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Posts posted by heartbeatstrue

  1. I couldn't see Garland's hands in Burton's back but clearly others did. What I saw looked like a monumental stage, and the replay only showed Burton flinging himself forward while Garland had his arms in the air. But hands in the back, push or not, is a free. So that's that. Like someone said, Burton's milking it simply made it obvious to the umpires.

    I actually thought we got a pretty fair go from the umpiring today (makes a change).

  2. Bennell was on fire in the last qtr, he got the ball on the wing right in front of us and I saw the look in his eyes, it was wild. He was running straight into an Adelaide player, and normally I'd expect him to handball it off backwards or sideways. But that look in his eyes, he was inspired. Bennell went straight at him, then either side and he was through and into space, kicking goalwards. Ferocious!

    Bennell & Davey combined well a couple of times, too.

  3. Garland has two hands in his back. It was there to be paid.

    Frawley was BOG. Shut Burton down.

    I didn't see any hands in his back, either real time or on the replay. Watching from on the wing, it was wrong angle to make a judgement but the replay I saw seemed pretty clear (Garland's hands in the air). But in the heat of battle... :)

    I defer to your judgement, if you saw it clearly.

    Thought Frawley, Grimes & Warnock were inspirational today.

  4. I'll say this. Having watched last night's game, we're definitely better than both those teams right now (Carltank & Bombers).

    Next week will be telling (we'll certainly start favourites).

    (and genuinely, I went today believing we'd win)

    Realistically though, we will have some downers but we've got plenty ahead to celebrate and anticipate.

  5. Walking to the 'G in rain and dark clouds... anticipating a winnable game. The roar when Trengove got his first AFL goal, and the bigger roar when he came to the boundary.

    It got louder when Junior kicked the goal to put us in front. Bennell on fire in the last qtr. Euphoria when Jones sealed it. Hearing the siren and Melb song, drowned out totally by the clapping. Sun shining and red and blue everywhere on the ground and in the stands. A miserable bunch in white walking quickly & dejectedly departing our arena.

    Every second car on the way home with red & blue scarves fluttering. Great to see those cobwebs finally blown away.

    Now savoring how good our backline was, and the tackling and intensity. It was a good day!

  6. When he found himself under the ball in the marking contest (think it was Garland immediately behind him, with both arms stretched to the heavens to catch the ball). Flung himself forward, great acting to imitate being shoved in the back. Good enough for those umpires, gave him the free and resultant goal. Guess it's the mark of experience.

    But great to see him totally shut down and outplayed by Frawley once he went on him. Some justice in that! Frawley was one of our very best, imo.

  7. How many times did the player tackled get rid of the ball one-handed, or simply drop it, but no free kick?

    If you're tackled, no prior opportunity and the ball's pinned to you, fair enough. But tackled and throw or drop it, then that's a free for illegal disposal I always thought. Tonight, the umps didn't have their OPSM glasses on disposals of any sort. Even a two-handed throw got past.

    The other one was when the player tackled, hand-passed in front of himself (effectively to himself). On two occasions, they paid holding the man. Both hand-pass disposals were either at the instant of the tackle or immediately after (not before). Very unfair and impossible for the tackler to avoid giving away a free, if that interpretation is to stand.

  8. The umpiring was totally random tonight (Carlton/Essendon). Not really favouring either side, just very inconsistent. There were so many puzzling decisions that instinctively I thought went one way but ump's paid them the opposite. Like Alice in Wonderland, it gets stranger and stranger...

    And BTW, both Essendon & Carltank were woeful, incredibly poor kicking skills and some horrible clangers. We should beat them both.

  9. Also, in defence of Bail at the end, earlier in the game he found himself in exactly the same situation and took the shot rather than passing. He missed everything and had Brag Green screaming at him. The second time he did the team thing and passed to the open man rather than take the shot. In hindsight it would have been better to go for it, but he couldn't have known how little time was left. Possibly a more experienced player would have had the situational awareness to sum it up and realise that any score was better in that situation, but maybe not.

    I'm happy Bail did the right thing, he was playing to win against the Pies. Beautiful positioning of the ball for Petterd, and a certain goal if taken. Maybe like you say, a very experienced player would have gone for broke, any score (realising the time factor). But where we're at, and Bail in his first effective game, it was the correct choice for sure.

    (If it had meant getting us in the finals, or putting the Pies out, I might feel differently. But just now, we can be happy with Bail and his thinking)

    I went hoping we'd be in the game to the end, but not daring to dream of a win. An honourable loss was my hope. If you'd told me before that I'd be absolutely shattered at losing by a point, no way I'd have believed it (either the point or being shattered). But that was how it was. Been a while since I've been as gutted as that by a loss. So that's positive.

    When the siren went and Petterd slammed the ground with his fists, I just couldn't stay and listen to Pies supporters gloating. Shattered (unbelievably) - felt it right in the heart. Afterwards, when the head began to take prominence, it was one of those rare occasions where there were two winners. The Pies on the scoreboard, but they were copping all the criticism. And MFC who were getting all the plaudits.

