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Posts posted by redandbluemakepurple

  1. 4 hours ago, DeeZone said:

    Yes RBG both Joel Smith and Blake Howes around the 190 cm mark (6’3”) med talls both good marks and both are quick and capable when fit, our quill runneth over, coaches have no excuses for not changing up the team to get the best fit against different teams. I felt that Swans and Dockers exploited our lack of height last year.!!

    Joel Smith - 6 years and 28 games.  6 years because  he is the son of a beloved former player; only 28 matches because he is a couple of inches too short for a KPP (like his dad), even though he has a tremendous leap (like his dad), has B- disposal (unlike his slicker team-mates), loses Charlie Cameron and co./leaves the same to go fourth up (unlike Old Man Hibbert who replaced him in the 2022 finals).  Fitting him into the firsts should stop being an end in itself.  MFC told us that he was recontracted because they saw him as having an enormous up-side.  That is the terminology for the Cat B Rookie.

    • Sad 1
  2. On 11/28/2022 at 6:04 PM, Matt Demon said:

    Kate Roffey did an interview on SEN this morning and the last question she was asked was about the progress of a new training facility, her response was something about the challenge is trying to find a patch of grass in the city area. It sounded to me we were back at square one.

    It is now time to accept that we won't be getting a ground close by the MCG despite the emotional pull.

    A council is not going to give us a locally-used ground or open space.  The govt is not going to lean on them.

    Melbourne Airport might give us a long term lease on some land.  We could head out to Cranbourne or Wollert.  But then we might as well extend the Casey oval 15m on the North and East and stay there.  

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  3. On 11/17/2022 at 6:45 PM, Deemania since 56 said:

    He was absolutely red hot in the last season with the Demons - virtually untouchable and a fabulous avenue to goal. I thought that his loss was a complete catastrophe and wonder what he - and his teammates - might otherwise have achieved. I thought that he did not perform at quite the same level with the Swans as he had previously with the Demons but remained one of those forward line enigmas who had hit their straps. We, as supporters, generally lost faith in him for such disloyalty to those who had blended to make him such a great Demon.

    The story that I was told, was that his nose was out of joint because MFC wouldn't help him study to be a physiotherapist.  No idea if its true.

    • Sad 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Redleg said:

    MFC Trivia question.

    What do Peter Tossol, James Magner and Sam Weideman have in common and keep it nice?

    What he said.

    • Haha 1
  5. Don't knock Da Boss's negative game-plan.  Trainwrecks are so much groovier in slow-motion.

    Wikipedia reckons that Max King achieved an 97.8 ATAR.  He might like being pushed around by Ross.  Gives us a couple years to come up with a nickname.  Possibly, Max Power (thanks Homer) or Plastic (best keep that to ourselves until he signs).


    • Haha 1
    • Thinking 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Marcus94 said:

    I think he would be a good fit for us. Chocco is great at developing players and the attitude of our boys is incredibly professional, whereas a lot of the bulldogs players seem to be about that party lifestyle.

    If he would only cost us a late 3rd or late 4th round pick then why the heck not.

    Exactly.  Beveridge's response to a challenge is to have whinge.  

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Graeme Yeats' Mullet said:

    Good point, so clearly we better not believe Hodge's comments about being treated well also.

    It would not be all that surprising if the powers that be did not feel entitled to treat someone who looked like them, as they would treat someone who did not look like them.  So all up Hodge's comments are irrelevant.

  8. 9 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Joel Smith who now is in line to be Hunt’s replacement.

    God almighty, shoot (sic) me now!  Hey, JH is Andy Moir's nephew.  Maybe that redresses the balance.  Joel Smith could be an understudy for Lever as an intercepting third tall back.  In the acid test of Charlie Cameron, he gets turned inside out. He deserts his man to go fourth up, tends to give away silly freekicks and 50's.  Best to keep Hunt if that is the plan.

    Hunt with all his speed has only been successful as fourth tallest back, which is adequately covered by Rivers, Hibberd and the next rookie.  His disposal has greatly improved but is not elite like many of the others. 

    So if he wants to go, good luck to him and thanks for the third round pick.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, binman said:

    The focus on Clarkson and Fagan is unfortunate as it obscures the real issues - cultural safety and systemic racism 

    Binman, " cultural safety and systemic racism " is a complex matter and many won't have the emotional buy-in to do the work to understand.  

    Don't we need to identify and punish as many cases as possible such as alleged at Hawthorn?   Admissions that Club X needs to be better and promises that they will do better, have failed.  What is Plan B?

    A random thought

    There needs to be a list of Don'ts i.e. using culturally significant artefacts at Crows camps, interference in cultural connections and support networks.

  10. 7 hours ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

    Football clubs are unique environments. They become a second home for players, and coaches are often required to be much more than just football mentors

    Not at all.  Many people such as me, still catch up for a beer on Fridays as when we were working,  People travel up north for the fiftieth of one' of their former apprentices.  Bullying is widespread and studiously ignored by managers.

  11. 36 minutes ago, 1964_2 said:

    Neitz the great - Sorry for the hard times your wife goes through! The only positives that can come out of these situations is awareness and education.

    Sorry 1964_2, if I appear to be jumping down your throat without reading all that you have written but awareness and education by themselves have failed. The victims need to have their claims explicitly accepted as true, see a negative consequence for the perpetrators and redress/compensation for themselves.  Football, ADF, my former Govt employer have been saying that they will change for decades but do not.  I point out that the Collingwood report was called "Do Better" rather than "We Truly Were B*stards".  The current Hawthorn Pres pointed out that discrimination exists in throughout Australian society but not that the behaviour of his club sickens him.


    PS don't think that I will bother with the GF after the revelations.  Hold out for the Women's team.

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  12. 59 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    I wonder what skeletons are in our closet in our treatment of indigenous players?  Didn't Davey, Wanaemirri, Jurrah (and maybe othres) have issues with Neeld? 

    Wanaemirri didn't come back after 2011 and Jurrah lost his way.  Their departures may not in any way be connected to Neeld but there was some noise about his treatment of them at the time.

    MFC should get Wrecker to talk to the past indigenous players to find out.  Best to take it on the chin.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, CYB said:

    I hear you but if this was a trial for rape or paedophilia, you would need much more than witness statement to persecute the perpetrator. From what I read there doesn’t seem to be any factual evidence to support these allegations. It is circumstantial as I can find many holes in the information that has been presented and the way it has been presented. 

    It doesn't need to proved beyond a reasonable doubt like criminal cases.  The AFL just needs to be confident.  For damages claim, I understand that the criteria is the balance of probabilities despite what the judge on the Rebel Wilson case said.   I am sure a lawyer will correct me if applicable.

  14. This is the most disgusting story that I can recall hearing in the last twenty years; even much worse than injecting young men with unknown drugs    If true, 4 year ban for the leaders and 1 years for those who turned a blind eye. 

    Hawthorn should be told to stop their investigation immediately while the AFL and Worksafe immediately interview the vultures at the Hawks before they get their stories straight.  The assailant in an assault case does not sit in on the police investigation.  The conflict of interest is enormous.  Nothing was done for Cyril Rioli excepted a mumbled very-guarded expression of regret without acceptance of significant fault.


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