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Posts posted by redandbluemakepurple

  1. Firstly let me declare my conflict of interest, I am a middle-aged to elderly white male of protestant English and Scottish heritage.  You could glue some improbable side-whiskers on me and pass me off as a Victorian State Premier c. 1880.  I also so replied to Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe when she emailed me earlier in the year and crowed about a Blacks-only senate ticket.  I just don't have the same gut reaction as Stan Grant and others.  I am entitled to have other interests.

    Without departing to far from the topic for a Football forum, suppose that I thought that the "Acknowledgement to Country" was illogical and/or the use of the term, First Nation, means offensively that I must always be a runner-up due to my racial origin.  I would or do still keep quiet at the local sporting club because the community has made a decision to do that and if I carry on people would think that I was big-noting myself.  I would be saying that my opinion like myself was more important than they were. 

    Therefore the AFLW should not have committed that social faux pas or gaffe with respect to QE2..

    Like La Thorpe, Stan Grant (us patience), Andrew Bolt (through the neck), Greens Councillors and PETA, they should not seek the buzz of "making a difference" i.e. forcing us to do something that we would not otherwise do.  Just hit the gym and kick sand on our faces at the beach.


  2. 13 minutes ago, KingDingAling said:

    Gawn up forward will cost us a lot of goals as he doesn’t understand his own limitations. He is a terrible kick. He shouldn’t ever be up forward. The fact he has been is largely due to the fact we have a terrible forward line, which instead of rectifying it sounds as though we aim to further clog it up with ruck players who don’t belong anywhere near the big sticks. Trading for Grundy is a bigger waste of time, picks and resources as I’ve seen lately from MFC. 

    C'mon home, Braydon Preuss!!

    • Haha 2
    • Shocked 1
  3. IN:  

    Bowey - would have been cooler and more precise under last quarter pressure.

    Dunstan - got a ton of ball in the last VFL game and acceptable disposal; better than earlier in the year.

    Mitch Brown - poor stats in the senior team earlier in the year but knows his trade.  If always on the move near the goals, the opposing backs will knock the ball to ground bringing the smalls into play.  JVR is taking his high marks 3rd or 4th up and is too small at the moment to cause general mayhem.  LJ and Gawn were dropping marks, Weidemann-wise.



    Melksham - Too easy for the McCartin boys and poor disposal

    ANB , Rivers - gotta drop someone



    LJ - needed to ruck while they refuse to run BBrown

    Hibberd - needed for Charlie Cameron

    Brayshaw/Petracca  - rubbish disposal but can do better

    Pickett - did little but will have opportunities with the presence of MBrown bringing the ball pinging around.  Otherwise we need a role that uses his strengths; possibly out on the wing where he can literally literally run rings around two opponents.

    Salem - down on metres gained but OK for first game back.  Still tidy disposal.

    • Like 1
  4. I am just gutted both teams couldn't be eliminated.

    It only requires a small cheap wifi camera on the top of each post pointing up with a wire directly over.   When the ball hits the side of the post, it is good enough to see if the rotation of the ball is affected.  I.e. simple and peanuts.

  5. On 8/21/2022 at 11:26 AM, mo64 said:

    There is no way that Melksham gets dropped before Spargo or ANB. 

    Melksham had assists in many of our early goals, when the game was up for grabs. And he's shown that he's a better crumbing forward than Spargo.

    Spargo the talisman? Based on what? Hardly touched the ball for about a month. And twice now in 2 weeks he's pulled out of contests. 

    When the game was up for grabs. ANB was slow as he has been for weeks. Got into the game in the 2nd half once the game was over.

    When Fritsch and Pickett kick four goals each, MFC wins due to an obvious causal link.  I have formed the opinion that when I see on the TV that Spargo is regularly on the defensive 50, MFC wins.  I use the word, Talisman, indicating magic or the lack of an obvious causal link.  And I like the word itself.  If I had a private secretary, I could get him to watch all this season's games, count the times that Spargo crossed the line.  Cuthbert would then throw the data into a spreadsheet and look for a correlation.  He would also check whether Spargo on the move meant his team-mates were on the move, also using the metres run from the data site.  A working hypothesis would be that when Spargo puts in, all put in and we strangle the opposition.

    Moving along to separate question on whether Spargo or Melksham remains if TMac returns, my fictitious private secretary would again look up the metres run for S. and M. in the games where TMac also plays.  With BBrown, TMac, Fritsch and a ruckman part-time up forward, the need is for mobility and pressure rather than another lead-up and mark forward.

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/21/2022 at 12:00 PM, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Spargo has played the last 48 or 49 games in a row. That's win, lose or draw. What makes him the talisman? Are you saying that when he plays well we win? I'm struggling with that given his performance in the last two games. 

