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Posts posted by heartbeatstrue

  1. No we weren't a 4-18 team, but we weren't a whole heap better either. Remember some shockers mid year. Maybe 6-16 was realistic.

    But heck, we managed the last part of the season beautifully. Plus a bit of luck (against the Tige's).

    More importantly, what will we be next year? I'm guessing 8-14 or 9-13 realistically. Luck (or bad luck) might tip that either way. Whatever happens next year, the beautiful end we've just seen to 2009 will have us in much better shape from 2011 on!

  2. Brought back those memories of the Michael Long hit on Troy Simmonds in the 2000 GF. Seems to be part of the Essendon culture, especially when finals are at stake.

    Be fun to watch Tassie Hawks v Essendon Thugs next year.

  3. Early in the year and especially after watching the game they played us at the 'G, I didn't rate Adelaide. Ugly defensive style. They have found form at exactly the right time in a long season. They are well-disciplined and very well coached. And they seem to have added an impressive attacking game to that staunch defence.

    Add to that the drop in form of some of the others, and I'm expecting Adelaide to have an excellent chance of being at the 'G on that last Saturday in September.

  4. For completeness, here is Martin's last article on us this year:


    There is a remarkable lack of ego around. There are also some smart, sassy women involved. The club is on a mission. Garry Lyon gave the major speech at last month's debt demolition event, which was a fortnight after the announcement of Stynes' illness. "I don't have the right to ask (for more money),'' Lyon said. "But Jimmy (Stynes) does because of what Jimmy's given."

    My kind of club. Go raibh maith agat, Martin! Slán.

    And so we scully on to the future... :)

  5. This would be one of the few times I would wish him every success in whatever club he ends up at, should he end up at one.

    Would LOVE for him to go to the Cats, Dogs... any club that could use a player who could kick 2-4 goals a match. If he could manage it, and get into finals, I would be thrilled for the bloke, and would be barracking for him.

    Robbo, we love you dearly (most of us), and you'll be missed... and more importantly for those who watched you play, never EVER forgotten.

    Heartfelt congratulations.

    Hear, hear!

    Good post, Dappa Dan.

  6. I remember walking to the ground with about half an hour to go. Ever noticed how few people and movement there is outside the ground half an hour before a GF? Everyone's already there, unlike a normal game where there's masses of people and cars arriving. It was kind of eery.

    Anyway, I was wearing a red & blue yarmulke that a mate had got me out of deference to Diamond Joe. And all of a sudden I found myself walking alongside Rex Hunt. He dwarfed me, btw.

    Anyway, he asked me about the yarmulke & I made a joke about Joe wanting me to ring him with the scores. Rex quickly responded "better do it before half time because he won't be interested in any scores after that".

    We both knew he was totally right. Which I think was why I wasn't too disappointed. Very few expectations, that day.

  7. My choice ( probably totally unrealistic, but one can dream)- beat St Kilda by 1 point - we would end their winning streak ( if they are still undefeated by then) - but it would give us a great morale boost . AND I HATE ST KILDA !!

    Dream on! And why do you hate St Kilda that much? I've always found their supporters suitably humble. They've suffered more than most, and remember we beat them in that heroic final on that Friday in the wet in 2006, losing Grant Thomas his job in the process.

    CARLCHEATS without any shadow of doubt. Sweet revenge, of sorts.

  8. Most Melbourne supporters I know said that it was one of the most unusual matches they'd seen, yet you're taking umbrage at the term "unusual".


    It was "unusual" to lose the 1987 final at Waverley by a kick after the siren, but nobody used the term or accused us of tanking that game. Surely you can see the innuendo in Caro's opening line, that somehow MFC contrived the result. The most "unusual" game I've witnessed was the last round of 2007 when Carltank did what they had to, to get Judd and Kreuzer. It was horrible and we were the suckers.

    On Sunday it was simply fate that we didn't win, after all we were up when the siren went. That is pretty poor form for a genuinely tanking side.

  9. She usually does have a good point of view. Do you think there might have been a hint of Richmond coming out of her on FC?

    I think you're spot on, there's obviously a lot of sour grapes for Tiger's supporters after Sunday's game. They won but so what. And however they look at it, Melbourne come away with some prospects and hope for the future whereas they have little hope or prospects despite the exciting finish.

    Again, they are victims of a very bad system and it's that that Caro should be attacking, not DB and the MFC and us supporters.

    I hate being in this position, I didn't go Sunday partly because I can't stand it. Sooner 2009 ends the better.

  10. Mountains out of molehills.

    It was an unusual match. The match was a loss. Hence it was an unusual loss.

    Not that much of a stretch.

    A lot worse has been said and you target Caro cos she is a bit more vague..?

    Never thought I'd see the day I'd defend Caroline Wilson...

    I'm not targetting Caro, she's targetting the MFC and its supporters. She wasn't "a bit more vague" on Footy Classified, quite vehement in her accusations about DB in particular.

    I usually like Caro, she's forthright and has a good point of view. I'll defend her on most things, but not over innuendo that blackens MFC, its coach and supporters.

  11. I heard it (bottom level, next to AFL members), and I thought it was before McMahon marked the ball. But I wont argue.

    The speed of sound in air (20 °C) is 343 metres per second, so it's possible you heard it before someone somewhere else on the ground.

    More interesting is the speed at which reality gets processed in the neurons between umpire's ears. Now that is a study in itself!

  12. Lead paragraph in today's Age by Caro:

    "ANDREW Demetriou has offered Melbourne his support as the club withstands the fall-out from Sunday’s unusual one-point loss to Richmond."


    "... unusual one-point loss to Richmond"!

    What exactly is the unusual element to the loss that Caro wants us to subliminally imagine? That somehow MFC manipulated the timekeeper, the umpire, Jordan McMahon (very obvious those Melb players willing McMahon's kick to sail through the middle, Chasers style), Tambling to get the ball into McMahon's hands on the siren? What element of it all is MFC guilty of?

    One point loss? Four actually. Accuracy is important, even for journo's onto a good story.

    To Richmond! Aah, here is maybe Caro's problem. Sour grapes, Caro's Tigers were actually hopeless. Melb had a moral victory both on the field and in terms of the upcoming draft. Richmond got a hollow meaningless after-siren win.

    I am normally a Caroline fan, she speaks lots of good sense. On this issue (eg. her performance on Footy Classified this week) her passion for Richmond is clouding her otherwise good judgement.

    If she wants to tackle coaches and deliberate tanking, maybe start with Terry Wallace's admissions.

    I am sick of MFC supporters being pilloried for having feelings and views about a system that we didn't design, and that countless others have blatently manipulated to their advantage before now.

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