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Demon Tragic

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Posts posted by Demon Tragic

  1. Yep Schwaby has been fantastic on twitter and giving us a great insight on things.

    This morning he twitted-

    Time to get serious about the MFC Brand. Polishing our icons. Stay Tuned?

    Anyone know what this means?

    I gave my icons a great polish last night....twice

  2. At age seven I was wondering in the football wilderness. My Dad cracked it and I was told I had to pick a team, I was given a week and told that once I picked my team I could never change. The main influences in my life at the time all barracked for different teams.

    Mum - Sydney

    Dad - St Kilda

    Nana - Richmond

    Papa - Carlton

    Cousins - Colling%^& & Essendon

    I told em all they were crazy and they should barrack for Melbourne coz that's where we live! I must have decided that if you can't please everybody, you might as well please nobody! It didn't really matter at that stage coz I wasn't overly interested in the footy.

    It wasn't till after dad died and my step dad arrived (a footy nut) that I took a bigger interest in footy. In the early 90's I was nearly converted to Colling%^, my step dad started to take me along to the Collingwood game every week. Him & his parents and brothers worked on me for 2 years. I must admit I loved going along to Vic Park and watching BT, Barwick & Daicos light it up.

    Then my step-dad's best mate, who was also a Dees fan, pulled me aside and told me that once I picked my team I could never change. From then on I was staunch, I had an unwavering and steely determination to honour the unwritten football code of ethics. I was a Demon through & through. My stap dad wasn't too impressed, but he loved my commitment so he started taking me to Melbourne games aswell.

    Although I still have a soft spot for the Pies, nothing makes me feel better than walking away from the Queen's Birthday weekend singing It's a Grand Old Flag. Only these days I'm not outnumbered, I managed to recruit my wife, my brother-in-law & his girlfriend (all from NSW) and I have managed to start a breeding program with a 6 year old gunning for the Dees and a 2 year old who's about to start!

  3. Definately the best footy show on TV, enjoy watching this every week - Footy Classified has turned into a puff peice that has more ads than substance and is now my most hated footy related show, despite being headed by Lyon. Footy show is good entertainment, as is Before the Game, but On the Couch for pure substance alone is the best show going around.

  4. No it's voted by a board, including andrew dometrieu, james hird, gerard healey, bartlet and others

    It's voted on by the public through the AFL website. Hawkins received over 50% of the vote. Green was robbed, Eagleton's & Mattner's efforts were far ahead of the Tomahawk's as well. It's a popularity contest, I don't think the players give much weight to it. Especially when a pithy effort like this wins it.

  5. If anyone is interested Brad Green is a finalist for the 2009 Army Award, you can vote for it on the AFL site.

    I think Mattner's tackle is probably the best but still voted for Brad.

    Mattner's was a great chase and tackle, but Green put his body on the line, copped the big whack, landed on his head, and then went on with the match. None of the other nominees put thier bodies in as much danger as Green did, so I hope he gets the award. I think Greens one of the toughest players going around. He's no Jonathon Brown, but he's tough! Just put a couple of votes in for him.

  6. Does that mean we can look forward to a "line in the sand" game. Moloney can lead from the front. ;)

    Queens Birthday would be a good time for that, what do you think 45h16?

    I was more referring to having to replace a captain who's not in your best 22 every week. Hawthorn copped it over thier choice of Vandenberg

  7. Is Moloney going to be in our best 18/22 for the entirety of his career? It might get messy if we need or want to hand on the captaincy while he's still relatively young.

    Agreed - Whilst his passion and enthusiasm for the club are second to none, I fear a Vandenberg type situation popping up in the future.

  8. Davey oozes excellence. His skills are second to none and his running speaks for itself.

    Green is all about toughness. He never shirks a contest and always put his head down.

    Both would be excellent leaders, we just need to decide what we need more, toughness or excellence.

