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Posts posted by heartbeatstrue

  1. These are my standouts from today, good & bad:

    Grimes - brilliant all day

    Jamar - big Russian presence

    Warnock - intensity, accuracy, attacking

    Moloney - aggressive crashing midfielder

    Jones - gutsy, brave, effective

    Jurrah - an excitement machine

    Rivers - some shocking disposal

    Morton - let himself down

    Robbo - much lying down

    The intensity was what I loved, it compensated for the poor disposal skills that dominated the past 3 weeks.

  2. Didn't get a kick today. Happy with our choice.

    Watts gets 2 goals and a few kicks and the media blast him. Not even worth worrying about.

    Natanwhoi got one kick, 20 m straight into the arms of Jones. He fumbled an attempt at a bounce on the run, it looked awful, and got off a few nice handballs. Basically he was running around the big paddock looking totally lost (like Watts in his first game).

    Likely both are going to be absolute champions, just stupid to expect that in the first year. It's a salutary lesson in how important experience at the top level is in footy. Points up how even a great footballer and coach like Matthews can make silly comments, maybe he has an anti-Melb bias, dunno.

  3. After seeing the EJ Whitten game with David Parkin talking, now this with Jimmy, I'm going to go for a check up.

    That's a pretty fair response, HT. Maybe a few of us could commit to do this for Jimmy, it could be a regular "pre-season" (checkup) for us. I know all the barriers to me ever going near a doctor, even if there's posibly something wrong let alone when I'm feeling fit & healthy. So regular checkups just don't happen.

    If others are keen, we could commit to a checkup prior to each footy season (so we're in good shape for the rigours ahead supporting the Dees). We could keep each other honest to our commitment, and agree to do it for Jimmy!

  4. I just turned on the channel 9 news this morning to hear them report that Jimmy Stynes is stepping down due to illness! Has anyone heard any more about this? Apparently he wont disclose the nature of the illness but it is with immediate effect.

    If this is true it is an absolute tragedy for him and his family. FWIW it has been confirmed on channel 7 as well

    Get well Jimmy

    Are you really Gary Honey's bro? Dud or otherwise. I know Gary.

    Praying for your health Jimmy (and I trust these prayers will be much more successful than some of my prayers for Melbourne wins :D

  5. Seecamp was ordinary. Do you mean Shaun Smith? Hard to believe he could leap as high as he did, but still handy in front of goal. Strauchnie can actually play, I thought he was just a buffoon.

  6. As much as I would like a win this week and understand how good that could be for morale, I think this win we need is at least a week away.

    If WCE win, they lose the the PP and it locks Scully to us in the draft. Its brings our 2nd pick closer to pick 1 and to us. The outcome of this game is too important to our list for next season.

    Must admit, I was letting my heart rule my head. Your logic is impeccable, Rhino. Now I'm hoping for a very tight loss (a few behinds would suffice), and just to sweeten it a bit, for Watts to run down and tackle Naitanui in the last qtr (showing us some of the legendary pace that they say he's got). I would leave the 'G happy with that...

  7. Would I like to see a win against West Coast? YES

    Do I think we will win? no, I think Naitanui will kill us in the ruck, plus he'll be too skilfull up forward and kick the winning goal (I've followed us long enough to know how perverse fate can be for MFC)

    Do I hope we win? ABSOLUTELY! In fact, I think it's so crucial to the team that I'll be doing everything I can to help them (which involves shouting myself hoarse, at the umpires if necessary, and waving my scarf at every bit of magic).

    GO DEES!

  8. He's something radical. Why don't we play on at all costs and kick the ball long into our forward line as quick as possible to a one on one or two on two contest.

    We often do, and either turn it over because our ball-handling skills are so poor, or end up kicking to two on one (or worse, three defenders on Robbo).

