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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. 6. Oliver 5. Lever 4. T.Mac 3. Petracca 2. May 1. Spargo Unlucky: Spaz, JJ, Koz
  2. They dragged us down to their level for the first 3 quarters, but we were magnificent in the last! Seventeen on the trot!!
  3. Time to fine-tune our forward half connection for the tougher fixtures ahead. Narrm comfortably by 8 to 10 goals will do.
  4. Yep, and Luke Dunstan is the ideal replacement for Jack Viney. Isn’t it great that we have such fantastic ‘like for like’ depth on our list?
  5. So we will be 2022 Premiers a few hours earlier than I was anticipating.
  6. I reckon it’s a certainty bin, given that he has been a ‘poster boy’ for our new indigenous guernsey.
  7. I like it! When I told Mrs DOF of Melky’s inclusion, which will bring him one game closer to his 200, she responded “that’s great, it matters! It’s a further endorsement of the outstanding culture we now have at the Melbourne Football Club”. I’m not going to argue with my lovely wife on that one!
  8. Key part of our attack and forward / defensive set-up. Well done Charlie.
  9. Yes, and you can add Jack Grimes to that list, and both he and Trenners were made joint captains while they were still learning their trade. Seriously, what chance did they have when compared to today’s draftees?
  10. 100% agree, and not only that, but he’s become a key figure in our Leadership Group. Gee, our Club has come a long way in a short time, and much of that rise has been on the back of highly trusted role players like Nibbler and players of similar ilk.
  11. Unbelievable inconsistency. An embarrassment to the AFL! A blight on the competition! I give up!
  12. Yes, very interesting Luci. Last time I looked, Jack Viney was clear BOG according to the Demonland punters, but wasn’t ranked so highly by Goody. No doubt the disparity relates to team roles and how well they were played in the eyes of our coach, and of course, we are not privy to this information.
  13. We need to get used to the idea that most teams will go out with the primary purpose of 'minimizing the damage' when they play us. It comes with the territory of being the best team in the competition. 'Messy' but great win Dees!
  14. 6. Viney 5. Brayshaw 4. Pickett 3. Petracca 2. May 1. ANB Very 'messy' game with no stand-outs apart from Viney. Lots of others who could easily have figured in votes, including Langdon, JJ, T.Mac,, Clarrie, Gawn and Dogga.
  15. This is the most weird Gameday thread I’ve ever read …….... I hope it’s not a portent of events at Optus Stadium this evening! I can’t see the Eagles challenging our beloved Dees, that is, unless some greater power intervenes with thunder and lightening, or some such ………… but even then, knowing the Dees as we do, I’m sure we would ‘find a way’! Another regulation ‘Melbourne’ win coming up, with a margin between 40 and 60 points, I reckon.
  16. Pretty much as expected for a ‘squad’. Presumably, all those named will travel to Perth.
  17. Maybe Hill will no longer want to leave GWS, with a new senior coach coming on board.
  18. Club-wide culture fix required imo …….. a la Peter Jackson / Paul Roos.
  19. .................. and tears rolling down my cheeks. (literally!)
  20. 100% BDA. To date Adelaide have had a huge recruiting advantage compared to the Victorian clubs, with SA being a one team 'town'.
  21. Really loved the podcast again fellas. Fantastic analysis of the way (and when) we move between gears. Great work and greatly appreciated!
  22. Maysie is always articulate, open and honest in his interviews. Much the same way as he plays his football in some ways. You always know what you will get.
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