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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. not at all, nut i'm all in favour of doing something if only to reduce pollution, wanton destruction of the planet and deletion of finite resources the issue is not to do something but HOW one does something and responsibly managing the impact /transition
  2. riveting revelation from the afl
  3. as if the afl/mrp would ever be consistent - ha
  4. i once had an old vinyl record with a defective track. it just went on and on and on i finally relocated it to the circular file
  5. no one is forcing you to stay
  6. no harry taylor or henderson
  7. wonder if they will get monash to do a study on the impact of sports betting ......oh, wait a minute
  8. does a brown bear [censored] in the woods
  9. "there is no such thing as tanking (whilst i am in the country)" - dimwit
  10. he played well at carlton. the rest consisted of too much crap. same with judd
  11. one does wonder why they have an integrity unit window dressing?
  12. meanwhile..................Siberian cold front sweeps across Europe, bringing record low temperatures shhhhh........................
  13. *melanotin melatonin is used for sleep disorders sorry for being [censored] - lol
  14. they are trying (maliciously) to somehow just link it (social damage) to afl club owned pokies. ...big fat LOL number of mentions in press and repeated on radio. media happy to just bait the afl rather than any attempt at rational analysis
  15. sure is.......buddy
  16. maybe not on the ability, but maybe on the desire. when you add up all the devils some people reach a tipping point. like a rotting apple
  17. it will be strange indeed if the afl ever stop clubs owning pokies (only to be sold to someone else) if they don't at the same time sever all support for and acceptance of money from the (growing) sports gambling industry for the latter they could actually have some impact but on the former they would just transfer it to some other owner i don't gamble nor support the gambling industry but i don't see how divesting of poker machines is any more than plain old window dressing
  18. and don't forget money from the other devils - sports betting industry and one-armed bandits
  19. maybe, but some of the bom's apparent handling of climate change practices would seem to justify closer scrutiny or dare i say a little skepticism. no harm in applying a little skepticism to BOTH sides of the divide, eh?
  20. i can't remember. i was quite younger than him and he was a regular visitor to a house in st. kilda road. yes, there were (stand-alone) houses in st. kilda road then.
  21. it doesn't have to be an overt, conscious, conspiratorial thing. ht. self preservation is a wonderful motivator look on the flip side, imagine if one were a climate cynic in the bom. do you think their career prospects were rosy or threatened? just my devil's advocate 2c
  22. photographic memory does not a genius make incidentally ht, i used to know barry reasonably well in his early quiz days. not a bad bloke, smart but no genius
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