    Most Pies supporters I've encountered since have been generous enough to say they stole it, we deserved to win. Cold comfort actually. Gotta win this week! Can't wait...

  10. I know this topic seems to be discussed at least once or twice very year since Eddie left, but did anyone a) watch the footy show last night and B) find it was incredibly dull and boring??

    Spot on Balls (and think of the mileage they'd get if you showed up on the panel with a nickname like that.. ha!)

    I must have slept through the Melb team last night, totally missed whatever insults Sam threw our way...

    Footy Classifieds is best of a bad bunch, I've never discovered Marngarook footy show, but I still get C31. When's it on?

    Used to enjoy "On the Couch" (was that its name? - Robert Walls & co) when it was free to air.

    Who from MFC would liven up the panel??

  11. Here is a quote by Harry O'Brien from last year's Age:

    "YOU are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men."

    These are my favourite bible verses from the book of Matthew 5:14-16. These words hold great meaning to me and my desire is to live my life in this way. I am a person who loves to find inspiration through many sources. I am easily inspired by the beauty of life and the infinite possibilities it has to offer. Whether it is art, song lyrics, architecture or even the sight of a mother caring for her child inspires me and sends shivers down my spine.

    A major inspiration in my life is my family. During the mid-season break I was fortunate enough to spend a couple of days in Perth with my family. My family is going through the toughest time after losing my father just before the start of the footy season. Despite our immense pain, we know we will get through this. My family's resolve and resilience is holding us together. It is true what they say, "It's not how hard you fall that matters, it's how you get up."


    Harry's definitely a shining light, not just in the Collingwood footy club but amongst footballers in general.

  12. Get to the game no excuse. Your working take a day off, the missus wants you to stay home divorce is not out of the realms of acceptability to get to the game, you'll be out of town crap come back and go to the game.

    It's an absolute must we need to draw decently to remain relevant this is the mandate we should be

    expecting we have a responsibility as supporters of the custodian club of the greatest game.

    ... church ... :)

  13. The Umpires adviser Jeff geischen has admitted that the shepherds were illegal and free kicks should have been paid. Given that it happened several times and with a few right next to the goals, including one next to the point post in the last quarter, it has influenced the result of the game dramatically. When added to a few other obvious frees not paid to us it didn't help. Interestingly as the siren went Shaw deliberately handballed out of bounds next to the point post. Would the umpire have paid it if the siren went a second earlier, bet not.

    What is the rule?

    It was very obvious, but I didn't actually notice an occasion when it worked to their advantage. Maybe I missed something? I don't remember seeing it before.

    Like someone said, the quid pro quo is we had a loose man up the ground.

  14. I noticed that also, I ended up giving up, my throat could not handle me screaming anymore.

    Funny enough the 2 pies supporters I went with felt the same was happening to their side! Ironic is it not?

    I can hardly speak this morning :)

    It is ironic, the pies supporters booed the umps off the ground quite severely. Guess that's the inevitable result of overall poor umpiring, nobody's happy.

  15. No doubt he was worried about whats coming at the time which put him in two minds but he is expected to go 100%.

    But no way was that a sitter, running back with the flight not knowing whats coming.

    It does look like an easy mark on t.v but if you accually play footy you would no its by no means an easy mark.

    It was right in front of me and it wasn't that hard, it was a certain goal and at that level expected to be taken. Petterd at the other end showed the effort that's expected when a goal is on offer.

    But Bennell did do some other nice things, so he'll hopefully learn from today.

  16. anyone notice the 'OPSM' on their backs??? ironic is it not?

    It is ironic, against Collingwood they pay free kicks by their ears not their eyes. The collingwood manics start screaming and invariably the umpires blow the whistle far too early, and in their favour. It's no wonder with that going on, that they miss obvious ones like Bennell's legging which was right in front of them (but without the manic screaming). There were some shockers today.

  17. So what changed from DB's perspective today? Did he suddenly discover a game plan (maybe he found it with his easter eggs)? Or was it same as last week, just this week the players found they could do it?

    Did he discover how to motivate the players for 4 qtrs today? Or did the players find within themselves what it takes to fire them up?

    Maybe it's a modern easter miracle.

    I must admit I'm a bit puzzled but hope whatever the intangibles are that explain the difference between today and last week's unacceptable effort, they are lessons well learned by players and coaches.

    I'm sure DB will sleep better tonight, and for that I'm pleased.

  18. 15 Disposals

    60% eff

    9 Kicks

    6 Handballs

    1 Goal

    1 Contested mark

    3 Uncontested Mark

    2 Tackles

    1 Clanger

    4 inside 50

    2 Assists

    side note, Davey 23 kick, and they were sexy to watch :)

    Thanks, about what I guessed. And you're right about Davey, his silky kicks were very sexy!!

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