    When Fritsch and Pickett kick four goals each, MFC wins due to an obvious causal link.  I have formed the opinion that when I see on the TV that Spargo is regularly on the defensive 50, MFC wins.  I use the word, Talisman, indicating magic or the lack of an obvious causal link.  And I like the word itself.  Largely, I just want to join in.  Also see my stinging retort to Mo64.

  7. And May to towel up Hawkins in the PF or GF; again.  AA Selectors to see that they are very, very, silly people.

    On the odd occasion that the Cats are being thrashed, Hawkins gets a bit misty in the eyes; not what you want to see in your onfield leader..

  8. For mine, Bowey stays in.  His disposal efficiency is a bit better than Salem's last game; 82% to 72%.  And his choice of target is elite.  Best to see Salem in the VFL for a week or two.

    Spargo had a quiet game but is a talisman for the side. I reckon when you see Spargo on the defensive 50, you know the boys are pressuring and we will win.

    ANB was solid. 

    Melksham was quiet but still has a role. He will probably get squeezed out if TMAC reappears but the 5-6 weeks dropped to 2-3 weeks overnight so I wouldn't hold my breath.

    So no changes.

    • Like 2
  9. 10 hours ago, Deespicable said:

    Joel Smith should be the sub, so that he can cover almost any injury scenario for us, including playing on Charlie if Hibbo does his hammy.

    Late last year, Charlie got goal-side of Smith and away a few times for goals.  I would much rather trust Hibberd than Smith or Hunt.  Rayner is quick but not as tricky,  i.e. Hunt or better Salem who the data on-line during the match says is much quicker than he looks; should bends the knees more just for appearances.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  10. 40 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Where is Nitschke when we need him. What a name for a footballer even if my spelling is wrong.

    I'd almost give up a first rounder for a Freud or Camus. Hell I'd even take a Conrad to guide us through the Darkness

    Let's recruit a Kafka just to trade to Essendon.  We'll send him with a few late picks as steak knives.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  11. We were very lucky to win.. Carlton applied more pressure and are a real chance against the Maggies next week. 

    Carlton got little benefit from their height advantage at the back  In the final quarter on the wing they had 3 against BBrown but no one was hanging back to run and punch Lever-style.  Ditto, Melksham's mark in the last.  All three flew at the front. 

    • Like 1
  12. It is a great pity that King didn't get the Saints up over the Pooh Bears.  He flung his body and legs around as if he needed to kick the ball over the grandstand.    On the same topic, Gawn for his first point could have kept his hand on the ball for longer while dropping the ball and wouldn't have needed to chase it with his foot.  It makes you love TMac even more.  The big guy kicked like a back man but now his run, drop and leg are on the same line with mathematical precision.

    • Like 1
  13. No point in sacking Rutten for 1 round.  

    Essendon would seem to be much more desirable that North or Giants or GC.  It's in Melbourne and the club has cash.  I expect Clarkson to hold off for a week.

    • Like 2
  14. 3 hours ago, Mel Bourne said:

    Just watching the game again (the perks of self employment), and watching Melksham and Hunt’s games, it’s like we’ve been gifted two new gun players. 

    Melksham's endeavour has gone up several notches this year.  Hunt's disposal is now B and can hold out Bowie whose is A but not as quick or tall.

  15. The response of the AFL, ALPA, Eddie McGuire and Adelaide FC has been mealy-mouthed and it has been either disingenuous  or just plain stupid.

    Ricciuto said "I think the club's been on record at times to say they acknowledge it wasn't handled perfectly, it had all good intentions but it didn't go perfectly.  We all love Eddie and hopefully Eddie's getting over that."

    HRH Eddie and others spoke of Eddie moving on.

    If they wish to "attack the ball" and fix the situation, they need first to explicitly say that they accept that each of  Eddie's statements is true. Then they need to state that they are not entitled to treat Eddie in that manner.  Roo's and the other supposed apologies do not do that.  Then he may be able move on.

    Lamumba is in a similar situation.  All the Maggies will say is a general "mistakes have been made and we will do better".  Buckley said that recollections varied.  However, there has been sufficient corroboration by other players that Lamumba was called Chimp for example but no acknowledgement by the club. They obviously value their pride more than a person.

    • Like 1
  16. Q1  Will a Tasmanian team make the comp more enjoyable or not to its current and future consumers?

    A1   For 2% of the Australian population (count the heads and divide by two)  they may well enjoy a home team.  For 98% of the Australian population, the bye will be very annoying and the extra team will be another one to keep track of although we don't care if they live or die e.g. Port, Freo, GC.

    Therefore, no Tasmanian team!!

    Note, these figures assume that the Northerners will see the error of their ways and enbrace the true faith.

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