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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. this has got cameron schwab's fingerprints all over it what an absolute waste of good money
  2. i think you might be onto something there, layz 😁
  3. how about exasperating? anyway od, think of it as character building
  4. could well be, od theoretically though they are trying to wrap up the business case side of it by mid 25 still plenty to do after that of course [i'm sure they are well aware of the urgency and your impatience] 😁
  5. don't forget he is on record as saying he intended originally on finishing up mid year in 2025 anyway, so i doubt 6 months salary was any big deal
  6. confused is he an assistant to the midfield coach .... or is he the midfield coach?
  7. well i always saw it as a symbol of a thinking person ... rather than a gesture of wtf 🤣
  8. someone's got it in for you, bub?
  9. but it looks like it's gone to the same place the facepalm went 😮
  10. well cranky, if the media got it right, how about purple for pres and morris for ceo? what could go wrong?
  11. do reserved seats still attract the extra grand final guarantee tax?
  12. what i would call a "cornered ring", maybe 🤣
  13. too many afl journalists have gotten ahead of themselves, and see themselves as king makers but they are just egocentric scribblers addicted and deluded by the allure of the click
  14. does make one wonder if something re co13 happened around that time all i'm aware of is something on brownlow night, but i've heard little detail and even that was on socials. msm crickets.
  15. i read somewhere it was worth 50k to him but i can't remember where i saw it he obviously wouldn't want a new reduced contract, but if it was covered between two clubs then it would stay the same beyond that i don't know ... maybe new endorsements/sponsorships etc? i'm sure other inducements could be dangled (legit ones that is)
  16. one wonders what role connors played in all this there was a nice pot of money in this for him ... maybe follow the money just sayin
  17. can you dm me your dealer's details, red?
  18. well there hasn't been a whisper since in the media mind you there is still time this year to do one before the xmas break
  19. you do realise this was from aug 19
  20. eat ya heart out, shakespeare
  21. maaaate, just fess up ... you were trolling 😮
  22. demonstone has got demonsone down to a t
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