time. Harvey, i accept has not, but has regulraly shifted between forward and midfield roles for many years. His height is an obvious detractor to him playing in defence, but he has more than made up for it in other parts of his performance.

    As for knowing better than the match comitee, i never claimed such a thing. It's an opinion that I, and many others share, that Green was stiff last year. An opinion, to which we are all entitled to, and, that is mine.

    In fact, the very reason we come on these boards is to read and share our OPINIONS and discuss them. Something yourself and Bobby McKenzie seem to have a hard time understanding... So stop trying to force your opinion on me. I accept it is different to mine, however underhanded jabs and the like are not my style, and to be totally honest, somewhat disrespectful. I don't force mine on you, as some others might, i merely try to bring as many facts to my argument as possible. If you don't wish to accept them, so be it. But don't tell me my opinion is plain wrong, nor question my passion or love for the MFC.

    I await a substance filled response from you.

  18. Has not been in the top 10 for the 10 years!!!

    Great player but that was not the question.

    If you're going to get technical, then... neither has Bruce. Both are considered top 10 players at the club, and have been for some time, but neither has finished in the top 10 every year since they debuted.

    Bruce 189 games, 198 goals - Barely scraped into the top 10 in 2005, 2007. Runner up in 2002. Won it in 2008. Career average disposals 18.1

    Green 190 games, 236 goals - Has finished in the top 5 in the b&f every year since 2003/04. Should've won it in 2008. Career average disposals 16.0

    Both debuted in 2000 as forward midfielder utlities. Bruce as a 20 year old, Green 18. By 2002, Bruce was playing as a full-time onballer/run-with role. Green did not make the shift from forward to midfielder permenantly until 2004.

    I'd say over the years, Bruce started his career better, being used in more roles and given more freedom (whereas Green was confined to the forward 50 which hindered his development early on). Since his 2005 shoulder injury, Green has been the superior player of the two, IMHO.

    To answer your question, if that wasn't enough, how about:



    B. Harvey

    All players who've been around since pre-2000, all kicking more goals than games played, and playing in a number of different positions. These guys are considered elite. Far cry from Bruce if you ask me. Difficult task though, as there aren't too many blokes left from pre-2000. Although i'm sure there are more that i've missed, these were just off the top of my head.

  19. Tom McNamara – Tom played at half-back and was in our top four players. He restricted his opponent and also got his hands on the ball. He read the ball really well in the windy conditions.

    Great news there for Tom. Was wondering if we'd ever see him pushing for selection. His first game back(?) in the VFL 1's and he's named in the sides best 4 by the coach. Very encouraging signs indeed.

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