  9. Robbo has been a great servant of the MFC and I think he should bow out with the dignity of a favorite son, not clinging on to the skeleton of what was a fantastic career, Adam Yze showed us how that looks and I know what I'd prefer. Almost all of us can state that we've made the track to the G and enjoyed a 'ROBBO!!' moment, be it a potential mark or goal of the year, or even the anticipation of a big fly coming up. Even if he didn't grab it, you'd gasp at the leap and wonder what could have been. Thanks for every ROBBO!! moment you've given us, you'll long be a favorite of the MFC. It's only fitting that in your final career game at the G this year, you should be carried off the ground the same way you played on it.......on someone's shoulders. Cheers ROBBO!!

  10. Not at all concerned about a Carltank turning up in two weeks time? ;)

    Surely, they'll be pulling out all stops for a chance at top 4. So I think they will be switched on to beat us in Rd21. They can do it if they beat Port this week, which is likely considering it is "Port."

    Brissy play Dogs this week at the Gabba, Dogs are on shaky ground for top 4, they've lost 4th spot. Crows face Hawks this week. I think Collingwood will secure 3rd. But No.4 is up for grabs between Blues, Lions and Crows IMO because the Dogs still have Lions, Cats and Pies to play.

    If the Lions can beat the Dogs, they might just secure 4th spot with Port and Swans to come. But if they drop 1 game, the Blues might snag it.

    It's fair to say we owe them one

  11. Feel free to abuse me for asking, but...

    who the hell is T-Mac. Tracey McGrady? :P I don't think he is switching sports anytime soon, especially to one where his pay check will be 1/100 of what it is now.

    Tom MacNamara - debut game yesterday and showed excellent foot skills. Was hitting up targets all day. Pity those targets couldn't kick straight themselves. I'd love to see him play the rest of the year across half fwd. He earnt the chance to play the rest of the year out yesterday.

  12. Sorry all, my fault. No intention of pissing people off. I voted in one of the polls without realising it'd bump the whole thread, but when I noticed I'd found a couple of other ancient threads overrating the young list. Not that it's the same situation, but just how quickly things can change.

    Now off to the game...

    You should ask permission before bumping a thread... seriously who do you think you are bumping an old thread??????

  13. Wow. Dramatic much?

    Who ever said (seriously) that Scully would do all that? You show me anyone (besides Y_M) who said that in a serious conversation.

    Scully won't do it on his own. But he, and whoever we get as pick 2 or 3, will only HELP deliver us flag after flag, and 20,000 more members.

    You know what else will do it? Support from the current fans.

    Ironic that you have called someone else dramatic whilst putting together a 'War and Peace' length novel of diatribe lambasting anyone who disagrees with you. No matter what you think, you cannot seriously tell me that what the boys presented out there on the park today was anything less than a disgrace!

    For what it's worth, just because someone thinks differently to you, doesn't mean they love the club less.

    That is all.

  14. Absolutely.

    McMahon...ha! One of the worst players in the comp. Lucky to kick it, lucky to get the mark. About time things go our way, what a horrible thing to say.

    I and about 10 others in the Bullring (I couldn't watch it from my seat) all cheered.

    Horrible situation.

    Shows how disgusting this current system is! I too was praying for the ball to go through, but felt terrible about it afterwards. Any system that rewards losing will always be flawed. Time to make a change for sure.

  15. I disagree with you Freak. Statistics don't always tell the story. The quality of Watts' disposal and descision marking was on display yesterday even if he didn't dominate and it wasn't really a day for the big men.

    On the statistics above, I'd be making a few changes this week and it's definitely time to give Jordie McKenzie a look in.

    Did you see the kick he made into the fwd 50 in the 2nd quarter to pick out Miller on the lead? Into a howling breeze he stab passed the ball 40 mts, going no higher than 10 mts from the ground onto Miller's [censored] in the middle of a congested forward line. The kid's got some talent, I think patience is the key. The big forwards have always taken a big longer to develop, Jack will be no different.

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