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Demon Tragic

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Posts posted by Demon Tragic

  1. The Ugly

    The desicion in the 2nd quarter against Trengove for sheparding. Players are entitled to utilise thier bodies when they are in a superior position to protect the drop zone of the ball. ESPECIALLY when that player had a ligitimate play at the ball until infringed against. Disgusting and should not be accepted at AFL level.

  2. I want big, tough and mongrel to be pre-requisites for being our captain.

    My vote goes to Jamar - not as much mongrel, but miles ahead in the other two!

    VC's - Beamer, Riv-Dog & Sylvia

    Leadership group (wanky concept) - Chip, Jordie Mac, Trenners

    No compromise in amongst that group.

  3. did he or did he not explicitily state that he wasnt blaming the result on the umpires. Amazing.

    regardless of the final scoreline we were incredibly shafted in that match

    we were still in it when Trengove kicked an awesome goal that they took off him, could have been a momentum shifter, you never know

    We kicked the goal straight after that anyways. Umpires were pretty good I thought. I yelled and screamed at the game, but when i saw the replay, they were pretty much spot on. You need two eyes to judge the Umps performance properly.

  4. The way I am seeing it is that our forward press is based on the premise of leaving your man to place pressure on the ball carrier. This in turn creates a loose man. As a result another player behind that must leave his man to cover that loose man, thus creating another loose man further forward of the play. If this continues on, we end up bleeding goals to the man left behind in the opposition forward line. This is the reason it is important to place a good ball user as a floating man down back.

    Last night Jack Watts was that man and kept being drawn forward into the play, thus negating his role.

    Considering that we've only been playing the press for the past four weeks, we need to keep enduring and educate the loose man in the best way to play his role. For mine, the loose man should be the one person to keep dropping back when the rest of the players are instructed to move forward. This will give us at least even numbers at the contest and enable us to best draw a mistake from our opponent.

    The process is correct, but at the moment, our implementation has been a bit haphazard. The more we play the press, the better we'll get at it.

    When you consider that nearly majority of our team were playing for Casey four weeks ago, we are going ok. Match practise makes perfect!

  5. Tom Hawkins should be cited. Whilst what he did has been done for over 100 years and a free kick was not paid against him, he was negligent in regards to where he put his knee when jumping for that mark. The contact to Toovey was high both with the knee and when Toovey hit the ground. The impact was obviously high as Toovey was stretchered from the ground. Hawkins has a duty of care to make sure he doesn't jump for the ball when someone is running back with the flight and contact may ensue.

  6. Like I said in another post, there is nothing so inflexible as a bureaucratic mind on a crusade. The AFL are determined to make an example of this incident in their crusade (and there is certainly a crusading doctor involved, who may well have allowed Dangerfield back into play after an earlier incident and who badly needs to cover their backside), and they will leave no stone unturned until they get their man.

    If this is true, we MUST get footage of this and present it as new evidence. Would be a lock to get off then!

  7. Wouldn't it make more sense to become a member of the club? The clubs elect thier representatives to the commission and need to exert thier beliefs through that representative. Get enough clubs on board and they'll have to act or risk disenfranchising thier members.

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