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Demon Tragic

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Posts posted by Demon Tragic

  1. Bruce turned over every possession.

    Martin and Green easily our best players.

    Brock McLean is looking like an amateur.

    Completely agree. I normally love watching Brock go about his business, but so far this year has been completely average. Almost looks like he is playing injured.

  2. Melbourne 27.14 176

    Collingwood 17.10 112

    Goals - Sylvia 7, Maric 3, Pettard 3, Morton 3, Miller 2, Jones 2, Buckley 2, Jetta 2, McLean, Green, Johnson

    Best - Sylvia, Morton, Garland, Maric, McLean, Green, Warnock, Jetta, Buckley, Spencer, Rivers

    I expect Sylvias 7th goal to come from a hanger on the goal line, where he will then turn and kick the ball as hard and low as possible through goal, where it will meet up with Joffas head, rendering him slightly more brain dead than he already is.

    Enjoy this Saturday, cos there is nothing like smashing these fools and listening to their President, coach and supporters cry about the umpires after the game.

    Surprised you didn't have Martin in your list of goalkickers!

  3. ask shane crawford about this bloke........

    No problems! When I'm walking past my local deli at 11.45am tomorrow, I'll ask Shane Crawford just as he happens to be crossing my path!

    Or I could just ask you what you've heard.

  4. Don't think Bruce is as bad as YM makes him out to be, but don't think he is giving us the output we require. If you look at Bruce's best and compare it to what we have been getting, can you honestly tell me he is giving us his all?

  5. I was watching a sports show on ABC this morning - The Offsiders - and a comment was made on club culture directly impacting on and reflecting through players and supporters alike. A concrete example given was the way a premiership win is celebrated by certain clubs/players/supporters vs others. For example it was proposed that Hawthorn players, officials and supporters celebrated in a sportsman like and professsional manner as oppossed to the boorish way West Coast celebrated their during the Judd/Cousins era. My question is; given the looooong drought between MFC premierships - how would you celebrate a premiership win?

    After I finish crying like a little girl in front of my son, I would hug everyone within arms reach and tell them how much I loved them and how important it was to me that they shared this day with me (note 'vomit here'). Following that I would head into the afterparty and hit the booze with as many Dees fans as possible (note ' vomit again'). Then straight to Crown where I would argue profusely with the croupier on the Roulette table to change the black numbers to blue and then whack $1000 on red (note 'vomit'). From there I would catch a cab home and stumble to the garden (vomit) then watch the replay 3 or 4 hundred times! I'd wing it from there, I think you get the picture.

  6. Anyone ever seen this kid play? In his second year and I haven't seen the guy do squat! I know he's only young, but he didn't play in the intraclub game, nor any preseason match. Just want to know, what does he do?

  7. No mention of Zomer in here. The kid is only 19 years old, as tall as Watts and 97kgs. If he has a breakthrough simliar to Spencer, we could have the makings of another Neitz, Schwartz combination up forward. Throw in Davey, Jetta, Wona, Bate, Jurrah and PJ pinch hitting up front and it could develop very nicely

  8. Petterd has just about the best balance and best poise since Jared Rivers.

    Agreed - Ricky was excellent and his footy smarts would be amongst the top in our club. The kid has courage in spades and I'm loving seeing him out there again. Gotta say that Bartram, Meeson & Newton are just not upto AFL footy. Throw them in the same bag as Isaac Weetra & Jace Bode. Ph, can someone please tell Buckley that the run from the backline looks great, but the first option is quite often the best option! Give it and keep going. Definately good reason to take heart out of the game.

  9. Did you take some players with you?

    I think someone stole their boots! They got handball crazy in the last quarter when the game was at its wettest. Seemed like there was no directive to change the game plan to suit the conditions. Not Bailey's best effort!

  10. I don't think there is a quick fix. Watts and Jurrah are a long way off. You would like to think Miller and Bate would be our two key forwards with PJ resting up there, with Aussie at their feet. Sylvia will play as a small forward and possibly the likes of Green and Bruce will rotate through there as well. It's not pretty though and I think we can all agree there will plenty of games this year where we struggle to kick a score.

    Jared played the whole game, right upto the last play! Tell WJ I'm sorry about the umbrella! It was wet!

  11. Collingwood???? Isn't this the team that has chosen to dissolve it's cheer squad due to in-fighting and the unauthorised founding of a rebel cheer squad????

    NRL: NRL supporters are notoriously fickle, the NRL has traditionally struggled to maintain decent crowds and changed to a night premiership to maximise exposure because NOBODY turned up.

    Melbourne supporters may argue, but that's due to a love for their club. Each person has a unique view on the best way forward for this, the oldest football club of any code. We could all sit around and make posts like "Good job, Melbourne board." and "Whatever the board says is always right." That would be wrong because the board isn't always right. If the board had it's way in 1996 we wouldn't exist right now. It's our right as financial contributors to our club to question decissions and offer alternatives to take the oldest and greatest football club forawrd.

    If a little thing like bickering on a website is going to tourn you away from the mighty dees then GET LOST NOW, go support collingwood. By your threat of leaving are you not just one of the other "precious" supporters you were complaining about to begin with?????????

    What a magnificent ambassador for the club you are! A bloke pours his heart out asking for Dees supporters to stick fat and you respond by telling him to get lost now. I guess you sure showed him you big hero! This is the exact sort of childish behaviour DD was illiterating to. There's nothing wrong with his post nor his attitude. Trust me, DD has no problems with robust discussion or debate, I have had many of them with him myself. It's the personal attacks he sees as totally unnessecary. As DD comes from a NSW country town with a very strong NRL culture, they all stuck fat and formed common bonds based on thier love for the football club. Sure they had disagreements regarding administrations and players selections, but they never resorted to name calling or attacked one another's grammar. I'm with DD on this one. NEVER tell a fellow supporter where to go just because you don't like thier opinion and NEVER encourage ANYONE to barrack for Collingwood. The admins should remove your post for even suggesting it!

  12. The question for me is how good is this kids best is, compared to what's left? The highlights package shows he has talent, it's up to Bailey and co. to extract the best from this kid that he can produce. It's a risky pick, but if Bailey and the coaching staff are good enough, the payout could be well worth it. If anyone has any better alternatives, feel free to throw thier names up. Please don't say Cousins, I want the kids in the team to develop without the inflence of a man who still associates wih convicted drug dealers!!!

    PS: I'm after talent, not consistency! I can name plenty of players that were consistenly average.

  13. He needs to look up at the trouble he is running into. He often calls for handballs that run him into trouble. However, I always prefer the player that wants the ball in his hands, there is plenty for him to learn, but plenty of potential. Take the game on and break the thick defensive lines teams put up in today's footy.

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