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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. did druggies get any lti's?......just wishing
  2. i'd agree but out of curiosity, do any other afl clubs have a social club attached to the club facilities (excluding separate establishments like the bentleigh club etc)?
  3. practice match results mean sfa. not worth stressing over
  4. nice idea........but the cost and the time that would take to come to completion are big obstacles. it would have to be part of a much larger development. could drag on for decades
  5. for me it is either Deespencer's - Goschs + Carpark F (as per his plan) or Swoopers - Elsternwick Park where there is more expandability
  6. i think you mean Vic Park, young willy? and yes would love to see the filth booted out of our precinct and back to their filthy lair
  7. can't help himself.....eddie everywhere.....next sheeds will jump in with some crackpot idea like relocating to alice springs
  8. ummm......coherent
  9. is this the time to bring up godwin's law and mention hitler and autobahns?
  10. not at all od, but i don't appreciate my delusional dreaming being shattered so early in the season. call me old fashioned.
  11. nope....it's global warming and maybe jack watts
  12. friday is the 21st
  13. sort of.....think it means we should be able to put an estimate on it, in 4-6 weeks 'cos at the moment we have nfi ?
  14. Meaning 'the son of Patrick', Patten is a baptismal name. Variants include Paton, Patton, Padon, Pate, Patt, Patey, Peyton and Payton. This name is often of Scottish descent spreading to Ireland, England and Wales in early times and is found in many mediaeval manuscripts throughout these countries. a distant relative?
  15. all the best froggy, hope you make a full recovery footy is too stressful for you while you convalesce , so i suggest you have a complete break from footy this season. you will need to find a hobby though and i'm sure uncle bitters will be more than happy to suggest a few
  16. ah ha....the old favourites dilution theory....something like the inverse of favorites to the power #captains.....can't quite remember.....wyl should remember
  17. schwartz pre knee reconstruction would have to be up there....had it all
  18. ok. ds. I did say " there has to be a transition whereby the comp allows for a living wage by becoming fully professional. Only then can you truly get an elite game" I agree with you that you don't need to be fully professional to get an elite game. I should reword that last bit to say "Only then will you be able to develop the best quality outcome" p.s. I know it becomes a bit of a semantic argument but i personally wouldn't describe the current aflw as "elite". I don't mean that as a criticism of the aflw, just an opinion . I'm aware that the aflw is necessarily going through a development process and the ongoing improvement (of individuals) is really apparent and encouraging. It will take time . I'm not convinced the afl has taken the best path so far but i think the die is cast and there is no turning back to a different model.
  19. that may be so in ireland. ds, but it is irrelevant here because the aflw has no interest in being an amateur competition afl(vfl) was amateur too once. but those days are long past and there is no turning back now
  20. why do you care about my opinion on on something you say i shouldn't care about? Does it affect you? you enjoy being on discussion forums? and before we go on let me say i think it's great that women can play aussie rules. I'm all for it and i hope it is great success. I also support the afl getting it established. I hope one day aflw becomes a fully fledged professional elite competition that is able to stand on its own and fund itself. ......so, does that make me weird? great have a meaningful discussion with you......not
  21. yeah, me too. i thought it must have been an optical illusion.
  22. sorry rgb but that is just a load of platitudes as for equal pay. why? afl players are on individual contracts based on their own personal talents, limited of course by the salary cap. The salary cap is set from a share of the afl income (from men). less afl income, less salary cap, less individual contract value. So the issue of aflw player payments should (utimately) be an issue of aflw income. There is no entitlement here. male afl players don't all get the same contract value and the contracts they do get reflect a combination of their individual talent and the profitability of the afl comp.
  23. it's easy to argue both ways. binman, because in the end it's just opinion trying to predict the future and the best way to get there. at the moment the big issue is money. the aflw women have already flagged it. at the moment the aflw comp is basically an amateur comp lasting 8 weeks (with any player payments lucky to cover player's overheads). there has to be a transition whereby the comp allows for a living wage by becoming fully professional. Only then can you truly get an elite game. so far i have yet to see a business case as to where this money will come from. Money-wise aflw is just another franchise money pit to add to gcs and gws with no relief money-wise in sight. but i'm sure gil has all the answers ?
  24. the "male" players are already effectively subsidising the aflw. all the money (most of) comes from the afl leaving less for the afl players to scrap for. aflw is a long long way off paying for itself. probably more than 10 years at best. also lots of questions re future i.e. will there be eventually 18 teams, will they play longer seasons, will they eventually switch to a winter season like afl, etc etc
  25. ah......but big maxie is the coach's right hand man
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