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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well he certainly ain't going to heave-ho to win a premiership
  2. 1 year quite stingy, 2 years more appropriate
  3. with a bit of luck i'll get the book i'm reading finished this afternoon then i'll have free night to watch our co-tenants the storm crush the roosters tomorrow
  4. that was a question i raised earlier. even if business is in tathra, the suppliers or customers or both may be in sydney and running the business might require a lot of contact with sydney people. we just don't know either way
  5. tathra actually, just above merimbula
  6. well tonight's major developments left me gasping for air fair dinkum un[censored]believable
  7. tgat Tgat is the word used in place of "that" by people who don't read their messagesbefore sending them. Did you see tgat truck that passed us on the freeway?
  8. ha, i see what you did there but frankly, lockhart is not worth more than a rookie pick despite some of the hype from some
  9. they had the richmond doctor check him over?
  10. lets hope history repeats and the filth notch their 27th grand final loss and restore the natural order of the universe. meth coast supporters can have a year of being more obnoxious than usual as long as they stay 3,000km away
  11. yes, there will be a decimal overflow and the demonland will come to an ignominious end
  12. but the only player badge listed in sale items yes, i'm easily spooked
  13. selling cheap - ominous? THE DEMON SHOP $3.50 RRP $6.00
  14. i understand vanders is from the nsw south coast (not canberra), so about equidistant melb, syd (or a long drive from either) so i don't see how a move to sydney helps the family business much, assuming the family business is based in south coast
  15. collingwood set to break their own afl record of 26 grand final losses - schadenfreude premiers methos by 23 bog yeo man first goal darling thank [deity], i don't know any metho supporters
  16. i'll not be losing any sleep
  17. well, i hope the strategy is not to allow it to go to the last trade date that would be disastrous to us if we want to land another big trade (which i think is what we want) so, mfc must make it clear to freo that the deadline is long before last trade date, otherwise no deal will be made
  18. Why do Collingwood supporters walk to matches? Because they know they will be ending up in jail
  19. why does the afl bother? such a meaningless, boring w..kfest would be more entertaining having an egg and spoon race for retired players
  20. and is your paint drying, febes? are you short on jocks and socks?
  21. hmmm........heard nothing yet from freo, mfc, player manager or player so......definitely going there again........... where there's smoke there's fire......but.... it ain't over until the fat lady sings.....take your pick (suckers)
  22. whether it is 2020 or 2021 it is still not 2019 when his current contract ends
  23. 85 pages and sadly i am none the wiser
  24. but actual football evaluation is not her strong suite, ldvc
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