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Posts posted by heartbeatstrue

  1. This says a lot about Melbourne supporters.

    The team puts up one of the most pathetic displays of football in recent years, managing just four goals for an entire game and still use defensive tactics and yet the supporters are more worried about the crowd numbers on a freezing cold Sunday afternoon/evening.

    I think you missed something. The awful defensive nature of the Adelaide game plan. The Herald Sun put it "The Crows bored Melbourne into submission last night with its ultra-defensive game and lack of finish". A really good team like Geelong will take Adelaide apart. An average to poor team will have the life sapped from them and Adelaide's style of play will always ensure a pathetic low-scoring debacle.

    I saw enough from most of our team (leaving aside the obvious exceptions who hopefully won't be there next week) to be fairly positive. The improvement from last year is one obvious plus.

    I guarantee you next Sunday's game against the Cats will be anything than the boring affair Adelaide made this one. Of course we'll lose. But I expect there'll be some great scarf-waving moments of Demon magic as we try to match the Cat's offensive style. And we'll learn heaps - players and spectators alike.

    I'm predicting 30,000 there, 15,000 Cats' supporters and our staunch 15,000 :D

  2. Well I chose crowd, because while some individual members of the team were abysmal and don't deserve to be there next week, as a whole we could still have won the game halfway through the last quarter. Just too many fumbles and poor disposals (both in the decision-making and execution). Things the team will work on.

    But who will fix the crowd problem at such MFC games???

    Speaking of which, was there a president's lunch or something? There was no MCC committee members' function and the biggish space usually set aside for MCC committee and guests was available to us plebs. If the relevant committees don't even bother to make a function of the day, it's not a good start.

  3. Davey was our best. Great skills, worth being there just to watch his decision-making and ability at pin-point disposal.

    Johnson's disposal was consistent and woeful. Jones is handball happy, giving and receiving. Usually to the wrong option. Frawley also can improve his disposal. McLean and Moloney were amongst our best.

    Who is our best tackler? Most of our efforts today were brushed aside. We need to go straight at the player and pin him, not sideways kind-of half tackling and half trying to block his space.

    And Newton... as Gough would say, "God save the queen, because nothing can save our Mr Newton"!

  4. I've just read the other thread about Clint Bartram's Dad passing away. That is terrible news. Incredible effort to still turn up and play. The fact that he could hold his place and put in a reasonable effort under the circumstances says heaps for his strength of character.

    Condolences to you Clint, and thanks for your game for MFC today!

  5. He gets a pass for marking and kicking, but he is an absolute liability going the other way.

    Missing that set shot goal today obliterates any pass for kicking. He just doesn't seem to have the heart to chase and tackle. Other shockers today were Newton (disgraceful, I guarantee his pass to Dunne 30 metres directly in front was actually a shot at goal that skewed straight into Dunne's hands!), Johnson (dreadful disposal), Jones (is he inept at disposals, he always chooses a wrong option, or simply down on confidence?) and Bartram (seemed lackadaisical, dropped some easy marks) altho I think he had his reasons, from something I half heard on the radio afterwards.

    Great skills by Davey, worth being there just to watch his decision-making and ability at pin-point disposal. Pity he can't teach the others his innate skills. Wonderful game by Aaron. Brock also held his head up (but how did he drop that sitting mark right in front in the dying moments??)

    Umpires - pathetic. They added to the dreadful evening by the inconsistencies and mistakes.

    Highlight - after Dunne and McLean goaled within minutes, the wit in the members who shouted "avalanche!"

    Some promising signs, we had them on toast except for chronic bad disposal, and missing easy marks and set-shots. And we could tackle harder and more effectively.

    I hate the negative style the Crows play, and despite all the mistakes we still could have won. We're on the way!

  6. Can anyone remember, I have recollections of going to a Melb/Essendon game at the 'G on Anzac Day. In other words, it used to be our blockbuster & the filth stole it from us (unless i'm dreaming).

  7. Johnson is crap, I tried to give him a chance but he is no good. I remember watching us at Footy Park and hearing some [censored] Power fan yell out "worst ruckman in the AFL". I thought it was ridiculous at the time. Now I think about it, he may have had a point.

    He's got a big heart. Remember his chase & tackle last year? Think it was when he did his hammy.

