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Posts posted by ding

  1. 1 hour ago, Cards13 said:

    Up to the individual but my pic is me and my user name is part of my name. I deliberately went this way as I hate the aggressive posters (not here as such) across forums who abuse others while hiding behind the fake handle.

    In saying that, have you ever checked a news article online that allows comments where people use their Facebook log in details to comment. The comments Are linked to their fb profile so you can see names etc and linked to their whole lives. Again some shocking comments in these sections.

    It doesn't seem to matter if it is under a guise or showing the real person some people are just cnts. Maybe they feel as it is not a face to face they are more detached and think it doesn't matter.

    I really look like a cat.


    • Like 3
  2. 57 minutes ago, dino rover said:

    When scribes resort to personal abuse you know they have run out of arguments  or cant see that there can be differences of view - that things are rarely black or white

    The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing

    Says socrates

    Socrates was an idiot.


    • Like 3
  3. 35 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

    He's everything in a forward that Jeremy Howe wanted to be.

    Yeah, but in his defence, when he was playing for us nobody gave a thought to him being a backman.... it took the genius of Collingwood to try him there...


    • Like 5
  4. 51 minutes ago, Danelska said:

    Some friday musings over a coffee or 4...

    We bang on about mental health on here, yet numerous posters prefer to attack the man vs the content. Now I'm not coming from a holier than thou perspective, I am coming from a compassionate perspective and we've no idea really how someone feels when their attacked - even if their response would suggest they're cool with it.

    Personally, I get quite upset (angry AND sad) when I see some posters critiquing others on here rather than the content. Would love a 3 strikes and you're banned for a bit rule.


    So you want to see others given a holiday because you feel some vicarious anger........ even though you admit that the responses you read indicate the poster wasnt upset..... because YOU were they deserve a ban...........

    Yeah, that makes sense.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, faultydet said:

    The negatives will denounce our garbage management until the cows come home

    The happy clappers will pronounce the past decade was all about heading towards the here and now.


    It all means fark all when viewed through the Roos/Goodwin/Taylor lense.

    If this team has a full list available, playing our brand of footy, at 100% for an entire game, we can raise the cup THIS YEAR, not next, or the one after that.

    Times over the past decade, I honesty doubted I would ever think that again.

    Its nice to put your arms around the missus, and scream your team home more often than not.

    Party time 9 times this year and counting.

    Happy days.

    Your missus owes me a hug for the Jesse Hogan badge i sent her.

  6. Haha i feel so much better about myself after reading the OP.

    I often read back through my own post on DL and wish i could take them back, particularly after being sent a message or 3 from my brother telling me to stop posting while im on the gas. 

    Even if Curnow ends up being a gem ( he certainly has the makings of a player ), i am confident Weed will also become one. Curnow might have the appearance of coming on fast, but so did Jordan Gysberts and many others. Just give our guy some more time to show his worth.

    This might end up being a post you wish you didnt make.... maybe in a year or 2.

  7. Seems like ages since we last played.

    I was getting used to the 6 day breaks. The players looked cooked last week so i am sure they are happy to have had 9 days to regroup for this game.

    Hoges back, Garlett back... Great news. I dont expect a swag of goals from Jesse this week unfortunately. Not many players can have the amount of time off that he did and expect to dominate straight away. Jeffy should be primed though and i reckon he could kick a few if the supply is there.

    Sadly, i dont think it will be. I can see us being dominated in the center with so many of our best 22 out of the guts. Normally i would predict a thumping in these circumstances, but we have shown time and time again that this is going to be a rare thing. (Thank goodness)

    Still, i predict a Bloos win by a few goals. You win games in the center and they surely have us covered today.

    GO DEES !

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, The Chazz said:

    My apologies.  Not really room for misinterpretation, but I was meaning incident as opposed to the actual him, as correctly explained by Little Goffy above.  And yes, there is a different between the "hit" and the "incident", as I have explained many times previously.  Maybe "situation" would've been a better choice of words than "incident"?

    Roger that, yes that would have made a difference, although i still wouldnt have said Buggs actions were in any way worse.

  9. 3 hours ago, The Chazz said:

    This is where your confusion is. Not once have I said the hit was worse. I'm talking about the incident. But continue to make things up if you wish, it's just that that's when I lose interest in speaking to you.

    lol now you are arguing against your own post.... 

