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Everything posted by JTR

  1. Am I correct in understanding that had JVR actually touched the ball, even by a whisker, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation and it'd simply be put down as a "football incident" ?
  2. I get the point of the story, but it's a stupid headline. In 8 of his first 10 games he played as the sub. In 5 of those he didn't even get on the ground and in the other 3 he played 16%, 13% and 22% game time respectively.
  3. Whilst it was fun to watch, I'm glad Fritsch's goal scoring games streak is over. Seemed like he was pretty aware of it, particularly in the last when he still hadn't got one and probably tried a bit too hard. Haven't seen him shank like that for a long time.
  4. I agree. It was a painless process for me and I quite liked that I could book and turn up 30 mins before game, rather than getting there as soon as parking gates opened to ensure a spot. Some of the (unverified) issues I have heard... There was a log jam at the gate of people who didn't know about new process and turned up thinking they could pay as they did previously. Apparently they had no alternative method available for them to pay and so were refused entry. The new system required you to book specific areas/gates for entry (eg accessibility parking) so if you turned up at the wrong gate they were (again, apparently) turning people around. Easy enough I suppose for a person walking to the wrong gate at the ground with their entry ticket, but not so much for a car sitting in a one way queue at car park gate! There was also a disclaimer on the website that if the weather turned bad and they made the call to close Yarra Park, all those who already had a car park booked would be directed elsewhere and refunded. Didn't happen for our game but can see how it wouldn't be ideal to have a few thousand cars in the city looking for a new place to park on short notice.
  5. For those who didn't enjoy the new parking set up last weekend, order has been restored...
  6. What an outrage! *shakes fist* Don't mind it personally. Now I can book my parking and turn up whenever I like, knowing I'll have a spot, rather than going as close to gate opening time as possible and then needing to kill a couple of hours. Plus, other than pre-booked parking in the city (which yes, you book online), it's the cheapest and most convenient footy parking in town. Edit - for anyone intending to drive in that doesnt know about the change: https://mcg.org.au/getting-around/parking-schedule
  7. Does he have a nickname? If not, I'll nominate "Love" 😁 (I hope I don't have to explain why) Anyway, his second efforts and doing the little things when he doesn't have the ball is what I'll be most interested to see tomorrow night. On the few occasions I've watched him at Casey, those were definite areas for improvement.
  8. Just incase LH isn't around to share, here's todays mood over on the Tigers Big Footy board... ======================================================= "Petracca feature article on AFL website this morning" · "And mid week an article about Gawn. Tumbleweeds finding Richmond stuff on the boy's club site" "Will be lucky to score 60 points" "We are a sneaky chance to win this one methinks" · "No chance. "Given they lost to Essendon who were without their number 1 forward I don't think they are playing as well as people think. Leaving at Brown and McDonald seems they are confident with Gawn/Grundy playing key forward most of the night and them going smaller actually helps our undermanned defence out at the moment. Still think we will get smashed in the midfield so weight of numbers probably wins it for them" "Nothing more obvious than Gawn playing majority forward in his first game back against our depleted tall stocks" "First and foremost, I just want us to look like a legit AFL standard footy team tonight. Anything more is just a bonus." "Only 200 odd posts in the thread suggests we are all expecting a loss, a heavy one at that! Lets hope the boys fire up for this one and surprise us all!" "Normally glass half full, but geez big task tonight. Normally against Martin playing 90% forward, but probably stretches their defence if he clunks a few. Need to break even or get on top in the midfield to be any hope" "Can we please just beat these bastards?" · "We’d have to be really on for that to happen. Our best players would have to play great games and our intensity would have to be at its best for 4 quarters" · "Yep, ever since i can remember (1960s onwards) i have had a special dislike for Rabblebourne and their stuck-up sticky-beak bastard supporters" "Our VFL side would've been longer odds to beat Casey yesterday so anything can happen. We're due, that's for sure." "Played at our best in the dry this year. Considering the current conditions, we might put together more than 1 good quarter. Pinched a good win over Dee's in the 2s who were undefeated, hopefully we're in for a good one tonight." "Just be competitive for as long as possible. That's all we ask." "Anyone know if Gawn and Oliver are definite starters?" · "Dees fans seems to be fairly pessimistic about Gawn. Oliver trained with the main group yesterday so should be right." "Have a look at who's bloody umpiring. The friggen All Star anti Richmond line up"
  9. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times
  10. Isn't "flu like symptoms" the way they are describing it these days, presumably to prevent triggering the facebook certified medical experts?
  11. So, maybe a silly question... but if I turn up on the day with my GA membership, will I still be ok to get in?
  12. Playing Essendon this week was obviously the inspiration for this piece. That 148 point drubbing in 2013 was a pivotal night in our history, and I personally find it hard to believe that it was only 10 years ago. Anyway, you didn't have to read it, or even click on the thread. I even said "for those interested" to cater for the likes of yourself who clearly aren't, but yet you click anyway, then come here to say don't talk about it. Odd... 🤔
  13. Great read over on Zero Hanger for anyone interested 🙂| 10 years on: From Melbourne’s darkest days to dynasty building
  14. Vague recollection, but didn't the Filth win last years Anzac Day game, largely off the back of Grundy? I can only see stats (which I know don't tell the full story), but it looks like he jad a good game and Draper was his opponent.
  15. This. On the subject, check out his reaction in the background when JVR got his holding the ball free prior to his third goal. Great stuff.
  16. From around the 0:57 mark there is some great behind the goals vision, showing how far Chandler ran to get on the end of the chain for his 3rd quarter goal. That play and his subsequent goal swung all the momentum back in our favour after Sydney got within a kick.
  17. I like this one. This is exactly why we discovered how good Petty was, after Tomlinsons ACL
  18. JTR

    A pies joke

    I'm sure it's been posted a 100 times before, but it never gets old! (Since this video was made they've gone on to lose three further prelims in 2012, 2019 and 2022 + the 2018 Grand Final 🤣)
  19. Maybe he's just got excellent positioning and can get to open spaces where the defenders aint? 🤔 😉
  20. Has there been any sort of statement yet from Jackson? Thanks MFC for giving me the opportunity, thanks to the members/fans... etc etc etc? Disclaimer... I haven't read the whole thread & am currently overseas so don't get all the news, so apologies if already discussed.
  21. I've heard someone say the filth are only paying a portion of his salary for the FIRST year only, so trying to determine if any truth to that or if wires have been crossed Eg $350 "a" year vs $350 "for a" year. Obviously a big difference!
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