  8. Yep, everyone needs to drink a big glass of HARDEN THE F' UP and get themselves to the game.

    Rug up, and move to an undercover spot if you don't want to get wet. Nobody has ever died from a bit of rain or wind, and given that we never get to play under lights these days, this is as good as.

    Besides, as if you have something better to do on a Sunday afternoon anyway!

    Well i'm just inside from being out in it, sitting by the fire with a roast and big glass of red. Not sure if that's the glass you had in mind?? But i'm about to revise my crowd estimate. Down by a factor of 10. 3,400! (only joking)

    My other prediction still stands, and suitably fortified i'll soon be getting the trench coat out and heading out... to the 'G!

    GO DEES!!!

  9. I reckon if you get there around 4 pm today you'll have no problem. I got a Long Room pass last week, hour and a half before the game. And there were plenty left. Right near light tower #1.

    And i'm just about to revise my crowd estimate on the other thread!

  10. Hiya heartbeatstrue

    I remember it well too, was a great feeling after watching years of being happy if we lost but put in a good showing. The sound that went around the western oval in '87 was electric, standing in line for ages for finals tickets with other Dees supporters who also had never bought finals tickets for their own team before too was a hell of allot of fun

    We actually beat the dorks at Waverly that day but for a goal umpire signaling a ball that hit the post as a goal to the dorks

    what could have been, I was shattered

    Yeah the feeling through those finals was magic. I was shattered all week, and doubly so for Robbie.

  11. Yes i will Mate, I was low on cash last week & a taxi ride up Punt Rd is not cheap in Traffic.

    Back Row of the 50 year Member section with my Dad-Awesome view.

    How will I recognise you? I'm blonde, Dees scarf (OK that whittles it down :D ), probably a big camel-coloured overcoat today, I get very enthusiastic with that scarf especially when one of the brothers does something magic. Usually sit on same level as you, under the coaches and right beside the section for MCC committee. I'll try & find you at the breaks...

    If we get to know each other maybe I can solve your transport along Punt Rd (i'm always coming from the Eastern Fwy up until Albert St).

    GO DEES!!

  12. Miller is most definitely NOT out of his league.

    They are both equally appealing, not to mention that Miller is genuinely a great guy. I'm sure any female who saw that Pillow Talk segment and heard the wedding speech story would have instantly fallen in love :wub::wub:

    Thanks for adding that perspective Jaded. I was thinking if i was a chick, Brad would be pretty spunky. As it is, Pia's knocked Penelope Cruz off the perch as my dream baby.

    I'm definitely very happy for Brad!

  13. 25 great years... 2003???

    1987 was a great year. Remember the last home-and-away round against the bulldogs? Then waiting for the result from Geelong. Then carving up North Melb and the Swans at the 'G in successive finals? OK Waverley Park broke our hearts, but there was Robbie and Ricky and Alan Johnson and of course Rod Grinter.

  14. And i'd be crying if we had a list like Richmond's. Their best players are over 30 and they've got very little to look forward to except quite a few years of clearing out and trying to find quality to replace in the period when the new Gold Coast will be getting all the cream. We bottomed at a good time.

  15. He's the player you either love or hate. There's a big mouth in the members who week in, week out kept shouting very loud at Bailey "where's Newton?" till one of the MCC attendants kicked him out. He wasn't there today to critique his favourite player's performance.

    I thought Newton was important to today's win, he provided a target up forward.

    BTW is hitting the post 4 times in a row (different Melb players) some kind of a record??? (I remember Miller, Newton & Davey I think. Who was the other?)

  16. Dean Bailey may not be the man that coaches our next premiership side.... But he will have had a massive input in the lead up!!

    DB's a teaching coach. Agree with your comment, his input into the development of our exciting and talented young group is going to be immense. Maybe he'll get someone like Jimmy to rev them up with inspiration when we're 3 goals up at 3 qtr time in our next grand final (3 or 4 years away?)

    I'll keep dreaming anyway...

  17. paul johnson made cantact with an umpire

    yeah PJ was the last one, down the Punt Rd end. What I saw, it was definitely the ump's fault.

    The other one involving the two players was earlier & more subtle, they both flicked him as they ran past (interesting if it was the same ump who was having a bad day as regards spatial orientation... )

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