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Everything posted by old55

  1. No prior means defensive midfielders will just sweat on ball winners at the stoppage, gang tackle them, free against the ball winner.
  2. I don't like it - it makes clearance work too hard.
  3. If Port can beat Geelong, as they should this week, we'll have the opportunity to inject a world of hurt into them the following week and send them to 6-8, then needing to go 7-2 to make finals.
  4. Somehow ended up in a bay full of Collingwood supporters who were surprisingly quiet and well-behaved all match, however one Magpie gent did comment to me upon leaving "You're why I hate Melbourne supporters". Took that as a compliment.
  5. The Mansell outcome is very harsh. He's the new ANB or Chandler.
  6. Rivers can't get a game? Snap @speed demon Just to be clear - my preferred 23: B: May Tomlinson Lever Hibberd Salem Rivers McVee M: Gawn Grundy Oliver Petracca Viney Sparrow Brayshaw Langdon Hunter F: Petty JVR Fritsch ANB Chandler Pickett S: Jordon Look it's bad luck for Bowey, Spargo and Smith, just like it's bad luck for JJ. Harmes too.
  7. It's an attractive option but the question remains the same with this configuration - what's the total 22? As @speed demon posted above - you're going to need to leave someone vital out to achieve it - someone like Sparrow or Brayshaw. There's a lot of Petty in, Bowey in, Oliver in but not a lot of who out.
  8. That's all fine for the forward 7, but who goes out for Oliver? Please give me the 22 that this 7 fits in. I think you'll find a midfielder misses out that you want in.
  9. I said he should play midfield and I was therefore comparing him to those competing for a role in the midfield. You said you didn't have time to read the article on DE% I referred you too but you've persisted in making subsequent long posts. A little more listening and a little less talking and you might learn something.
  10. I don't think my post above is unfair at all.
  11. You seem to have enough time for multiple long posts though.
  12. Read this and then explain to me how the current measure of DE% has any credibility https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-01/afl-what-makes-a-good-kick-in-2023/102420562
  13. I'm not sure why you continually rely on DE% when it's been discredited.
  14. No I share your concern. Those turnovers and poor matching goals against were not good. I'm pretty sure @DeeSpencer agrees. With the current back 7 and even Bowey out of it there's no place for him there. He needs to play mid/wing and gives us depth and rotations there. He's an important cultural influence which is underated and he has the flexibility to plug a defensive or midfield injury hole in game. Is he better than Harmes and JJ? Just.
  15. I think if Tomlinson can continue yesterday's form, our structural issus are fixed. Petty comes in forward paired with JVR, with Smith as depth. And we don't rely on one of TMac and BBB who appear unlikely to get up.
  16. Smith out for Petty. Bowey, JJ, Spargo, Smith all unlucky. You can add Turner, Woewodin, Howes and Harmes. That's what you get with a good, fit list and it's a good problem to have.
  17. I agree with Brayshaw more wing. IMO he can't effectively play back with the current mix which is working well - May, Tomlinson, Lever, Hibberd, Salem, Rivers, McVee. Bad luck for Bowey.
  18. I actually agree with you that we have a weakness there, but Bowey doesn't solve it. I think we're too short overall still. Spargo needs to come out for Oliver. The Tomlinson and Hibberd combination worked fine in defence.
  19. And you reckon Langdon and Hunter are exposed for height on the wings!
  20. You mean the guy who gut ran in the last quarter to mark in front of goal and kicked a goal when everyone else was kicking points. That guy?
  21. Maybe a bit more Zeno than Descartes. Control the controlables.
  22. It will have a big impact on what you think about it though.
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