    I asked you to list the ways you thought the "hit" was worse and you gave 3 examples. The hit  WAS the incident, so you cant decouple the 2.

    Its there for all to see so your backtracking is pointless. 

  10. 1 hour ago, ding said:
    14 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

    Straw clutching? It's my opinion, clearly you and many others disagree, I don't really care.

    But not once have I said I think king hits matter less in country footy. I actually called for a 12 month ban for what he did, and a 6-8 week ban for Bugg. Clearly that shows my thoughts on the 2 incidents in isolation.

    - Unsuspecting victim due to the environment/professionalism that is or should be shown by AFL level players (compared to the other victim who was standing right in the middle of a country footy all in brawl, who had just been dragged off a different opponent. Anyone that has ever played footy where there has been an all in would know that if you are standing in the middle of it, you're going to be targeted from all angles, especially if you've been seen getting dragged off an opponent).

    Yet you actually used it as a reason you thought that the Bugg hit was worse.  

    Bugg was bad but the AFL employees was definitely worse, both in outcome AND intent.


  11. 24 minutes ago, The Chazz said:

    - 80m off the ball, when the ball was actually dead (compared to running 30m in to an all in brawl where there are other punches being thrown)

    - Unsuspecting victim due to the environment/professionalism that is or should be shown by AFL level players (compared to the other victim who was standing right in the middle of a country footy all in brawl, who had just been dragged off a different opponent. Anyone that has ever played footy where there has been an all in would know that if you are standing in the middle of it, you're going to be targeted from all angles, especially if you've been seen getting dragged off an opponent).

    - This incident being watched by 500k+ viewers, many of which are children, in a time slot that can generate extra revenue for the club (as opposed to amateur filming that someone would've sold to news outlets, which if it wasn't because of the Houli farce, this wouldn't have been brought to our attention, as proven by the fact "new" footage of previous games has been shown on Channel 7 tonight).

    I understand that many won't agree, I can live with that. But at this stage, I'm yet to see an argument that has made me change my mind.

    Geezus dude, if you think that a king hit matters less because its country footy, then your regard for people isnt as high as you might think, and your view that somehow the number of TV viewers makes Bugg worse, well, im almost speechless. Bugg had also just been given some(minor) treatment by his victim, so the first point doesnt hold water either.

    Thats some of the wildest straw-clutching i have ever seen on this site.

    If the footage alone doesn't tell you that there was a massive difference in the incidents i dont know what will.

    • Like 3
  12. 3 hours ago, ProDee said:

    I never take much notice of Casey reports and less so when Trengove is involved.

    Some posters can't reference Trengove without talking about his pace.  It's just inbuilt.  "I'lll mention how Trengove is going, but I  must highlight his lack of pace".  I no longer take any notice.

    We all know he's not fleet of foot and he'll probably get delisted at year's end, but if he's good enough he's quick enough.  If he's not good enough he's gone.

    Trengove is too slow....


    too soon?












  13. Certainly explains the selections (obviously)

    If they were all able to be picked, maybe only 1 or 2 at best would have been you would think. Even if they might have made the difference between a win and a loss ( ummm, no) this says heaps about how the club is being run now.

    No D'head policy writ large.

    I heartily endorse this action. Well done MFC, boo to the 4 involved.

  14. 1 hour ago, jako13 said:

    Been off work all week. Courtesy of poorly timed Appendicitis (Surgery during first half if West Coast Game - watched the last quarter on the phone in recovery room!). Have had nothing other this game to keep me preoccupied this week...... Has taken for [censored] ever to get to game day, now game day is taking for [censored] ever! Hurry up already!

    Biggest game in a decade for us, will be an absolute cracker and no skin at all off anyones nose win or lose. Obviously another win is a huge statement but a loss is irrelevant in the scheme of making and winning finals. How good is enjoying footy again


    I hear ya.

    Interesting also that not very long ago fans would have been absolutely livid if we thought the players were going into the game with this attitude (the bolded bit)

    Now that we have won a few in a row, the fans can now afford not to get OTT upset about a loss.

    Might well be the players calling fans weak for thinking that way soon.

    Yeah, enjoying the footy is much easier nowdays. Hope it stays that way.

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