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Posts posted by Vipercrunch

  1. . Ha ha ha. 2 or 3 free agents ...they will be lucky to get one and if he is 'decent' every other club would be in the hunt......so you really mean a mercenary who will take a Sulleyesque proprtion of this 'war chest' everyone bangs on about. Talented prime age recruits. Oh sure ....will we offer them Bate or Morton with Ricky or Bennell thrown in as the clincher.Or perhaps one of the half dozen or so real players we have, that presumably even the school teacher would like to keep.. Have a look at the number of trades that happen every year and get back to me with how the worst list in town is going to swap for some talented prime age players . BTW Boak has re signed so can everyone at Fantasyland cross him off their lists please. Just as it was really really obvious that Neeld was waiting one season to see who he thought he could work with it is equally obvious that at best he will get one minor restricted free agent and perhaps 2 (max) trades done and they wont be earth shattering deals though,in time, they may be seen as masterstrokes. The interesting trades and pick ups will be at seasons end 2013 and next season should be viewed as similar to Jack Watts 2nd year (hopefully with much more steady improvement) ...................................... Big men/changes take time. I'm off to some park to kick the ball around with blokes who actually know what standard they're at.......the fresh winds of reality. Some of you guys are beating east to west around Cape Horn while pretending you're sailing a schooner on the Trade Winds passage to Tahiti. Schooners are for drinking,what are you on? FWIW Ricky might actually get to be part of a trade,but hardly for an obvious up and coming elite player...So far the guys gone or going are 'rejects' from the worst club in the league.To get a decent trade MFC will have to respond to someone knocking at the door not wandering past the front gate

    Got a problem with Neeld being a school teacher at some stage? Seems to be brought up a lot.

  2. Was great while it lasted and I admit it will hurt if he ends up playing a lot of AFL for one of the Adelaide clubs. We used a rookie pick on a high risk investment and got little to show for it except a good highlight package.

    He could have been the icing on the cake, but is now a stark reminder that the cake isn't even in the oven yet.

    Time will tell if we have the ingredients and recipe sorted out.

    (Sorry about the baking analogies - the kids make me watch too much Master Chef)

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  3. We've had highlight reel players recently but no genuine stars.

    Neitz when on the top of his game could be unstoppable, but was an exception rather than the rule.

    And I am not sure if the OP was implying it would automatically lead to premierships, but perhaps bemoaning our inability or just downright bad luck in findinging a star/superstar.

  4. So the players enjoy themselves when doing some of their training. Big deal. If these were core sessions, they would have been supervised and the suitable intensity and attitude would have been inforced. These sessions could have been extra sessions on these guys day off. Cronk wouldn't know and we would have even less of an idea.

    I know we suck, but I can gaurantee it's not because our coaching staff and players are so unprofessional they treat core training sessions with such poor attitudes.

    So quick to believe the worst about our team....

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  5. welcome to the elite club of supporting both the mighty dees and the famous tottenham hotspur. there arent many of us and those of us who exist are depressed and yet always full of hope!


    No idea why I chose the Spurs but such is life.

    Add to that the not so successful Buffalo Bills in the NFL and NY Knicks in the NBA.

    Just can't seem to pick em right...

  6. What amazed me about Geischen's remarks were that being blindsided to the tackler was an excuse for avoiding a holding the ball or incorrect disposal penalty. Since when?

    Yeah, that had me dumb founded. Terrible excuse for a bad, game changing decision.

    The holding the ball interpretation atm is pretty much the reason why I only watch the Melbourne game each week and only snippets of any thing else. I often used to watch 5 complete games a week. Going back say 10 or 15 years the rule was perfect. Very predictable and a non issue.

    I think the only way to move on now is to make tackling a 1 on 1 event. No 2nd tackler allowed. No prior opportunity rule at all and the player with the ball must dispose of it legally. Easy to umpire and the rediculous cases of someone being pinged for not making an attempt when 4 tacklers are on top of him will dissappear.

  7. It doesn't necessarily create a losing culture. What has created the crappy culture at our club has been tanking coupled with the delisting of senior players who might have been able to show the kids that the club drafted how to prepare for games and how to compete. Also, I can't say where it came from in the case of the MFC but the mindset that was taken during the so called 'experimental' stage was poisonous. As I have written before, there was a sense of entitlement that the club felt that all it needed to do was get high draft picks and everything else would follow.

    I think the list when it was put together was pretty good. It was initially flaky however and was only prepared to win on it's own terms. Without proper work put into it, it is now useless.

    Agree whole heartedly on both points.

    If you know/think the coach and admin are happy or even would prefer to lose, why go the extra mile and do all the things required. 95% at training will do. Half hearted recovery sessions. A few extra late nights and drinks? No worries. The coaches will get the desried result. That is why we are where we are at and will require a massive effort from Neeld, Misson and Craig to lift our standards.

    And I'd love to know where our Messiah complex comes from. So many supporters and apparently admin/coaches always looking to the superstar NOT on our list thats going to come in and save the day. Giving the kids significant numbers like 4 and 31 before they've even played a game is part of this. The endless threads on this forum about the 17 year old kid thats going to carry us to a flag. WE ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A FLAG!!! The are damn hard to get and require persistent hard work and even then are not gauranteed.

    Some and only some clubs can "tank" and not have it damage the culture like it has ours.

  8. Tanking is all about the motives for those actions, not the actions themselves.

    All the actions except for the first are fine and probably expected by everyone if your season is shot and the focus has shifted to preparing for the following seasons. If the motivation for those actions is to avoid winning games for better draft position then you are "tanking" and deserve to be punished.