    I think you're asking for a change of game plan to one that will limit the current damage (more man-on-man would do that) but will simply teach the young guys a style that is never going to deliver a flag. You could get Sammy to coach them too... :D

  9. Whenever I think of the EJ Whitten Legends Game, I think of Goose. Pity he's not playing for the Vic's tonight. Loved watching him lining up to snag another sausage.

    His record is impressive:

    >> In 248 games for Mornington, he has slotted through a massive 1623 goals,

    >> In 15 games he played for Dromana, he kicked 107 goals,

    >> He has kicked more than 150 goals in a season – twice!

    >> And more amazingly, he has kicked over 100 goals a season for 11 years straight,

    >> The most goals he has kicked in a game is 20,

    >> And overall, Goosey has kicked more than 1730 senior goals.

    Plus coached Mornington to 4 premierships.


    Maybe we could get him in the psd??

  10. I don't think Martin Flanagan is a Demons supporter. He is for this year while he's 'embedded' (as he calls it) with MFC to write articles over the year on our struggles and triumphs. Sometime ago he was embedded with the Dogs for a year and supported them.

    He's from Tasmania and a supporter of football, and has written a book on Tom Wills (one of the founders of footy).

    I hadn't realised that you had similar creative skills, somehow slipped me by. Maybe The Age will give you a call :D

  11. The biggest issue at the club is the lack of pride in the jumper....how can it be aceptable to anyone that we consistently lose and simply move onto the next game believing/hoping things will get better.

    Put simply, many of the senior players are modelling losing habits and this will infect the younger group. Before we know it this losing mentality becomes the norm and it's a long way back.

    Bailey must be thinking about what he will be doing next year.....my view is he is out of his depth.

    This is off the topic of this thread, but I think you've put your finger on a substantial problem at Melb. We have had a soft culture for far too long, since Northey left imo. The post-Northey teams were too content to win more than they lost, but there was never any real killer instinct. When was the last time you remember a game where Melb got on top, then went on to grind the opposition down by 80, 100 points? Last I remember was I think against Carlton, and that was probably under J. Northey.

    We have a history of mid-year slumps in years where we got off to a flying start. And of getting 2 or 3 goals up then coasting through the last qtr and often ending up losing. Or staging a "magnificent fightback" after getting 6 goals down. Only encourages the problem, helps us to keep kidding. Then there's that attitude as you say, of consistently losing and simply moving onto the next game believing/hoping things will get better, because we think we're better than what we actually are (in terms of intensity anyway), so we kid ourselves that we'll win next week simply because we're really better than our previous loss. Soft mentally, I fear.

    That is the main reason why I was keen on Voss coming to Melb, that would have been a circuit breaker. I've been happy with DB from about middle last year until a few weeks ago. He's a teaching coach, which is good for our young players.

    But I agree with you, as far as the culture he's inherited at MFC, he's way out of his depth. He wouldn't have had a clue. I'm amazed at how ingrained it must be in our older "leaders" but it's there alright. Like you, I've watched them long enough to get that sense of deja vu.

    Is Bailey the best coach to drastically change our culture? First he's got to recognise it as a problem. How to alter what's in the heads of the older players? And most importantly, how to insulate the younger generation of players from it?

    I had hoped that with the brush that's already gone through the club, that mental softness had gone but sadly it seems as contagious and deadly as any swine flu.

  12. Why is everyone on this forum so bitter and obsessed with their own opinion? This site really is a poor endorsement for our supporters.

    Someone raises a reasonable topic that we need to find some marquee players (very obvious, dont think anyone can argue we need stars) and while people may disagree with who was suggested as trade bait, why must these topics always end in people just abusing whoever started them saying things such as, your stupid, ridiculous post, as if we would trade him bla bla bla, why can we never have a general discussion rather than everyone acting like a buck of no it all arrogant one eyed supporters.

    Thanks Don24, fair point. We don't need to sink to the level of some supporters from certain other clubs who can remain nameless.

    DemonSG, it's good to be challenged to think outside our usual boxes. Cheers!

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