Well it would be good to get the history exactly right, I agree. I know that at the time of the proposed merger, MFC's balance sheet was in good shape. But my understanding was, this was not regarded as being susntainable long-term for the reasons 1) very low membership base, 2) generally weak on-field performance, 3) poor training facilities, and 4) no central adminisatration/training facility owned by the club.
In other words, money in the bank but nowhere near enough to fix the significant problems that the club had let fester. We either had to spend more than we had to start on the road to success in modern footy, or die (merge) with a healthy bank balance.
Why else would someone like Gutnick put up to $2M of his own money into a club, if it had plenty of funds for what money is for - spending on what is necessary (for football success in this case)?
I also am aware of the unsettled period that followed, especially the tensions during Joe's tenure. Let's just say that there are two sides to every story, now is the time to forget the rights and wrongs of back then and all work together 'going forward' (today's buzz word) so that history will be glowing when it's written about the era that began yesterday!