    I'm pretty balck and white about these sort of things even though I hate Collingwood.

  9. The kids hardly played a game at any level in 2 years. Big guys take time to develop WHEN they are playing every week. Like many on our list he will be given time to show if he's got what it takes.

    I actually thought he was no worse than what Jamar has been for much of the year and did some good things at times, including a tackle on Brown which caused a turnover that led to at the very least a shot at goal for us.

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  10. S_T We all knew that before the process started, how did they ever think they could win without greasing palms.

    There is no other way to describe our bid but poor.

    First one out with one vote says it all.

    Because if countries like Australia and England that refuse to play that way don't continue to bid and expose the problem it will continue.

    As with the Olympics, it also takes a few bidding processes to be seen as legitimate candidate. Melbourne's failed bid for the 1996 Olympics made it a lot easier for Sydney to win it in 2000.

    The contribution of the government's money can be questioned, but it doesn't stand alone there.

  11. It failed because we don't lower ourselves to play by FIFA's corrupt rules. The bid itself was fine. We just wouldn't compete with countries like Russia and UAE who were willing hand the brown paper bags around.

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  12. My spin on the situation of 186 last year and the supposed rift between CEO and FD is that perhaps it was because CS could see that the standards weren't high enough and that if things kept going along as they were then we would never have any sustained success.

    The whole situation was about to unravel for him as allegations of interference surfaced when we got smacked by Geelong. The shattering result caused the board to have a good re-think about the situation and realise that CS was right on the money and the Coach and FD needed to be rebuilt from the ground. The direction of the search for a new coach that could re-create our culture and instill a much higher standard of professionalism was driven by the CEO. And we get Neeld, Misson and Craig as a result.

    As I said thats my own un-informed personal spin on the matter.

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  13. He's buggered like the rest of the list. Post bye freshen up and 5-6 wins will follow

    I only caught the last quarter on TV yesterday, but thats how I summed it up. Some really tired boys out there. Maybe they are being trained harder than normal during the week or our fitness is still behind where it needs to be (or both) but a lot of the players were out on their feet.

    We definetely have an easier draw in the 2nd half of the year and perhaps with a rest and some confidence from a win or two we might see the ship sailing in the right direction.

    5-6 wins? Not sure if we can beat anyone other than GWS and GCS, and even those I'm not 100%. Time will tell.

  14. I haven't been paying to much attention to the endless comments being made by the many football "experts" out there at the moment, many of who are lining up to put the boots into the easy target. David King was the latest to have a crack, probably the biggest crack so far, suggesting the board should come out and sack Neeld now and admit they made a massive mistake. A load of misguided, uninformed tripe like a lot of the stuff being said.

    One thing he did say caught my attention though. He likened Neeld to being a square peg being pushed into a round hole. He of course made out that this was the whole problem. Neeld didn't match our club in some way and therefore shouldn't be here. I actually think this is why he is at this club. We need someone like him to come in and force his way into our club, and change the shape of the hole until it is the shape it needs to be - fully professional, resilient and ready to match it with the rest of the AFL. Neeld signed up others like Misson and Craig who could help do this from a fitness and discipline area. The square peg is needed, and time needs to be given for the square peg to mould the hole into the right shape.

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  15. It would be nice to see Evans, Gys, Jetta, Strauss and Tynan fit and training. Learning the Neeld way and putting everyone on notice that there are other options if you don't perform. Hard to develop players when they aren't on the track.

  16. At this stage I'd take 22 good, honest AFL footballers - stars are hard to come by.

    Surprised to see Blease and Howe mentioned so often. Howe works hard and is spectacular but is very untidy with his disposal. Blease can't crack a spot in our team when we are crying out for pace around our half forward line. He has a long way to go.

    Gysberts and Tynan are the only potentials for me, mainly because they can win their own ball in traffic despite under developed AFL bodies.

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  17. Surprised no one has brought up the free to Bartell resulting in his first goal. Slight forearm to the back by Bartram which was 50:50 at very best, but as it was just (less than a minute) after a very strong shove from Bartell into Bartram in another marking contest, there was no way it should have been paid.

    That descision and the free to JPod were terrible decsisions which resulted in goals.

    One day hopefully the wheel will turn, but I have no doubt that while we have no clout and no respect, we will continue to be at the recieving end of the umpiring and MRP.

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  18. My solution to the scrum/holding the ball on the ground crap is simple. If you aren't the player with the ball orthe tackler, if you jump into a contest you are penalised. So many players run in and dive across the contest to kill the ball. The third player in invariably is tackling/holding a player who doesn't actually have the ball, that's holding the man, you can't tackle the tackler! Or they just jump on backs. pay it against these infringements and watch ther game open up again.

    I like that - it would allow the holding the ball rule to be simplified so much. No more prior opportunity interpretation. If you get tackled so well that the ball cannot disposed of semi-correctly (ie no blatant throws or drops) , you are gone. Most players should be able to get rid of the ball with one tackler, unless the tackle is perfect, and therefore should be rewarded. Easy to umpire.

  19. For a lot of the game on Sunday, I felt that we were the superior team. It was the breaks in the possession chains that caused us the most problem and gave them easy scoring opportunities. When we don't have the ball we look kinda ok structurally except for commiting too many to the ball carrier, instead of adding pressure by reducing that players options.

    I can sort of see why the players and coaches would be happy with Desire Indicators.

    The next step is to gain confidence in each other that running to space, and running early even before we secure possession won't go unrewarded or wasted by poor disposal.

    As for a possible friendship divide, well it would be nice if it was a really tight group, but as Adelaide showed for many years, it's not the be all and end all.

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