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Everything posted by DeelightfulPlay

  1. Agreed! Love the automatic turn on for these features which are now available. At 9.30 pm, my whole phone becomes grayscale on top of the night mode... except I can never bring myself to sleep then so it's not much use!
  2. Apparently the blue light of the screen also inhibits melatonin and so makes it harder to sleep. You can also have your phone put an orange glaze over everything (in addition to having the dark backgrounds etc) to neutralise the backlight of your phone
  3. Thanks, @old dee! Made it myself 😉
  4. Here's the MFC media release, for ease of reference: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1237034/corrigan-departs-for-cats
  5. Yes, the more educated sibling of the good ol' could not / could care less debacle!
  6. Certainly the amount of confidence needed to post here is uncountable but number of posters on DL is countable! (Mea culpa!)
  7. Out of all our departures, Toby and Hunty make me saddest. Totally get Toby's reasons and wish him all the best, but wish we could have given him more consistent opportunities whilst he was with us. When he presents, he seems a bit magic!
  8. Nah, we've Hounded others until the Dogs got let out to our benefit!
  9. I'm not rapt with the amount of posters who keep on describing themselves as (gift) wrapped lately...!
  10. Well, no prizes for acting for Grundy!
  11. Great video, thanks for making and sharing! Really love those streaming forward goals, so nice to see
  12. Feels a bit like this is a hostage video (but that might be my red and blue glasses...)
  13. So you ascribe to hardcore legal positivism regarding the role of a judge...! As opposed to the softer Hart model which recognises a judge has discretion within the law and that social norms or principles may be reflected in the exercise of that discretion. Heaven forbid we even consider some of the more radical legal theorists who note that judges are humans with their own biases and social understandings which can inadvertently sway outcomes. A good judge does understand perspective rather than pretending neutrality and challenges themselves to think broadly and independently about a matter.
  14. I don't practice in sports law but have done a few sports sponsorship contracts... My understanding is that contracts with players generally have 'notifiable conduct' clauses which provide processes for managing behaviour that brings clubs/the game/sponsors into disrepute (or is likely to do so) + eventually leads to termination of contracts / fines etc. It wouldn't be surprising for similar clauses to be in the employment of coaches (indeed, a lot of employment contracts have behaviour clauses anyway). Depends on bargaining power a lot of the time between the parties as to how severe the contractual consequences may be. Even if there is not an express clause dealing with it, it might be argued as a material breach of the employment contract depending on how the standards for provision of services and the like are drafted.
  15. Thank you @Grapeviney for such an excellent and necessary post. As a small postscript, what happened in Australia to First Nations people at the hands of the British Empire and subsequent Australian governments in the past 200 years quite neatly fits into the international law definition of genocide... From article 2 of the UN Convention of Genocide: Genocide can be said to have taken place if “any of the following acts [have been] committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”: Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
  16. After we lost, I messaged a mate and finally confirmed I would be attending his buck party on GF day. He was a good sport about the late RSVP, thankfully!
  17. Shame we couldn't get it done... but Lions more deserving in the end
  18. Hopefully we can respond quickly and tighten up our defense
  19. Beautiful!! Time to build!
  20. Thank god they fumbled that, we need to get our heads back in the game!
  21. Good first quarter by Narrm! Hopefully the commentators are proved wrong about Brisbane being slow starters but strong finishers in this game
  22. First blood! Here we go...
  23. Carn the boys!!!
  24. I'd add Munro in too, would have to check stats to decide between them
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