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Everything posted by JTR

  1. Ill advised as this comment may be, I'll go with it anyway.... 😱 I saw a stat a few days back that said that of the games we have lost since early 2020, only two games have been by more than 25 points. So basically, even if we are playing average (and there definitely has been periods of that particularly mid-year), we dont often get flogged, we are invariably always in the contest and just a quick burst of good footy away from being right back in it and/or taking the game away from the opposition. Have faith 😎
  2. How good is to have a game vs Geelong NOT in Geelong (first time since R4, 2021) I'm interested to see how they play Petracca today. O'Connor not being named would suggest they aren't going to have anyone sit on him, but after the relative success Brisbane & Richmond had I'm curious to see what they have up their sleeve. Surely they wont let him run around doing as he pleases?
  3. Hope that helps 🙂
  4. Longer version of the fan day video if anyone missed it the first time around... "Here's some more big guys" 😂
  5. "Looks like an Adelaide hangover" is the description my neutral supporter friend used mid-way through the second. Three games in 13 days will do that to you I suppose. We just looked flat and tired almost from the very start. There's obviously a lot to work on but I'm happy to write that one off. The week off to refresh and reset will do us a world of good. I certainly wouldn't want to be Richmond on Anzac Eve.
  6. Yeah, saw that. Stuck his leg out to kick/trip him as he was running past, then gave him a spray when he turned around to see who did it. He was copping it all game, getting the sort of questionable off-ball treatment usually reserved for Max. Given he was having no influence on the game, is not the sort of player who would be super damaging anyway and the treatment carried on all game regardless, it seemed to me like nothing more than a completely unnecessary attack, which served no purpose other than to try and open old wounds. Bullying isn't the right word in a sports context, but that's what it looked like. All class those Lions.
  7. Thanks! (and my apologies for questioning then @Dannyz )
  8. Positive thinking, or in-the-know fact?
  9. For all our track & Casey watchers, how has he actually been going? I saw him play live in each of our practise matches, but he looked more like he was finding he feet in those games rather than banging down the door for selection. Any insight appreciated.
  10. Wasn't it Adrian Anderson who was arguing against us all those years ago for the Trengove sling on Dangerfield? He gets us both ways 😭
  11. Rolling live blog here: https://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/teams/melbourne-demons/afl-2024-kysaiah-pickett-tribunal-live-updates-blog-kozzie-pickett-bump-on-jake-soligo-in-melbourne-vs-adelaide-video/news-story/6c6dcfd72100dc3a736379137bfb30ef Most recent three updates...
  12. I hope the tribunal pay more attention to the actual vision, which shows both players heading in the same (not opposite) direction and towards the ball. If you hadn't seen the incident and were just looking at the still pictures above (like most of the 'expert' armchair commentators out there), it looks like Kossie is jumping into Soligo and putting his elbow right though his head, which didnt happen.
  13. What a little champ! ❤️💙
  14. The optics of challenging the suspension is the problem in my view, as words to the effect of the above are exactly what the Filth used in their defense of Maynard. We all strongly disagreed with that at the time. To come out now and argue the opposite wouldnt be a good look.
  15. I'm not the guy in the pic but I was also at game in my Melbourne gear, cheering the Saints on. Collingwood fans are hilarious and I'm convinced half have no idea what they are watching. Also particularly enjoyed when they went the early crow not once but twice with their stupid chant, only for half on them to be on their way out the door a few Saints goals later. Re Higgins' goal... looks in to me! 😎
  16. It's happened often, most notably for me being after the KB last year, where he had a great game. Following week we had the bye, then week after that he was omitted for Petty.
  17. Sorry it's already been said. I'm too grumpy to go through a thread that will no doubt make me grumpier. Unrelated to the game itself, but I am calling absolute shenanigans on the 40,000 crowd figure. The place holds 48,000 when full and it was clear on the TV for the entirety of the game that there were empty blue seats everywhere. As a comparison, the Buddy 1,000 goals game only had 36,000 and that night it looked packed. Are the powers that be so desperate for this opening round "northern states invasion" [censored] to be seen as a success that they'd artificially bump the crowd number?
  18. Same as last year really, where we went in with Hunter and first gamers McVee & Laurie
  19. Devils & Demons. Has to be a Good Friday game, surely? 😉
  20. Pittonet running around the field at half time with one of the coaches. Assume he is done for the day?
  21. @kev martin @binman (and anyone else who was unable to get a ticket yesterday)... it looks like things are ok now as I just tried again and got my ticket 👍
  22. I hope its not. I didnt bother upgrading as figured it'd be fine to just turn up and scan in. Tonights game between the Filth and the Tigers had heaps of empty seats, so surely we wouldn't get a much bigger crowd than that tomorrow..... right? 😱
  23. It's here: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1496670/aami-community-series-team-confirmed (scroll down)
  24. I appreciate your first post here being used to give such excellent advise - thanks! 👍
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