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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. And, if you count illegals, you can probably double that figure!
  2. Well, based on what Bernie said, sounds like Tony Bamford was spot on with the second part of his prophecy re standing out at training in his first Month. Let's hope he's also right about making it as a long term AFL player!
  3. Really?? News to me!! And, I make no apology for flying the flag of one of my favourite players...!
  4. Did Klink finally send you to the Russian Front...??
  5. Might wanna stick to your day job, Andy...! LOL
  6. ...or balance...? (Yes, that was tongue in cheek! LOL)
  7. Does the rock of Gibraltar move very fast? Stand in forward line. Mark the ball. Kick the goal. Easy Peasy...!
  8. You sure about that, Binman? If you're gonna use Saty, surely, to be effective, he needs to be perched on top of a step ladder...!!
  9. You sure you didn't just name your daughters after the names of the ladies tattooed on your body in an effort to appease the Mrs...??
  10. Hmm. Resting on your laurels after just the single training report, huh Andy?! Bit disappointing! The paperwork can wait! Us Demonlanders can't! Kindly re-think your priorities, and re-schedule your time accordingly, young man! (Consider yourself duly chastised!)
  11. Well, I'm one of those rare bods who expects the team to win EVERY game. So, guess that's 25 for me...!
  12. Had to take a second look at that pic. Coulda sworn it was Brad Green on first glimpse...!
  13. Andy, keep up this steady stream of reports and you will be assigned with permanent duties as our official DL training reporter!
  14. Not good enough, Werribee!! Kindly get your priorities straight, and move the appointment to a date/time where it does not clash with training! A little higher level commitment is expected if we are gonna succeed in 2019!!
  15. Looks like all our intrepid DL reporters are, too...!
  16. May looks like a midget standing beside those two giants!
  17. And, don't forget the born leader! "Follow me!", he says. "I'll be right behind you!"
  18. Is that right? Interesting. Given Pat is only 22, you'd think he'd want to be keeping his options open.
  19. Maybe it was just the set of jumpers used by the Sale High School Under 16s team! Pretty sure they were pretty much all long sleeved! LOL
  20. See Pat has been appointed as an Assistant Coach to the MFC Women's team. So, clearly, he's sticking around the Club. I must admit I thought it a tad strange that he was delisted after the Club had seen him through his long rehab. I would have thought they'd have given him the chance of a fully fit pre-season. Is he any chance of being re-drafted as a Rookie? He's only 22. Anyone know anything more about him and his situation?
  21. My memory may not be as good as it used to be. But, seems to me that, when I was a kid back in the early 60s, the long-sleeved jumper was the norm, with the sleeveless variety being the rarity...
  22. Thanks, Andy. Guess the funeral is in progress right now (11:45 am your time...)
  23. Agreed, mate. Your Dad's tribute piece posted separately is also a must read. Well done, guys!
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