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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Phew! That's a relief. I thought I was losing my mind...! Truth is, I'm colour blind, and I find it difficult to see white things on a white background. Okay, back to the footy!
  2. Really, Febes? I've been going nuts here, trying to figure out how to join one dot! What do you join it to? To join the dots, surely you need a minimum of two dots!
  3. One piece of play today said it all for me. McCartin pushes Gawn in the back, giving away the free. The ball swiftly goes coast to coast, to end up in the hands of Trac for a goal. Was a thing of beauty...! Was no doubt not lost on a lot of Saints fans...!
  4. Does it go down in the books as a "goal assist"...? LOL
  5. That's funny, Mono!! Maybe it will catch on!
  6. Frankly, anyone with half a brain, if they were bitten by a dog, would immediately wash the wound and apply basic antiseptic, at the very least! To miss a game due to this kinda dumbness beggars belief!!
  7. I must be missing something. Didn't we play the Tigers on Tuesday night? Are they SURE it was a DOG bite, and not a Tiger bite??!!
  8. I believe it is! Maybe they want to give him the opportunity of returning the favour...!
  9. Must admit to having a couple of nips of Black Label before dinner this evening. (A step up from my usual tipple of the cheap, and some would say nasty, tipple of 1495...!)
  10. In recent times they added to it, to make it "Joy will take you further -- Keep walking" Hopefully, the joy of finding that winning feeling, and walking right into the finals!
  11. What I want to know is who was that dopey fan that Gawny picked out in the crowd, only to jump up and run left just as Max kicked...??! Needs to be named & shamed, I say! (And here we were, blaming it all on poor ole Max! LOL)
  12. Funny boy! Of course not! They have their traditional yellow sash on black...!
  13. Yep. maybe Gaz could tell Goody the magic formula for squeezing around 30 bods into a team of just 22...!
  14. True. Think he found a team mate with pretty much every kick. Was an excellent display.
  15. The dopey umps paid a free against Kent for doing absolutely nothing!
  16. After the game they interviewed Bernie. He reckons he took Buggy under his wing with goal kicking practice this past week, and so (very humbly...not) takes full credit! Gotta love Bernie!
  17. Maybe because Tony Ongarello and "Chicken" Smallhorn used to be on the same ABC Footy Panel (chaired by Harry Beitzel)...?
  18. Now you're moving back into ancient history! I believe "Chicken" Smallhorn was the last player to kick a goal using the Place Kick...! Maybe we could bring that kick back for set shots on goal from outside 50...
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